Old and New Character Fugitive Unknown
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Name: Philip "Ghost" Walters Type: Altered Human Affiliations: Solo d6, Buddy d8, Team d10
Distinctions Close to the breaking point Superhero Nerd Being dead sure is lonely
Powers Etheric Influence *Posession d12 Telepathy d6 Cold Influence d6 Telekinetic Influence d6 Psychic Attack d6 SFX - Afflict - Add d6 and step up effect die when adding a control complication SFX - Unleash - Step up or double any die for one action. If it fails, add a doom pool die = to the rating of the power. Philip can do great things when he lets loose. He's also very SCARY when he lets loose. Limitation - Exclusivity - Possession disables Ghostly Form till relinquished. All physical stress on the target is taken as emotional stress on ghost if the subject is sentient.
* - Works like mind control, only it works on machines and animals, but only one thing at a time. Ghost becomes the thing he possesses, which effectively disables his Ghostly Form power suite.
Ghostly Form Insubstantial d12 Invisibility d12 Fly d6 Physic Senses d8 SFX - Invulnerable - Spend a plot point to ignore and physical stress or trauma not mystic in nature. SFX - Multipower - May use multiple powers to defend in a reaction at -1 step Limit - Uncontrolled - It's always on. Gain a plot point when this is an issue cause he's invisible/can't touch anything. Limit - Unique - Animals and certain mystic or psychic senses ignore invisibility. Gain a pp when this becomes a problem (animals DO NOT like him either)
Expertise Menace (Expert) Psyche (Expert) Ghost's expertise is a recently acquired thing, earned in crash courses through sifting through peoples and machine's heads. Ghost knows a fair amount about superheros and computers and magic from recent personal experience, but not really enough to justify an expertise. He's learning rapidly though.
Milestones "Superhero? I guess I am technically an Ex-Man". 1 Ghost uses his powers to aid people like a real "live" superhero 3 Ghost is actually praised as a good member of the team 10 Ghost becomes a publicly known superhero, idolized by the masses
BLACK MAGIC 1 XP the first time hostile magic (or a magic-derived threat) appears in a scene. 3 XP when you stress out OR are stressed out by hostile magic or a magic-derived threat. 10 XP when you either destroy [redacted]'s presence in New York OR when you take control of them.
Nothing, nothing, nada. No sound, no sight. The most perceptive people can hear his voice in their heads, or sense a slight distortion in the air. Those with really powerful mental senses, or those who he telepathically projects his image to, see a rather average caucasian teenage kid of average height wearing blue jeans, a black lantern t-shirt, and a bomber jacket (another birthday gift). When he's using telepathy or a psychic attack on someone, their perception of him can change rapidly, getting scary and more menacing, particularly if he uses unleash.
Four years ago, my parents moved from San Fransisco, population awesome, to, nowheresville Nebraska, population 70. I shit you not, 70. Basically, the economy crashed, so they moved somewhere cheap and telecommuted. Just the economy, but you have no idea how out of place I felt. My middle school had 40 students in it! We had DIAL UP for bogs sake. My parents aren't rich, but they ARE cool, even if they did basically strange my social life. Finally, people my own age, possibly ones who don't think that 4Chan is a part of the 4H club.
I was practicing for my driving test. Sure, I had a learners permit, but the big abandoned airforce base is essentially a giant empty parking lot, so I couldn't have hit anything if I tried. I was out late, driving around the big old hangers and having a lot of fun, when a spot light hit my car. I got blinded for a sec. I was about to turn away from the building when I saw a bright flash and felt... weird. Then I was very disorientated and thrown clear of the car. I couldn't DO anything but float. I wasn't really thinking anything for a while, but I could see and remember. I remember they had weird biohazard suits with stars on the side. I'm pretty sure they torched the car, because I got to see my body in the morgue. It was pretty burnt.
It took me a few days before I could think again, and I went a little crazy after that. It hurt seeing my parents and siblings cry at the funeral. Even those two kids from my class who came I hardly knew. I'd seen that Swayze movie, and I know I'm not going to be here that long. I hung out for a few days around my parents place.. tried to send em all good vibes, say goodbye. My mom reacted to my presence, and had a... weird talk with my dad about me being there that lead to a psychologist. My cat went so nuts when I was around they were talking about having it put down. I left. I really didn't want to put my family through more pain. So I decided to give pain to those guy who killed me.
Frustration and a lot of experimentation allowed me to figure out how my powers work.. sort of. It's a good thing I've read a lot of comics. I can read thoughts, but its not a natural or easy thing to communicate, and most people freak out when you start talking inside their head. Its not perfect - it takes effort to read thoughts or I can also cool the air and with supreme effort, move small objects. Whoopee. The only real scary power is possession. I.. I don't think I want to talk about that. Its glorious - like being alive again... but there's this... wrongness about it.
Thankfully, I can possess computers as well. That's.. not nearly as fun, and leaves me with this buzzing in my head, but it lets me surf the internet. I learned a little about the star thing - there's some internet conspiracy theories about labs and star groups. It was the same sort of rooms where I heard about this psychic who deals with spirits. So I told her I was on my way and hopped on a plane to London... I'll bet she thinks I'm some troll crank.
Normally, Philip is pretty shy and introverted, and a bit of a superhero geek. Six months of being dead has forced him to be a bit more direct - he's bored, lonely and starting to lose it. Since no one can hear him unless he shouts into their head, he tends to babble snark or commentary, having long since turned off his brain/voice filter. He gets a scary when he's angry or scared now - he's not sure if this is just from stress or some side effect of being a ghost. He'd prefer to be a good guy and has strong moral convictions, and is somewhat guilty about using his possession power. He's worried about getting addicted to it - being possessed is usually not a pleasant experience for the target. There's touches of spectre in every ghost too.
Phil is effectively a ghost thanks to a very odd malfunctioning Star Tech "death ray" they were testing out. He doesn't really exist on the physical plane, and is seemingly immune to injury (as well as cold, hunger, breathing ext) though magical effects will hurt like hell, possibly discorporate him or worse. In addition to a host of minor ghostly powers, Hhil can possess things. He regularly possesses computers (its how he found whisper). Possessed animals and humans retain no long term memory of his possession, but frequently have a sense of disorientation and fear when they wake up. Ghost tries not to possess living creatuers unless someone's going to get hurt... or if he can't stand not feeling anything anymore (he prefers sleeping targets for this - he just eats a sandwich or something and goes back to bed - no foul).
Note that most ghosts have difficulty learning new things and are tied to a specific area or person they knew, and most have difficulty manifesting in the day. Most are mere fragments of their former personality, with little volition or will. The powerful ones tend to be spectres or dead psychics. Phil is an extremly powerful ghost, thanks to the Star Chamber Etheric separator.