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Every NPC have a specific attitude toward you. You can try to influence them, so they have a better reaction to your request. Attitude have different ranks, a positive ranks means that the NPC like you, a negative ranks means the NPC do not like you. Depending on your ranks, the NPC will act differently.

NPC attitudes are from the worst to the best:

Nemesis (-9 ranks or worst)

The NPC hate you so much that it will do everything possible to make you suffer or even kill you. Its hate for you is so profound that the NPC is ready to sacrifice everything he has in order to hinder you. He plan long time in advance his action against you.

Hostile (-6 to -8)

The NPC hates you and will try to hurt at every opportunity, but he will not seek you to harm you. He might want you dead, but only when interfering in his affair.

Unfriendly (-3 to -5)

The NPC Wishes you ill, but may not take direct action against you that can put him in danger. It will refuse to help you, insult you and even start gossip about you, but will attack you only if they are sure of victory and will seldom kill you.

Indifferent (-2 to +2)

The NPC doesn't much care about you. It will make socially expected interaction. This is generally the attitude of people that do not know you.

Friendly (+3 to +5)

The NPC wishes you well. It will help you if it does not hinder him in any way and will never put his life in danger.

Helpful (+6 to +9)

The NPC will take risks to help you in any way possible when asked.

Ally (+9 and better)

The NPC like you so much that it constantly seek your well being even when not asked anything.

Changing NPC attitude

To increase or decrease an NPC attitude toward you, you can try an Influence check. You must beat your opponent appropriate resistance with the following modifier depending on the NPC current attitude ranks.

Attitude Modifier
Indifferent 0
Friendly or Unfriendly 10
Helpful or Hostile 20
Ally or Nemesis 30

Convincing an NPC to do something for you

You must beat an NPC resistance to convince him to do something. You applied two different types of modifier to your check or the NPC resistance depending on the skill used.

Rank modifiers: The NPC current influence rank is a modifier for your skill. Influence modifiers: These modifiers depend on what you ask to the NPC, how much time it will take and the risk involve in the action.

Task Complexity Modifier
Very Easy No skill check 0
Easy Skill check DC 10 2
Average Skill check DC 15 4
Complex Skill check DC 20 8
Very complex Skill check over DC 20 16

Time to Complete Modifier
Less than a minute 0
Less than 10 minute 1
Less than 1 hour 2
Less than 1 day 4
Less than 1 week 8
Less than 1 month 16
Less than 1 year 32
More than a year 64

Risk Modifier
Not dangerous 0
Low risk 2
Medium risk 4
Dangerous (Physical Harm) 8
Deadly (NPC may die) 16
Suicidal (NPC will surely die) 32

Rewards You can also give a reward to the NPC if it’s complete the task to be done. Add the purchase level of the reward as a bonus to your check.


Ability Wisdom
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes; see below
Concentration No

Description: Compliment is your ability to pleased people that will want to help you. Pleasing to someone means complimenting the person, making jokes or any other actions that make you more sympathetic.

When dealing with people of the other sex, you can try to seduce them, doing so is often easier, but more risky.

Check: A Compliment check must beat your opponent Judgment in order to be effective.

Most people don’t mind receiving compliments, so influence modifiers are modifiers to the NPC Judgment resistance. But complimenting someone that does not like you is hard, ranks modifiers are applied to your checks making compliments made to people that do not like you more risky.

When trying to seduce someone of the opposite sex, both influence and ranks modifiers are modifiers to your Compliment checks, but you receive a +4 bonus to your attempt.

Total Failure: You have made an awkward compliment or a bad joke that hurt the NPC feelings and he loose one attitude rank towards you. Action: A Compliment check made as part of general interaction always takes at least a long action, but it can take much longer if you try something elaborate. Try Again: Yes, but for each failure, you have a cumulative -4 penalty to your next Influence check for the same matters with the same person. On a total failure, the NPC is too angry at you to be influence by you again on this matter.


Ability Intelligence
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes; see below
Concentration No

Description: Diplomacy is your skill to properly reason with an NPC to influence its reaction.

Check: Diplomacy checks must beats the NPC Wits resistance to influence him. With diplomacy, you take extra care not to hurt other people’s feelings. Both influence and ranks modifiers are modifiers to the NPC Wits resistance.

Total Failure: You have made an awkward comment that is not well received by the NPC and he loose one attitude rank towards you.

Action: A Diplomacy check made as part of general interaction always takes at least a long action, but it can take much longer if you try something elaborate.

Try Again: Yes, but for each failure, you have a cumulative -4 penalty to your next Influence check for the same matters with the same person. On a total failure, the NPC is too angry at you to be influence by you again on this matter.


Ability Charisma
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes; see below
Concentration No

Description: Inspire is your ability to make people confident in themselves or in yourselves. They will help you out of loyalty or because their help will make them better person.

Check: Inspire checks must beats the NPC Will resistance to influence him. Both influence and ranks modifiers are modifiers to the NPC Will resistance.

Total Failure: The NPC do not fell up to the task you ask for, he feel really bad he loose one attitude rank towards you because you ask too much out of him.

Action: An Inspire check made as part of general interaction always takes at least a long action, but it can take much longer if you try something elaborate.

Try Again: Yes, but for each failure, you have a cumulative -4 penalty to your next Influence check for the same matters with the same person. On a total failure, the NPC is too angry at you to be influence by you again on this matter.


Inspire Courage[edit]

You can also use your Inspire skill to increase someone moral. As a Long action, you can give a speech that will give a +1 moral bonus against fear to a maximum of one person per rank of Inspire.
Specialist: Targets now received a +2 moral bonus against fear.
Expert: Targets now received a +4 moral bonus against fear.
Master: Targets now received a +8 moral bonus against fear.