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Craft, Luxury[edit]

As Craft aptitude except for high value items like gems and jewelry. See Craft Aptitudes for more details.

Gem Cutting[edit]

Ability Intelligence
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained No
Concentration Yes

Description: You can cut a gem to augment its value, change slightly it's color or enhance certain qualities.

The added value of the item after it has been cut is half a purchase level. No gem can be worth more than the maximum purchase value for its category.

When changing the color of a gem, you can only make it lighter or darker. Consult the following table to know which color you can transform the gem. A gem that already had its color change cannot be change again into any color.

Lighter Color Original Color Darker Color
Dark Gray Black ---
Green Blue Purple
Orange Brown Black
--- Clear White
White Cream Yellow
Gray Dark Gray Black
Yellow Green Blue
Clear Gray Dark Gray
Yellow Orange Brown
Clear Pink Red
Blue Purple Black
Pink Red Brown
Green Turquoise Blue
Clear White Cream
Cream Yellow Orange


Item/Action Craft DC Value Modifier
Uncut Gems 15 + 1/2 Purchase level
Change color 20 -
Cut gems under average value 25 +1/2 Purchase level
Cut gems above average value 35 +1/2 Purchase level

Total Success: The gem value is increase by another half purchase level.

Total Failure: You ruin the gem. The gem loses half a purchase level of its value per rank of Total failure.

Action: Cutting a gem or changing its color takes 1 day.