On Ogres and Halflings

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Ogres, although sometimes aggressive and uncultured, are not intrinsically evil. Rather, they are isolationist and rightfully fearful of societies that would see them just as monsters. Still, ogres sometimes partner with halflings as travel companions, finding mutual benefit in their association.

"You see, the tall and short of it is that halflings and ogres are kind of made for each other. Not every ogre is evil; rather, some just want to live their lives doing ogre stuff like eating pigs, caber tossing and such other games. But when you look like an ogre, it's hard to venture out without adventurers trying to kill you and villagers screaming. You try going to town to get a skinning knife when you are nine feet tall. Meanwhile, halflings are pretty savvy about things and realize that having such a large and menacing being with them is bound to dissuade bandits and other such things. It's a perfectly logical relationship; ogres are smart enough to know that having halflings around mean they only have to pick the fights they want, while halflings realize that having an ogre with them is a great motivator for many things.

"And both halflings and ogres have a fondness for well-cooked meals, something which gives them common ground. Say what you will about ogres, they all know how to cook." - Otto Higgenbotham, halfling merchant and friend to Chork

"Chork like Otto. Otto talk fancy and stop shiny men killing Chork when we go town to buy cakes. Otto small, so Chork help Otto cross rivers and reach high things. Also Chork cut open big things that eat Otto. Otto and Chork like pig." - Chork, ogre 'merchant' and friend to Otto Higgenbotham.
