Like Influence, Manipulation is used to make NPC act in a certain way at your request. But manipulation used deception or threat to make NPC act accordingly to your wishes.
Ability | Intelligence |
Action | See below |
Armor Penalty | None |
Untrained | Yes |
Concentration | No |
Synergy: Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Interrogate, Sleight of Hand
Description: Bluff is your ability to lie to people so they can act according to your wishes.
Check: A Bluff check must beat your opponent Wits in order to be effective.
Nobody like to be lied to, so all modifiers, both rank and influence modifier, are penalties to your check making the NPC more prone to like you less by having more chances to have a total failure. A failure does not mean that the NPC have notice that you are lying, only that your lie does not have an effect on him. A total failure means that the NPC have discovered that you are lying to him.
Total Failure: Your opponent see through your lies and loose one attitude rank towards you.
Action: A Bluff check made as part of general interaction always takes at least a long action, but it can take much longer if you try something elaborate.
Try Again: Yes, but each failure makes the NPC more suspicious about your intention, you have a cumulative -4 penalty to your next Influence check for the same matters with the same person. On a total failure, the NPC is too angry at you to be influence by you again on this matter.
Diversion [Skill][edit]
- You can use the Bluff skill to create a diversion and help you use another skill without being notice. A successful Bluff check gives you the momentary diversion, a quick action, to attempt a skill check while people are aware of you without noticing you. This feat does not allow you to make an attack on a NPC, but this may allow you to prepare an attack.
- This feat is useful to Hide with people around or use Innuendo to send secret message.
- Specialist: The diversion allows you to make a short action.
- Expert: The diversion allows you to make a standard action.
- Master: The diversion allows you to make a long action.
Ability | Charisma |
Action | See below |
Armor Penalty | None |
Untrained | Yes; see below |
Concentration | No |
Description: This is your ability to make people do things out of fear from you.
Check: Nobody like being intimidated, both influence and rank modifiers are applied to your Intimidate checks. But intimidation works best against your enemies than your ally. The ranks modifier is reverse for this skill. A positive attitude is a penalty to your checks while a negative attitude is a bonus to your checks.
You gain a +4 bonus on your Intimidate check for every size category that you are larger than your target. Conversely, you take a -4 penalty on your Intimidate check for every size category that you are smaller than your target.
A character immune to fear can't be intimidated, nor can non-intelligent creatures.
Total Failure: The NPC hate being intimidate and he loose one attitude rank towards you.
Action: An Intimidate check made as part of general interaction always takes at least a long action, but it can take much longer if you try something elaborate.
Try Again: Yes, but for each failure, you have a cumulative -4 penalty to your next Influence check for the same matters with the same person. On a total failure, the NPC is too angry at you to be influence by you again on this matter.
- You can also use Intimidate to weaken an opponent's resolve in combat. To do so, make an Intimidate check against the target's Judgment resistance against fear. If you win, the target becomes shaken as long as you threaten him. A shaken character takes a -1 fear penalty on any action.
- Using this feat is a standard action.
- Specialist: Target becomes scared taking a -2 fear penalty to any actions.
- Expert: Target becomes frightened taking a -4 fear penalty to any actions.
- Master: Target becomes panicked taking a -8 fear penalty to any actions.
Ability | Wisdom |
Action | See below |
Armor Penalty | None |
Untrained | Yes; see below |
Concentration | No |
Description: Taunting is your ability to mock other to people so act out of recklessness to prove you are wrong.
Check: A Taunting check must beat your opponent Judgment in order to be effective.
Nobody likes to be taunted. Both rank and influence modifier, are penalties to your check.
Total Failure: Your opponent is upset by your taunting and he loose one attitude rank towards you.
Action: A Bluff check made as part of general interaction always takes at least a long action, but it can take much longer if you try something elaborate.
Try Again: Yes, but each failure makes the NPC more suspicious about your intention, you have a cumulative -4 penalty to your next Influence check for the same matters with the same person. On a total failure, the NPC is too angry at you to be influence by you again on this matter.