This is your aptitudes with artistic abilities through the expression of your body. You can perform your art and make a decent living, earning your ranks in wealth level per week of dedicated performance. Your perform ranks to determine your income is influenced a lot by the crowd attitude towards you.
Crowd attitude
Artist builds a reputation that follows them. A crowd that likes you can increase your revenue but a crowd that does not like you will give you less revenue. Attitude has different ranks; positive ranks means that the crowd likes you, negative ranks means the crowd does not like you. Depending on your ranks, the crowd will act differently.
Crowd attitudes are from the worst to the best:
Hateful (-9 ranks or worst)
- The crowd hate you so much that it will do everything possible so that you will not perform ever. While they won’t necessarily try to kill you, they will try to harm you enough so you’ll need to stop performing. The crowd will also try to start riots if they can’t hurt so nobody will want to see one of your performances again.
Hostile (-6 to -8)
- The crowd does not want to watch or listen to your performance and will take actions to interrupt you like throwing tomatoes, talking very loud while not taking care of you or simply leaving before the end. While they try to disturb you, they do not try to do physical harm. Do not expect applause at all.
Unfriendly (-3 to -5)
- The crowd does not like you. Applauses are rare and some people are hooting you in the crowd.
Indifferent (-2 to +2)
- The crowd doesn't much care about you. It will make socially expected interaction, like applauding at the end of your performance. This is generally the attitude of crowd that does not know you.
Friendly (+3 to +5)
- The crowd wishes you success and will applause during you performance and not necessarily waits at the end. Some people will want to talk to you after your performance to congratulate you.
Helpful (+6 to +9)
- People seek your performance out of your reputation. Most of the time, people won’t be able to get in the room you are performing and will have to wait another day to see you. People will applause after each part of your performance. Some people like you so much that that might gives you small gifts after your performance like flowers, wines, etc.
Fanatic (+9 and better)
- The crowd like you so much that people gathers hours before your performance to be sure to have a good place. During your performance, you are almost constantly being applause.
Changing crowd attitude
Before a performance, you can choose to try to please a crowd so it will like you more. This probably means adding new aspect to your performance that people will like. The performance DC you most beat to increase a crowd attitude depends on its current attitude.
Attitude | DC |
Indifferent | 10 |
Friendly or Unfriendly | 15 |
Helpful or Hostile | 20 |
Ally or Nemesis | 30 |
Your artistic reputation has an effect on the general population and their personal attitude toward you. You have a modifier to NPC’s attitude depending of a crowd attitude as follow:
Hateful | -4 penalty |
Hostile | -2 penalty |
Unfriendly | -1 penalty |
Indifferent | No modifier |
Friendly | +1 bonus |
Helpful | +2 bonus |
Fanatic | +4 bonus |
Ability | Charisma |
Action | See below |
Armor Penalty | None |
Untrained | No |
Concentration | Yes |
Proficiency: Keyboard, percussion, string, wind
Description: This is your ability to play a musical instrument.
Total Failure: The crowd lose one attitude ranks toward you.
Try Again: You cannot try to influence the crowd again for a whole week.
Ability | Charisma |
Action | See below |
Armor Penalty | None |
Untrained | No |
Concentration | Yes |
Proficiency: ballad, chant, melody, poesy.
Description: This is your ability to control your voice in an artistic way.
Total Failure: The crowd lose one attitude ranks toward you.
Try Again: You cannot try to influence the crowd again for a whole week.
Ability | Charisma |
Action | See below |
Armor Penalty | None |
Untrained | No |
Concentration | Yes |
Proficiency: Comedy, drama, mime, improvisation, buffoonery, joke-telling
Description: You are able to perform a role and make it believable.
Total Failure: The crowd lose one attitude ranks toward you.
Try Again: You cannot try to influence the crowd again for a whole week.
Ability | Charisma |
Action | See below |
Armor Penalty | None |
Untrained | No |
Concentration | Yes |
Proficiency: Each Dance style
Description: You are skill to move your body in an artistic fashion. Dance style includes but is not limited to ballet, waltz and jig.
Total Failure: The crowd lose one attitude ranks toward you.
Try Again: You cannot try to influence the crowd again for a whole week.