Once more with feeling/Logs/Small Group/In Denandsor/Anshu and Solitary Talon (about transport)
(02/10/09 16:07:45) Anshu: After the miasma dissipates and the soldiers and refugees have begun the process of reclaiming the city and its wonders, Anshu approaches Solitary Talon. "Might I have a moment of your time?"
(02/10/09 16:10:03) Solitary Talon: "If you must." Solitary Talon answers, rising from where she is lounging with her lovers and leading Anshu through to her newly claimed office, where she indicates a low wooden chair for him to sit in. "What do you want?"
(02/10/09 16:16:43) Anshu: "Well, to begin, I want to apologize for how hostile I've been acting toward you. I disagree with you, but that's no excuse for allowing myself to be drawn into the fights Dhiren starts as a participant and not a peacemaker."
(02/10/09 16:38:35) Solitary Talon: She nods coldly, taking the luxurious chair on her side of the desk. As she sits, a beam of sunlight hits the back of her head, haloing around her long violet hair.
(02/10/09 16:49:03) Anshu: Anshu continues, "The second thing is that I've heard your lieutenants discovered some rather large airships, apparently still functional. I would like to ask if I could charter them, to bring some people to the city."
(02/10/09 16:52:13) Solitary Talon: Solitary Talon laughs somewhat scornfully, her violet ponytail waving in the slight breeze. From where Anshu sits, an apple can be seen dropping off a tree through the open window. "And why in the names of all the Incarnae do you think I would be willing to allow you to charter them?"
(02/10/09 16:59:24) Anshu: Unfazed by her near-dismissal, Anshu answers. "Several reasons. First, the people I'm planning to bring here are primarily farmers. Being able to grow our own food means we aren't dependent on outsiders - and until word reaches the rest of the world that there are people in Denandsor again, nobody is going to be coming here to sell supplies to us anyway. Second, these are the people I was watching over before all of this began; I feel responsible for them, and now that we've taken Denandsor I think this is the safest place for them. As someone with your own group of mortals to look after, I'm sure you can sympathize. And finally, because bringing them here will help stabilize our rule here. A population composed entirely of traumatized refugees and hardened soldiers is not very conducive to public order."
(02/10/09 17:17:36) Solitary Talon: "Wrong. The traumatized refugees you insist on coddling are not conducive to public order. My troops have excellent discipline, and they are well aware that disturbances will cost them their privileges." Solitary Talon replies coldly. "Also, I fail to see how bringing a bunch of peasants who can't take care of themselves here benefits me." The Zenith looks thoughtful for a moment. "Unless you've suddenly decided to adopt slavery, and are willing to sell them to me?"
(02/10/09 17:31:24) Anshu: "I did not mean to insult your troops' discipline. But in any group there are hotheads, and the fact remains that the two groups are a potentially volatile combination, especially since I have been training the refugees for battle themselves - which is hardly the action of someone who intends to coddle them. As for how bringing the farmers here will benefit you, I already explained the issue of food - even we Exalts have to eat, after all - but I will also make a deal with you. For the next 4 years after they arrive, anything they harvest in excess of the city's needs will be yours, to sell or do whatever you please with."
(02/10/09 17:43:15) Solitary Talon: "Regardless of whether or not you 'intended' to insult my troops' discipline, the fact of the matter is that you *did*. But I will suggest a compromise: keep your mortal weaklings out of my soldiers' way and I will make sure they are not sought out to be taught their proper place." She says arrogantly. "Also, I want the excess harvest for 10 years, and a small percentage of the townsfolk for training to serve in my army's pleasure tents."
(02/10/09 17:57:37) Anshu: "I'll give you the excess harvest for 7 years, but the 'pleasure tents' are right out," Anshu counters.
(02/10/09 18:14:41) Solitary Talon: "No. 10 years of the excess harvest with no townsfolk for the pleasure tents, *or* 6 years without." Solitary Talon quickly retorts.
(02/10/09 18:26:35) Anshu: "10 years of excess harvest, and no pleasure tents," Anshu agrees grudgingly after several more minutes of haggling. "Shall we draw this up as a formal contract and have Ziyad sanctify it?"
(02/10/09 18:31:42) Solitary Talon: "Hmmm. That would probably be for the best, but I want any formal contract to explicitly state that my troops have the right to search the farmers' houses for evidence of violation, and seize them for trial if such evidence is found. The punishment would, of course, be getting forced into training for the pleasure tents."
(02/10/09 18:37:45) Anshu: "I would think enforcement matters would be left up to Ziyad, and whatever we institute as far as courts and police forces go," Anshu says. "Not to mention my desire to avoid the consequences of breaking a sanctified oath," he adds.
(02/10/09 18:42:03) Solitary Talon: "Yes, but this is a private agreement between you as the lord and master of the peasants in question, and me as provider of the transport to bring them here. There is no need to involve Ziyad more than is necessary." Solitary Talon replies. "As for courts, my suggestion would be to have you, a neutral third party, and I serving as jury. And what sanctified oath?"
(02/10/09 18:44:45) Anshu: "Were we not going to have Ziyad use his power as an Eclipse bind us to the terms of this contract?"
(02/10/09 18:46:22) Solitary Talon: "Oh, I see. My mistake; I had thought you had been meaning some other oath entirely."
(02/10/09 18:56:08) Anshu: "Ah, no. Your idea of a tribunal strikes me as a good one, but putting your soldiers solely in charge of enforcement strikes me as a poor one. I believe it would be better to establish a neutral force with members from both groups to enforce the agreement. As for the punishment involved for trying to cheat the agreement... I would just as soon leave it up to be decided by the tribunal in each individual case."
(02/10/09 19:01:23) Solitary Talon: Solitary Talon leans forward, eyes glinting. "No. I've already granted you a concession in just having the ten years of excess harvest. You can have a neutral group doing enforcement duty, or have punishment left to the tribunal. Pick one."
(02/10/09 19:04:36) Anshu: "Assuming for a moment that I chose to have neutral enforcers, how long would violators be sentenced to the pleasure tents for?" Anshu asks.
(02/10/09 19:08:02) Solitary Talon: "A length of time decided by the tribunal based on the degree of violation, but not less than one year seems suitable to me."
(02/10/09 19:15:27) Anshu: Anshu sits back and sighs. "All right. Neutral enforcers, then."
(02/10/09 19:22:04) Solitary Talon: Solitary Talon smiles nastily. "Very reasonable of you. Now, I suggest we make the enforcement group 5 Dragons strong, and have them patrol in Talons."
(02/10/09 19:40:11) Anshu: "Please don't insult me. They should patrol in Fangs, evenly split between your people and mine. As for the overall size of the force, I'd say start it out as a single large Dragon - around 1300 people - and if we need to expand from there, we can."
(02/10/09 19:43:55) Solitary Talon: "Why shouldn't I? Your friends seem to think it's appropriate to threaten me every chance they get."
(02/10/09 19:51:23) Anshu: "Because I do not control them. I have apologized to you for my past actions, and I have been treating you with respect. I ask that you do the same. Regardless of how or to whom we were born, we are both Zeniths now." His caste mark glows suddenly on his forehead, underscoring his point.
(02/10/09 20:16:36) Solitary Talon: "And do you also have no influence over them?" Solitary Talon asks acidly, pointedly ignoring the rest of his statement.
(02/10/09 20:24:35) Anshu: "Some influence, yes. I will do my best to persuade them not to harass you, and to give you the respect you deserve as an Exalt. But if they are to stay persuaded, you must return the respect that we give you. It is a reciprocal relationship."
(02/10/09 20:29:20) Solitary Talon: "Indeed. Or are you so blind as to not ask yourself *why* I do not respect them?" Solitary Talon retorts, voice dripping with scorn.
(02/10/09 20:44:56) Anshu: "Because Dhiren is extremely passionate in his hatred for slavery, which leads him to disrespect and sometimes threaten you, and Nuwa and I get caught up in his emotions and tend to follow his lead, although usually with more restraint than he shows," Anshu answers.
(02/10/09 20:59:32) Solitary Talon: "And you are also incapable of teaching Dhiren restraint?"
(02/10/09 21:09:17) Anshu: "Incapable? No, I do not think so. Although with so much happening, I have not had the time. I will do my best to make time, however."
(02/10/09 21:38:32) Solitary Talon: "You have not had the time. We have been riding for three and a half months, and you have had no time to try teaching him restraint? I see." Solitary Talon is pointedly bland.
(02/10/09 21:49:06) Anshu: "Well, perhaps I did have the time, even on top of my efforts teaching the refugees to fight. But there the two of you stayed apart during the march, and I knew he was spending most of his time with Nuwa. I thought perhaps she was helping him learn restraint. With the benefit of hindsight..." He shrugs. "But still, we have entertained this tangent long enough. Let us back to the point at hand."
(02/10/09 21:55:18) Solitary Talon: She shrugs. "Fine."
(02/10/09 22:07:00) Anshu: He leans forward in his chair and holds her gaze steadily. "So, my proposal: a large Dragon of 1300 people, broken up into Fang-sized patrols and evenly split between your people and mine. It prevents either of our factions from gaining an unfair advantage over the other."
(02/10/09 22:10:27) Solitary Talon: Solitary Talon shrugs again. "Scale-sized patrols and you have a deal." Her right hand moves to press a bell, summoning one of her aides.
(02/10/09 22:12:59) Anshu: "Why so large a patrol? Surely half a dozen or so men and women should be sufficient."
(02/10/09 22:16:14) Solitary Talon: "Less chance of your mortals becoming corrupt and letting violations pass."
(02/10/09 22:25:53) Anshu: Anshu frowns a bit, but nods curtly. "Very well. Scale-sized patrols it is." I suppose she has a point about farmers not wanting to turn each other in. But I'm more worried about what will happen if her soldiers let the power go to their heads. Still, the increase in patrol size ought to work both ways.
(02/10/09 22:28:28) Solitary Talon: When the aide arrives, Solitary Talon instructs the woman to fetch her secretary and send a runner to request Ziyad's presence.