Opend20: Saving-Throws

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Saving Throws[edit]

The three core d20 saving throws remain unchanged. However, with the absence of nominal characteristics, saving throws take on additional importance.

Saving throws are purchased just like skills, however they cost two points instead of one. Synergy rules still apply, so, for example, once a character pays ten character points to receive a fort of 5, it automatically jumps to 6 because of the synergy.

Finally, 'specialisations' can be brought at a cost of only 1 character point. Synergy applies to the specialisations as well as the main saving throw, so if a character has 5 points of spell resistance and 5 points of will save, they actually end up with 7 points of each because of synergy. As with all skills, no more than (four plus character level) ranks can be brought in any saving throw or specialisation.

  • Fortitude saves replace all forms of consitution checks. Fortitude is also used (along with althletics and size) to determine (type of) strength. Examples of specialisations for Fortitude include Poison Resistance.

  • Reflex saves replace all forms of dexterity checks. Reflex is also used (along with base combat score, size and weapon) to determine initiative rank. Examples of specialisations include bullet-dodging

  • Will saves replace all charisma checks for 'presence'. Will is important in most types of magic resistance. Examples of specialisations for Will include Spell Resistance