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Onyx (Starting Character)[edit]

PL 10; PP 160 ; HP 5

Abilities: [32 pp] Str 20, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 15

Saves: Dmg +9 (+2 +7 Super Con) ((+5 Prt)), Fort +9 (+2 +7 Super Con), Ref +2, Will +1

Combat: [36 pp] Attack: Melee +13, Ranged +10, Mental +9 Defense: 18, Mental 17 Init +2; Run 30/60/120; Size Medium

Skills: [19 pp—2 ranks per] Bonus: Str +9, Dex +2, Con +9, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +2 Acrobatics +4 (2), Balance +3 (1), Bluff +2, Climb +15, Computers +6 (4), Disable Device +5 (3), Drive +4 (1), Hide +4 (2), Intimidate +15, Jump +15, Listen +3 (2), Move Silently +3 (1), Science: Biochemistry +7 (5), Science: Biophysics +7 (5), Search +4 (2), Sense Motive +3 (2), Spot +3 (2), Swim +15, Taunt +2

Feats: [2 pp] Improved Critical (Punch)

Powers: [71 pp]

  • Super Strength +10 [Extras: Protection +5; Flaw: Drammen Side Effect; Cost 4 pp; Total 35 pp]
  • Super Constitution +7 [Cost 4; Total 28]
  • Immobility +4 [Cost 1, Total 4]
  • Immunity +4 Critical Hits, Breathing, High Pressure [see House rules; Cost 1, Total 4]

Trade Off: Max. Base Defense -2; Max. Damage Save +2

Flaws: [-10 pp] Secret 10 pp


Public Knowledge

Sarah Abiade (“born of royal parents”) Drexel is the only child of Asabi (“she is of choice birth”) Kokumo (“this one will not die”) and Verner Drexel.

Born in Beira, Mozambique she lived there until she was thirteen. Her father who was a doctor in virology had met her mother, a geneticist, during a Disease management conference. Together they traveled around Africa to assist the WHO. They later moved her to Kalmar, Sweden where Sarah finished high school by her sixteenth birthday. Soon before her graduation her father died in an accident while visiting South Africa. Folowing this tragedy, her mother moved to Boston to live with immigrant relatives.

At age seventeen Sarah was accepted at MIT. She began studies into Biological studies and recently received her B.A. She was beginning to plan for her graduate program and looking at her finances when she was invited to meet for a job interview with a private benefactor interested in her skills.

Private Knowledge

Her father and mother went to Sweden to “escape” Mozambique. From what Sarah is unsure. She’s heard hints of problems within the WHO and affiliated groups that her parents had looked into. Her parents possessed Bloodliner powers and used those abilities to help others.

Sarah began to discover her own abilities when they moved. She discussed her growing powers with her parents who were both pleased and afraid that they had manifested. Both parents made her aware of the science involved with her powers, prompting her to further her studies into biology.

Her father left for Africa again when an old friend asked for his help. Her mother begged him not to go, but he could not let this person down. He told her mother to stay and protect Sarah and leave Sweden if anything was to happen to him. She was given contact names in America where they would be safe. Her father was later found dead in a remote area of Mozambique. The hapless local authorities labeled it an automotive accident-- his car colliding with a fuel tanker that had pulled over to fix a flat tire. Sarah's mother moved them as soon as she heard the news.

When she arrived in Massachusetts and made it into MIT Sarah focused her studies and secretly began to analyze the genetic physics, chemistry and engineering of the “Super” genome using her own cell samples to do so. She took samples from others wherever and whenever possible both normal and “super” alike. Her goal is to understand the how’s and why’s of the genetic differences and try to classify them beyond their given “Named” technique.

She has decided, against her mother’s wishes, to use her powers to help others and those in need. She feels that she was gifted with her abilities for a reason and to let them sit by and waste would be a sin. And although this killed her father , she believes he would be proud of her.

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