Order of Aecus 13th Age/Lady Alanna
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Lady Alanna
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Fighter
- Str 18 (+4)
- Con 12 (+1)
- Dex 18 (+4)
- Int 10 (+0)
- Wis 8 (-1)
- Cha 10 (+0)
Initiative +5
Hit Points 27/27
AC 17 PD 15 MD 11
Recoveries 8 Recovery d10/lvl+1
One Unique Thing
- Born human, the Elf Queen turned her into an elf. Fleeing her noble human elf-hating family, who refused to accept she was the same person, she looks for Elven acceptance
Backgrounds Duke's Daughter (+3) Mercenary Company Infantry Solider (+3)
Racial Power
- Roll d6+ each turn, extra action if under escalation die
Two-Weapon Slasher (Feat) - Two weapons increases damage on a miss by your level
- Counterattack: 1/day free action interrupt attack of engaged enemy w/ melee attack
- Intercept: 1/rnd roll 11+ stop attack on ally disengage fully, if attack hits 1/2 damage
- Power Attack: 1/battle declare power attack deal 1d4 additional dmg/level
- Defensive Fighting - If you roll 16+, use this to gain +2 to AC until end of your next turn
- Precision Attack - If you roll 16+, gain a bonus to damage equal to Dex mod
- Two-Weapon Assault - On any miss, +2 to melee attacks against target until next turn
Background: Duke's Daughter (3), Mercenary Company Infantry Soldier (3)
- Orc Lord (2) Negative
- Elf Queen (1) Conflicted
Basic Melee Attack
- Attack +5 vs. AC
- Hit 1d8 + 4
- Miss 1(2)
Basic Ranged Attach
- Attack +5 vs. AC
- Hit 1d8 + 4
- Miss -