Order of Aecus 13th Age/Duncaho
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Level: 1
STR: 16 +3 (14+2) [6]
CON: 14 +2 [6]
DEX: 14 +2 [6]
INT: 10 +0 [2]
WIS: 10 +0 [2]
CHA: 16 +3 (14+2) [6]
AC: 20 (17 + Level + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis)
Physical Defense: 14 (10+ Level + middle mod of Str/Dex/Con)
Mental Defense: 16 (12+ Level + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha)
HP: 30 (3 x [8+Con])
- Quick to fight: roll initiative twice (free)
- 1-Hander: bastard sword
- Further backgrounding: +3 to backgrounds
Recovery Dice: 1d10/level +2
Recoveries: 9 (+1 from Bastion)
Initiative: +3 (Dex + Level)
One Unique Thing: Son of Connorwyn The Dark, Crusader's greatest Anti-Paladin, who later reformed
Icon Relationships: Crusader (negative, weak) [1], Diabolist (positive, weak) [1], Great Gold Wyrm (conflicted, weak) [1] (3 points)
Backgrounds (6 points): Three tours with a Mercant Ship 2, Lieutenant in a Mercenary Company 3, Hedge Knight 4
Long Term Motive: To undo all the evil caused by his father
Gear: breastplate, chainmail, bastard sword, shield, longbow, warhorse
Paladin Melee Attack
- At-will
- Attack: +4 (+4 smite evil)
- Hit: D10+3 (+d12 smite evil)
- Miss: damage equal to your level (half damage when smiting evil)
Paladin Ranged Attack
- At-will
- Attack: 3 vs. AC
- Hit: D8+2
- Miss: --
Smite Evil (free)
- You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (for example, Charisma of 16 or 17 = 3 uses). As a free action before you make a melee attack roll, say that the attack smites evil. Add +1d12 damage to the attack AND deal half damage if the attack misses.
- First, you gain one recovery per tier: +1 at 1st level, another at 4th level, a third at 7th level. Second, once per battle when a nearby ally is hit by an attack, you can choose to suffer half of that damage instead of your ally. You don’t get any damage resistance or temporary hit points or other tricks: you literally suffer half the damage your ally would have suffered.
- You are immune to fear and the non-damage effects of attacks that have the fear keyword. Any damage dealt to you by such attacks is halved. You have a +2 attack bonus against any monster that has a fear ability or that is stupid enough to use a fear attack against you or your allies. (GM: If the paladin encounters a creature with a fear effect, tell the player up front.)
Paladin’s Challenge
- Once per battle as you attack an enemy with a melee attack, challenge that enemy. Until the end of your next turn (or until you are unconscious!), both you and the enemy have a -4 attack penalty against all other targets.
GM Note: If the Paladin runs or teleports away from the enemy after using the ability, feel free to ignore it. The Paladin needs to confront the creature they have challenged.
Duncaho was born in a coastal village and was raised by his single mom, Bryvaughn. Whenever he would ask about his father, she would answer that he was dead and say no more. The village folk also refused to talk about Duncaho’s father and eventually the boy stopped asking. When Duncaho was 15, Bryvaughn died. With nothing left for him in the village, the boy found a position in a merchant vessel and embarked on a life of sailing the seas. His only memento of his mother, a shell pendant she wore each and every day since he had known her.
Six years went by and one day, while offloading some goods in another village, Duncaho witnessed a group of mercenaries harassing the villagers. Without a thought for himself, Duncaho leapt to the defense of the innocent villagers. Duncaho put up a good fight, but he was outnumbered and outskilled. However, before the sellswords could kill him, another group of mercenaries arrived and dispatched them. Impressed with the attitude and raw talent of Duncaho, the leader of the second group of mercenaries, Captain Rognar, a particularly ethical soldier of fortune, offered the young man a place in his company. Duncaho accepted and during the next four years, rose quickly through the ranks, becoming a lieutenant.
One day, while spending the night in an out o fthe way town, the company found itself attacked by Connorwyn The Dark and his ravagers. The villain had information that the town was the base of a diabolist cult. Most of the mercenaries were swiftly cut down and Duncaho ended up confronting Connorwyn himself. The anti-paladin easily disarmed Duncaho and was about to deliver the final blow when he saw the shell pendant. The sight brought back long-forgotten memories of Connorwyn’s life before serving the Crusader, especially of his wife, Bryvaughn. Connorwyn tore the pendant from Duncaho’s neck, demanding to know where he had found it. Duncaho replied that it belonged to his mother and Connorwyn realized the young man before him was his son, whose existence Bryvaughn had concealed from him. The knowledge that he had an heir changed something inside the anti-paladin. He stopped the attack and sent his ravagers away, sparing the town and the lives of the surviving mercenaries, including Rognar.
Connorwyn revealed who he was to Duncaho and the young man, already horrified at finally knowing the truth about his father, was taken aback when Connorwyn asked him to join him in a journey. Against all sense – and Rognar’s pleas – Duncaho accepted and spent the following six months learning the history of his father and training under Connowrwyn, who repented from his life of evil. But the Crusader would never let his greatest anti-paladin desert and sent a small ravager army to capture him and kill anyone who stood in the way. Knowing there was no way he could protect Duncaho in the coming fight, Connorwyn convinced Duncaho to leave and find help. Unsuccessful in his mission, Duncaho returned to find the ravager army slaughtered and his father at death’s door. With his last breath, Connorwyn asked his son to lead a different life than he had, to dedicate himself to good. Duncaho swore and held his father as his spirit left his now lifeless body.
That was three years ago. Today, Duncaho is a hedge knight, traveling across the land defending the weak, upholding justice and righting wrongs.