Order of Aecus 13th Age/Jowan Fireborn

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Jowan Fireborn

Race: Dwarf

Class: Sorcerer

  • Str: 10
  • Dex: 8
  • Con: 18
  • Int: 8
  • Wis: 14
  • Cha: 18

  • AC: 13
  • Physical Defense: 11
  • Mental Defense: 13
  • Hit Points: 30
  • Recoveries: 8
  • Recovery Die: 1d6+4


  • Elf Queen Medium Conflicted (2)
  • Dwarf King: Medium Positive (2)
  • Orc Lord: Weak Negative (1)


  • Dwarven Soldier: 3
  • Magical Guinea Pig: 3


  • Blood link: +2 to the icon relationship with whom you have a heritage.
  • Elf Queen (heritage): If you cast a beneficial spell that affects one target, it instead affects 1d3 additional targets (which can include yourself).
  • Spell Fist: Use spells while engaged without opportunity attacks.


  • Burning Hands (At-Will, Close-quarters) 1d8 + Con Fire damage to 2 nearby enemies or all engaged enemies; Charisma + Level vs. PD to hit, Miss is level + number of d8s you would roll on a hit.
  • Lightning Fork (Once per battle, Ranged, recovers at end of battle on 16+) 3d6 + Con to one enemy, One nearby enemy; chain spell - if you roll a natural even you get to attack another target, no limit to repeats but a target only gets hit once; Charisma + Level vs. PD to hit, Miss is half damage.
  • Resist Energy (Once per battle, Ranged, recovers at end of battle on 16+) You or a nearby ally (two targets if empowered) gain resist 6+ to cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.
  • Scorching Ray (Ranged, At-will) 1d6 + Con damage to a nearby or far enemy, on an even they take 1d6 ongoing fire, Charisma + Level vs. PD to hit, Miss is your level in fire damage.

Background: Jowan's was born as his family fled the destruction of the dwarven homeland and carried to their new home in the Empire's borders. For most of his early life, Jowan was nothing unusual, serving as a soldier in the dwarven army. However, when the outpost he was stationed in was attacked by orcs, he shocked and amazed his comrades by demonstrating magical powers in his own defense. In recorded history, no dwarf had ever been capable of using arcane magic, let alone being born with the talent inborn. Once it was established that this was what happened, Jowan came under study by both dwarven loremasters and Imperial mages. Eventually, it was discovered that Jowan's soul and bloodline was different than other dwarves, in fact it appeared that it appeared to be part elf! Eventual magical investigation revealed that other dwarven children possessed similar mixed souls and might potentially have similar powers when they matured.

Jowan realized that if he served with the dwarven army, he would be relegated to the role of a mascot. When the Order offered him a position and the chance to put his powers to good purpose, he accepted.