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Your ability to concentrate and focus on the task to be done.


Ability Constitution
Action Instantaneous Reaction
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes
Concentration No

Check: You must make a Concentration check whenever you might potentially be distracted (by taking damage, by harsh weather, and so on) while engaged in some action that requires your full attention. See concentration entry for skills description.

If the Concentration check succeeds, you may continue with the action as normal. If the check fails, the action is broken and automatically fails.

The table below summarizes various types of distractions that cause you to make a Concentration check. If more than one type of distraction is present, make a check for each one; any failed Concentration check indicates that the task is not completed.

Concentration DC Distraction
10 + damage dealt Damaged during the action.
10 + half of continuous Taking continuous damage during the damage last dealt action.
10 Vigorous motion (on a moving mount, taking a bouncy wagon ride, in a small boat in rough water, below decks in a storm tossed ship).
15 Violent motion (on a galloping horse, taking a very rough wagon ride, in a small boat in rapids, on the deck of a storm-tossed ship).
20 Extraordinarily violent motion (earthquake).
15 Entangled.
20 Grappling or pinned.
5 Weather is a high wind carrying blinding rain or sleet.
10 Weather is wind-driven hail, dust, or debris.

Total Failure: Same as the skill that ask for concentration.

Try Again: Yes, though a success doesn't cancel the effect of a previous failure, such as the loss of a spell you were casting or the disruption of a spell you were concentrating on.


Ability Charisma
Action One initiative category slower
Armor Penalty None
Untrained No
Concentration Yes

Description: You can concentrate the energy within you. This allows you to better control your body helping you to use some other skill. You can gain a bonus to a skill that asks for Strength, Dexterity or Constitution by concentrating on your Inner Ki before doing an action.

Check: Make a Ki check against the ranks of the skill you want to improved. If your check is successful, you receive a +2 circumstance bonus to your action.

There are two type of feats for this skill: Focus and trance. Focusing on a feat is a short action and the effect of the feat will last as long as you can keep a light concentration. Trance gets you into a deeper level and asks for total concentration and you most focus for a standard action before receiving the benefits of the feat.

Total Success: The bonus is doubled for each rank of total success. Total Failure: You receive a penalty to your next action equal to your rank of total failure.


Defensive Focus[edit]

By using your Ki, you can make your body alert of danger and make it react more quickly. You gain a +1 bonus on Defense resistance as long as you focus.
Specialist: You gain a +2 bonus.
Expert: You gain a +4 bonus.
Master: You gain a +8 bonus.

Healing Trance[edit]

You can enter into a trance where your body can more easily heal itself. For each hour of meditation, you gain 1 hit point.
Specialist: For each hour of meditation, you gain 2 hit points.
Expert: For each hour of meditation, you gain 4 hit points.
Master: For each hour of meditation, you gain 8 hit points.

Ki, Improved[edit]

Your bonus is increased to a +4 circumstance bonus.
Specialist: Your bonus is increased to a +8 circumstance bonus.
Expert: Your bonus is increased to a +16 circumstance bonus.
Master: Your bonus is increased to a +32 circumstance bonus.

Purging Focus[edit]

By using your Ki, you can prepare your body to fight poison, disease and other ailments. You gain a +1 bonus on Fortitude resistance as long as you focus.
Specialist: You gain a +2 bonus.
Expert: You gain a +4 bonus.
Master: You gain a +8 bonus.

Regenerative Trance[edit]

You can refocus your energy so your physical ability damage will heal faster. For each 8 hours of meditation, you heal of 1 point of physical ability damage.
Specialist: For each 8 hours of meditation, you heal of 2 point of physical ability damage.
Expert: For each 8 hours of meditation, you heal of 4 point of physical ability damage.
Master: For each 8 hours of meditation, you heal of 8 point of physical ability damage.

Resting Trance[edit]

You can remove one level of fatigue or exhaustion by meditating for an hour.
Specialist: You can remove 2 levels of fatigue or exhaustion by meditating for an hour.
Expert: You can remove 3 levels of fatigue or exhaustion by meditating for an hour.
Master: You can remove 4 levels of fatigue or exhaustion by meditating for an hour.

Stable Focus[edit]

By using your Ki, you can make you can ground yourself to and become more stable. You gain a +1 bonus on Stability resistance as long as you focus.
Specialist: You gain a +2 bonus.
Expert: You gain a +4 bonus.
Master: You gain a +8 bonus.

Timeless Body Focus[edit]

For as long as you concentrate, you ignore penalties to your ability scores because of old age.


Ability Charisma
Action One initiative category slower
Armor Penalty None
Untrained No
Concentration Yes

Description: You can focus on your inner energy. This allows you to clear your mind of everything except the task at hand. You can gain a bonus to a skill that asks for Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. You need to meditate before doing an action.

Check: Make a Meditation check against the ranks of the skill you want to improved. If your check is successful, you receive a +2 circumstance bonus to your action.

There are two type of using feats for this skill: Focus and trance. Focusing on a feat is a short action and the effect of the feat will last as long as you can keep a light concentration. Trance gets you into a deeper level and asks for total concentration and you most focus for a standard action before receiving the benefits of the feat.

Total Success: The bonus is doubled for each rank of total success.

Total Failure: You receive a penalty to your next action equal to your rank of total failure.


Alert Mind Focus[edit]

By using meditation, you can make you mind more alert to its surrounding. You gain a +1 bonus on Wits resistance as long as you focus.
Specialist: You gain a +2 bonus.
Expert: You gain a +4 bonus.
Master: You gain a +8 bonus.

Meditation, Improved[edit]

Your bonus is increased to a +4 circumstance bonus.
Specialist: Your bonus is increased to a +8 circumstance bonus.
Expert: Your bonus is increased to a +16 circumstance bonus.
Master: Your bonus is increased to a +32 circumstance bonus.

Regenerative Trance[edit]

You can refocus your energy so your mental ability damage will heal faster. For each 8 hours of meditation, you heal of 1 point of mental ability damage.
Specialist: For each 8 hours of meditation, you heal of 2 point of mental ability damage.
Expert: For each 8 hours of meditation, you heal of 4 point of mental ability damage.
Master: For each 8 hours of meditation, you heal of 8 point of mental ability damage.

Still Mind Focus[edit]

By using meditation, you can keep your mind clear of influences and doubt. You gain a +1 bonus on Judgment resistance as long as you focus.
Specialist: You gain a +2 bonus.
Expert: You gain a +4 bonus.
Master: You gain a +8 bonus.

Strong Mind Focus[edit]

By using meditation, you can keep your mind clear of influences and doubt. You gain a +1 bonus on Will resistance as long as you focus.
Specialist: You gain a +2 bonus.
Expert: You gain a +4 bonus.
Master: You gain a +8 bonus.