Oison McMurray

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Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Level: 3rd
XP: 4,000
HP: 26
AC: 14
Attack Bonus: +2

STR: 13 (+1 to melee attacks and damage)
INT: 10
WIS: 11
DEX: 13 (+1 to initiative, armor class, & missile attacks)
CON: 13 (+1 HP per HD)
CHR: 7 (-1 to reaction and loyalty rolls)

Special Abilities
+10% to earned XP (racial bonus for humans)

Saving Throws
Death Ray/Poison: 11
Magic Wands: 12
Paralysis/Petrification: 14
Dragon Breath: 15
Spells: 16

Belt Pouch
Rations, dry (1 week)
Flint & Steel
Torches, 6
Short Bow (1d6 damage)
Quiver w/ 20 arrows
Longsword (1d8+1 damage)
Leather Armor
1 GP, 9 SP, 10 CP

Oison was a member of a local militia/border patrol on the edge of the wilderlands. He was good at his job, but never (to his mind) received his due, either in terms of accolades or monetary reward. Of course, his bitter temperament might have had something to do with that, but he would argue that him always getting shorted what he felt should be rightfully his is why he's so surly and harsh of tongue.

He's left the militia, and has determined to strike out on his own, perhaps banding with some likewise-minded individuals who can see his worth. Adventuring can't be that difficult, after all, right? His short term goals involve getting enough gold to afford better armor, upgrading to a longbow, and perhaps acquiring a shield, in that order.