Your ability to make things appear differently or exactly like you want.
Ability | Charisma |
Action | See below |
Armor Penalty | None |
Untrained | No |
Concentration | No |
Proficiency: Race, Character Type (Guard, Noble, Beggar, etc), Age Category, Sex
Check: Your Disguise check DC is the passive Spot resistance of people seeing your disguise. Someone can actively try to see through your disguise with a Sense Motive checks.
If you are impersonating a particular individual, those who know what that person looks like get a bonus on their Spot resistance according to the table below.
Familiarity | Viewer's Spot Check Bonus |
Recognizes on sight | +4 |
Friends or associates | +6 |
Close friends | +8 |
Intimate | +10 |
Action: Disguise can take a long time if you want something very different from what you look like or can be quick if you only alter minor change. Minimum time for a disguise is 10 minutes, but most of the time it will take 30 minutes to put a disguise on. Very complexes disguise can take hours to do.
Try Again: Yes. You may try to redo a failed disguise, but once others know that a disguise was attempted, they'll be more suspicious. You suffer a -4 penalty for each retry.
Sharp eyes[edit]
- Your works with disguise make you recognize more easily disguised person giving you a +1 insight bonus to your passive Spot resistance against disguise.
- Specialist: You receive a +2 insight bonus.
- Expert: You receive a +4 insight bonus.
- Master: You receive a +8 insight bonus.
Escape Artist[edit]
Ability | Dexterity |
Action | Standard |
Armor Penalty | Maneuver |
Untrained | Yes |
Concentration | No |
Synergy: Use Rope (Bind)
Proficiency: Ropes, Manacles, Grapple, Tight Space, Straitjacket
Check: The table below gives the DCs to escape various forms of restraints.
Ropes: Your Escape Artist check is opposed by the binder's Use Rope check. Since it's easier to tie someone up than to escape from being tied up, the binder gets a +10 bonus on his or her check.
Manacles and Masterwork Manacles: The DC for manacles is set by their construction.
Tight Space: The DC noted on the table is for getting through a space where your head fits but your shoulders don't. If the space is long you may need to make multiple checks. You can't get through a space that your head does not fit through.
Grappler: You can make an Escape Artist check opposed by your enemy's grapple check to get out of a grapple or out of a pinned condition (so that you're only grappling).
!Restraint | Escape Artist DC |
Ropes Binder's | Use Rope check at +10 |
Net | 20 |
Snare spell | 30 |
Manacles | 30 |
Tight space | 30 |
Masterwork manacles | 35 |
Grappler | Grappler's stability |
Total Failure: You cannot retry to escape for 1 hour per rank of total failure.
Try Again: You can make another check after a failed check if you're squeezing your way through a tight space, making multiple checks. If the situation permits, you can make additional checks, or even take 20, as long as you're not being actively opposed.
Ability | Intelligence |
Action | See below |
Armor Penalty | None |
Untrained | No |
Concentration | Yes |
Proficiency: Specific Type of Document and Specific Handwriting (Mayor of a particular city, etc)
Check: The Forgery check is made secretly, so that you're not sure how good your forgery is. Your Forgery check DC is the passive Spot resistance of the persons who examines the document to check its authenticity.
A document that contradicts procedure, orders, or previous knowledge, or one that requires sacrifice on the part of the person checking the document can increase that character's suspicion (and thus create favorable circumstances for the checker's resistances).
Restriction: Forgery is language-dependent; thus, to forge documents and detect forgeries, you must be able to read and write the language in question.
Action: 2 minutes per page.
Try Again: Usually, no. A retry is never possible after a particular reader detects a particular forgery. But the document created by the forger might still fool someone else. The result of a Forgery check for a particular document must be used for every instance of a different reader examining the document. No reader can attempt to detect a particular forgery more than once; if that one opposed check goes in favor of the forger, then the reader can't try using his own skill again, even if he's suspicious about the document.
Sharp eyes[edit]
- Your works with forgery make you recognize more easily fake documents giving you a +1 insight bonus to your passive Spot resistance against forgery.
- Specialist: You receive a +2 insight bonus.
- Expert: You receive a +4 insight bonus.
- Master: You receive a +8 insight bonus.
Sleight of Hand[edit]
Ability | Dexterity |
Action | Standard |
Armor Penalty | Maneuver |
Untrained | Yes; see below |
Concentration | No |
Proficiency: Legerdemain, Pick-Pocket, Hide item.
Description: You are very agile with your hand. You can make legerdemain tricks, pick-pocket someone or you can hide an item on yourself.
Check: A DC 10 Sleight of Hand check lets you palm a coin-sized, unattended object. Performing a minor feat of legerdemain, such as making a coin disappear, also has a DC of 10 unless an observer is determined to note where the item went.
When you use this skill under close observation, your skill check DC is the passive Spot resistance of observers. The observer's success doesn't prevent you from performing the action, just from doing it unnoticed.
You can hide a small object (including a light weapon or an easily concealed ranged weapon, such as a dart, sling, or hand crossbow) on your body. Your Sleight of Hand check DC is the Spot passive resistance of anyone observing you or the Search check of anyone frisking you. In the latter case, the searcher gains a +4 bonus on the Search check, since it's generally easier to find such an object than to hide it. An extraordinarily small object, such as a coin, shuriken, or ring, grants you a +4 bonus on your Sleight of Hand check to conceal it, and heavy or baggy clothing (such as a cloak) grants you a +2 bonus on the check.
Drawing a hidden weapon is a standard action and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.
If you try to take something from another creature, you must make a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check to obtain it. You must also beat the opponent passive Spot resistance or your opponent will notices the attempt, regardless of whether you got the item.
You can also use Sleight of Hand to entertain an audience as though you were using the Perform skill. In such a case, your "act" encompasses elements of legerdemain, juggling, and the like.
Sleight of Hand DC | Task |
10 | Palm a coin-sized object, make a coin disappear |
20 | Lift a small object from a person |
Untrained: When used untrain, Sleight of Hand can only be used to hide an object.
Try Again: Yes, but after an initial failure, a second Sleight of Hand attempt against the same target suffer form a cumulative -4 penalty.