Outcasts of Mythology/Vlad Dracul III

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Vlad Dracul III, Prince of Wallachia Race: Human (Vampire)

File:Http://www.romaniantours.com/g/dracula.jpg File:Http://www.romea.cz/images/servis/hutz-eugene.jpg

Attribute [360] ST 25 [150] DX 15 [100] IQ 12 [40] HT 15 [50]

HP 25 WIL 14 [10] PER 14 [10] FP 15

BL: 125 DMG: 2D+2 / 5D-1

Basic Speed: 7.5 Basic Move: 7

Ground Move: 28 Cling Move: 14 High Jump: 10'8" Broad Jump: 44' Running Jump: 212'

Dodge: 10

TL6 [-10]

Languages: Romanian (Native, S/W) English (Native, S) [3] French (Native, S) [3] Spanish (Native, S) [3] Italian (Native, S) [3]

Advantages [618] Affliction (Gaze: Paralysis, Malediction, -1/yard) [30] Ambidextrous [5] Charisma (3) [15] Claws (Sharp) [5] Combat Reflexes [15] Clinging [20] Danger Sense [15] Dark Vision [25] Doesn't Breathe [20] Doesn't Eat [10] Doesn't Sleep [20] Dominance [20] Enhanced Move (2) [40] Extra Attack [25] Injury Tolerance (Unliving) [20] Mind Control [50] Regeneration (1hp/min) [50] Alternate Form (Bat) [15] Super Jump 2 [20] Supernatural Durability [150] Unaging (Age Control) [18] Vampiric Bite [30]

Disadvantage [-247] Bloodlust [10] Dependency (Blood, Common, Illegal, Daily, Aging) [-58] Divine Curse (Cannot enter dwelling without invitation) [-10] Dread (Garlic; Holy Symbols: 5 yards) [-24] Intolerance [Islam] [-4] Killjoy [-15] Lifebane [-10] Overconfidence [-5] Sadism [-15] Social Stigma (Vampire) [-15] Supernatural Features (No Heat[Unless After Feeding]; No Reflection; No Shadow; Pallor: Flush of Life) [-26] Uncontrollable Appetite [-15] Vulnerability (Holy Water, X2) [20] Weakness (Holy Water, 1D/Minute) [20]

Quirks [-2] Chauvanistic [-1] Dislike: Mirrors [-1]

Skills [57] Area Knowledge (Romania) IQ+0, 12 [1] Brawling DX+5, 20 [16] Connoisseur (Music) IQ+0, 9 (12) [2] Forced Entry DX+2 [17] Intimidation IQ+0, 12 [2] Musical Instrument (Violin) IQ+0, 12 [2] Occultism (Vampirism) IQ+0, 12 [2] Riding (Horse) DX+0, 15 [2] Short Sword DX+2, 17 [8] Stealth DX+3, 18 [12] Tracking Per+0, 14 [2]

Equipment Very Fine Falcata (Short Sword; TL6; $8,000) 2D+4 imp / 5D+1 cut, -2 break Leather Jacket ($50) DR1 $1,950

Modified Defaults: Fortune Telling IQ-5, 10 (7) [0] Leadership IQ-5, 10 (7) [0] Panhandling IQ-4, 11 (8) [0] Public Speaker IQ-5, 10 (7) [0] Carousing HT-4, 8 (11) [0] Erotic Art DX-5, 7 (10) [0] Gambling IQ-5, 4 (7) [0]

Reaction Modifiers: +3 (Base) -1 to -5 (Intolerance: Islam, situational) -1 to -3 (Killjoy, situational) -2 (Lifebane, situational, +2 to detect secret) +2 young/naive, -2 experienced (Overconfidence) -3 (Sadism, situational) -3 (Social Stigma: Vampire, if secret noticed) -1 (No Body Heat, upon body contact, +1 to detect secret) -2 (No Reflection, upon notice, +2 to detect secret) -2 (No Shadow, upon notice, +2 to detect secret) -2 (Pallor, upon notice, +2 to detect secret) -1 (Chauvanistic: Racist, situational)

Attributes [360] + Misc [-10, +12] + Advantages [618] + Disadvantages [-247] + Quirks [-2] + Skills [57] = 788

Background Notes

• Vlad was born in 1431, making him 579 years old as of 2010. Physically he appears to be in his mid/late 30’s.

• His appearance, aside from being pale, is unremarkable. He is of average height (5’10”), skinny (155 lbs), with long wavy black hair and a mustache. His eastern European heritage is unmistakable.

• He speaks English, Spanish, Italian, and French fluently but never bothered to learn how to read anything but his native Romanian. His accent is native, but his vocabulary is dated in every language but Spanish, which he speaks as a Spaniard but using modern Mexican slang. For example, he wouldn’t know the words for most major inventions in the past 100 years in anything other than Spanish.

• An effective warlord, his Church-sponsored campaign against the Turks was noted for its brutality. He killed Turks by the thousands, and often executed his prisoners by impalement or other brutal methods. Since his bloodlust was performed in the name of God, when he “died” he found himself cursed with vampirism. His lust for blood in life would haunt him in undeath.

• For many years, he took full advantage of his curse. He used his domination on rich merchants to increase his fortune, lived the life of high society all over the world. At various points, he owned large houses in Madrid, Florence, Paris, and New York.

• By the late 1800’s he was growing increasingly dissatisfied with life. After over 400 years of revelry, he found life held no pleasure for him anymore. Each woman he seduced looked the same as the last, wine wasted like vinegar, food like ash. Even killing and drinking of blood lost its luster. After flying into a rage as a party in St. Louis in 1884, he fled to Mexico.

• He has spent the last 126 years living in the largely unpopulated areas around Chihuahua, Mexico.

• He has accepted the fact he needs to attempt atonement. He has limited his activities in recent years to preying on drug dealers, gang members, and other criminals in the region. His bloodlust, however, remains unabated.

• He has largely avoided society for the past 126 years. His sole interactions have been in small villages, and with criminals. He is vaguely aware of world events in the past century, and has very little knowledge about technology. He has seen airplanes, modern firearms, computers, etc. but has little use for them.

• One of the few joys left in his life is vampire movies. He finds it both comical and scary that the general populace knows so much, and yet so little, about him and his kind.

• He lives out of a 1972 black Cadillac Eldorado. Aside from some faded jeans and a leather jacket, his only possessions are a very fine Spanish falcata he had made for him over 300 years ago, and a violin which he clings to but has mostly forgotten how to play.