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Emily Williams[edit]

Name: Emily Williams
Clan: Lasombra
Sect: Camarilla
Sire: Kathrine Molineux
Embraced: 2012 (Born 1991)
Generation: 12th
Humanity: 7
Blood Potency: 1
Predator type: Scene queen
Rank/Title: Neonate
Chronicle: St. Charles by Night
Ambition: Gain power among the Kindred
Desire: To be determined later!

Mask and mein[edit]

  • Emily generally dresses in dark St. Charles University hoodies with blue or black jeans. She can occasionally be spotted wearing something more formal but does not look comfortable doing so. In her mortal days, she was an athlete, and has a lithe and toned body without much curvature. She has pierced tongue, and her left ear is riddled with piercings.
  • Her hair is blonde with traces of auburn and was of considerably length when she was Embraced. Most nights she cuts it to shoulder length after waking. Not being on the best terms with mirrors, the cut is often uneven. Of presumably the same reason, she rarely wears much makeup, if any.
  • Having not lived long enough, she does not pose as anyone but herself. She is something of a ‘living’ legend on the University Campus.
  • If someone wishes to reach Emily, it generally goes through her ‘assistant’ Amanda.
  • Emily has an air of danger and confidence around her, and has a notoriously short fuse.


  • “Do you know what it means to be loved by Death?... Do you know what it means to have Death know your name?” (Charles Miller); I carry the essence of death in my veins. I can hear it calling for me, to pour fourth into the world. Sometimes the dead whispers their anguish to me when I dream. I endure, I accept, I become. Decay and death is unavoidable, and it serves no purpose in preventing it merely for the sake of preventing it.
  • “If I am an angel, paint me with black wings.” (Sarah); sometimes a lesser evil must be done to avoid a greater. I must accept what I am, and not try to revert or change that.
  • "Drink from me and live forever.” (Cassandra); Our very existence is a taking. Even when we give, we take something. But we need loyal servants, and we need to keep our masquerade a secret. The blood is not to be squandered. Only the worthy who can serve a purpose should partake of it.


  • Cassandra is my sister, a self-medicating narcissist and so caught up in her own thing that she has not yet picked up on what I have become. Still, she is the only family member that still speaks to me. Has two children, Eve and Adam.
  • Sarah is my ex and first relationship. I broke up after I was Embraced. Sarah is now married with children and works as a manager at a burger joint, living the American dream.
  • Charles Miller is a literature professor at St. Charles University. A life-long academic, Charles continues to teach out of love for the written word even though he should probably have retired a few years back. He still has night courses, some which I attend.

the Masquerade
Name: Emily Williams Clan: Lasombra Sire: Kathrine Moleneux
Player: Harmonic Predator type: Scene Queen Rank/title: Neonate
Chronicle: Orphans Ambition: Gain power among the Kindred Desire: ...
Physical Social Mental
Strength ●●●○○ Charisma ●●○○○ Intelligence ●●○○○
Dexterity ●●●○○ Manipulation ●●●●○ Wits ●●○○○
Stamina ●●○○○ Composure ●○○○○ Resolve ●●●○○
Physical Social Mental
Athletics ●●●○○ Animal Ken ○○○○○ Academics (literature) ●●○○○
Brawl (kindred) ●●●○○ Etiquette ●○○○○ Awareness ●●○○○
Craft ○○○○○ Insight ●●○○○ Finance ○○○○○
Drive ○○○○○ Intimidation ●●●○○ Investigation ●○○○○
Firearms ○○○○○ Leadership (students) ●○○○○ Medicine ○○○○○
Larceny ○○○○○ Performance (dance) ●○○○○ Occult ●○○○○
Melee ○○○○○ Persuasion ●●○○○ Politics ●●○○○
Stealth ●○○○○ Streetwise ○○○○○ Science ○○○○○
Survival ○○○○○ Subterfuge ●○○○○ Technology ○○○○○
Disciplines Backgrounds/Merits Flaws
Celerity (Rapid Reflexes) ●○○○○ Contacts (College partylife) ●○○○○ Prey exclusion (Borromeo College students) ●○○○○
Dominate (Cloud Memory) ●○○○○ Fame (College) ●○○○○ Status: Shunned (Anarchs of St. Lawrence) ●●○○○
Oblivion (Shadow Cloak) ●○○○○ Mawla (Kathrine) ●●○○○ __________ ○○○○○
Potence (Lethal Body, Prowess, Soaring Leap) ●●●○○ Resources ●○○○○ __________ ○○○○○
__________ ○○○○○ Retainer (Amanda) ●●●○○ __________ ○○○○○

Blood Potency 1
Blood Surge 2
Power Bonus None
Mend Amount 1
Rouse re-roll Level 1
Bane Severity 2
Hunger ■□□□□
●●●●● ●●○○○
□□□□□ □□□□□
Availible: 3
Oblivion 5
Celerity 7

“I was born and raised in the suburbs, into a conservative catholic family. There was my older sister Cassandra, who could do no wrong, a cold and absent mother and my father who at least made an effort. Come to think about it, I think I was just the substitute for the son he never had, but at last he made me try out all sports and activities and some of my best memories from this time were just him sitting and watching me compete. I tried pretty much everything, from baseball, to soccer, swimming, sprinting and even boxing. I was a natural, but one broken arm in my teens and my mother banned me, saying it was unladylike. So, my teenage rebellion was all about sneaking away to practice sports. The demands got higher, but my raw talent at least kept me level. I suppose my father covered for me, but he dared not attend any more competitions.

After a lot of bargaining, I was allowed to go to college. My mother thought it a waste of money as Cassandra had flunked out, which was clearly the university’s fault in her world. I set off to a world of independence, or so I thought. I did not quite fit in at first, and had it not been for professor Millers classes about perspectives through the written word I would probably have slowly faded out. Everything just fell into place, and I knew I wanted, like half the other students, be a writer. The isolation I felt came to an end when my poor temper for once worked to my advantage when I totally lost it and threw a punch at a student who had problems keeping his hands to himself. While I was a hair from getting expelled – because that is how our society works – I met Sarah, fell in love, and had the time of my life during the rest of my freshman year as I managed to keep my family and my college life separate.

I’m not sure what Kathrine had seen in me, or why she decided I was a worthy candidate. Our bloodline is not exactly known for creating Childer without reason. Regardless, I had not even seen her, and she was busy ruining my life. I know this because she told me, but at the time it seemed like I was the unluckiest person ever. It was a slow fall, because all these pieces must have taken time, but I do not think Kathrine was in much of a hurry. The incident from last year suddenly had new hearings about the incident from last year. My sister just happened to walk in on me and Sarah, and I have not heard from my mother and father since then. Kathrine claims she had nothing to with me and Sarah’s relationship starting to break. I suppose it did not help that she cheated on me, and I turn slept with one of shared friends, classy as I am.

But despite all of this I carried on, which led Kathrine to make me an offer. I took it, not knowing what I would put myself into. I died that night, yet I rose again. The promises she had made about eternal youth felt hollow as I fed for the first time. It was harder still to separate myself from the life, despite all the stress, was the comfort I still had. But I had to do it, or chances where I would do something I do not think I could forgive myself for.

I was a Childe, a fledgling. I hear stories about how some young Kindred are put in gilded cages for the first years. I was not. My Embrace had been costly to Kathrine, our bloodline was more so than before the defection seen as possible traitors and wildcards, so she had to pay deeply with boons to be given the rights to create me. This was not something she held over my head, but as is her way, she explained it once and shows little patience for those who do not listen. I served as her assistant, and while she has never confirmed so, an expendable asset to save herself if the main stem of our Clan would try to reclaim her blood, something she saw a strong possibility. When it was just her, she had kept a low profile, but with the two of us and her ambitions growing by the year it always seemed like a more looming threat.

Finally, she released me, and I took a step back. I had kept to the place I knew, Campus as my hunting ground, and despite several years having passed, I was still recognized in the student nightlife. I stopped and started thinking on what I wanted to do. Of whom I wanted to become. Because for the first time in a long time, I was in control over that. But I am unsure of who I am, and I am unsure what is me and what is the beast lurking inside. Have I let myself become this cold and ruthless, or is it the beast tugging at me?

An unlife without goals will surely lead me to greet the sun, so I made an effort to setup my own little powerbase. Or events transpired to allow it. Amanda, whom I admittedly had fed on more than what is healthy for either of us tracked me down. Imagine my surprise when I saw her standing over me as I woke for the evening, smearing her own blood over my mouth with a morbid fascination. I was angry and terrified at the same time. Her frail human form would break if I so wished, and it had gone to far for me simply repress her memories. She made for great feeding, but she lacked the edge that being one of us requires. Still, there was the option of making her a servant. I wish I could say we sat down and discussed it calmly, but the truth is I held her life in my hands and forced her to choose between servitude or death. Perhaps the latter had been the lenient gift. Before this, I had no idea what the blood did to a person. I need her.

There was a sense of relief when our Clan changed sides. I have a hard time seeing other Kindred doing the same with that ease. One night, they would howl for our blood, the next we were allies. Kathrine, and by that extension also me, had the advantage of having been true to the Camarilla all this time, and I suppose this elevated us, or at least made us more trustworthy. I am sure my Sire aims to be become a Primogen, and I stand at crossroads if I want to support her and be elevated with her or do my own thing. Or better still, combine both.”