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- First off I want to use a few things from the Blue Rose rpg and Companion set. Mostly Alignments (Light, Shadow and Twilight), ‘Callings’, and some of the Feats as listed below. If you don't have either of these, that's cool. I will explain them later.
- New Skills: Research (found in True20 Companion). This basically allows you to search through old texts for knowledge, etc.
- Modified Skills: some of the Knowledge specializations don’t really fit in with Middle Earth, so I am dropping Behavioral Science, Earth Science, Life Science, Physical Science, and Popular Culture. Instead I am adding in Alchemy (knowledge of chemicals and compounds), Dungeonering (knowledge of underground structures and settings), Geography (knowledge of the important locations of Middle Earth and how to read maps), Heraldry (knowledge of nobles and their markings), Nature (knowledge of plants and animals). Also I am re-naming Business specializations Merchant. Other Knowledge skills are fine.
- Forbidden Skills: Computer Use has no real place in Middle Earth
- Feats: Dodge adds to the characters Active Defenses (Dodge and Parry)
- New Feat: I will also allow a few feats from Blue Rose rpg and True20 Companion, such as Brute Force, Companion, Heirloom, Intangible Armor (renamed Armour of Faith), Pure-Heart, and Ryn-Bond (renamed Beast Companion). I will probably allow others on a case by case bases, so if you see something you are interested in let me now so I can look it over and approve it or not.
- Renamed Powers – all Powers with the ‘Psychic’ descriptor are renamed Mind or Valar (so Mind Attack, or Valar Shield, etc)
- Core Abilities – I am not a big fan (at all in fact) of the Core Class Abilities as presented in the base True20 game. There are a number of reasons why, but I don’t really want to get into them here. But I do like the new Core Abilities found in the True20 Companion, and so I am allowing these, with the idea that any Class can take one of the following Core Abilities – Amazing Save, Common Sense, Extraordinary Effort, Higher Guidance, Higher Purpose, Fearless, or Ultimate Trait. As usual, Core Abilities must be chosen at 1st level and can’t be changed later. Now if you really have your heart set on your Role’s base Core Ability, give me a good reason and I might let you keep, except maybe the Adapts one as I don’t think it really works well for a ‘limited’ or low-magic setting. I will explain each of these later.
- Backgrounds: represent where the character is from and grant additional trained Skills and often Feats. Those with the optional Background Feats also can chose Two Favored Feats from this list (those without the bonus background feats also do not gain Favored Feats)
- Corruption rules, also found in the True20 Companion rulebook, will be used. Some spells are considered Corrupting when used (see the Arcane section later).
- Characters start at 6th level (remember to add +1 bonus to one attribute, except for Elfs due to Level Lag)
- Characters have +7 points to distribute among your six characteristics (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA) [NOTE this does not included you bonus for being 6th level, as Elfs must start at lower levels. See Free People below]
- Chose a Race of the Free Peoples of Middle Earth (see below)
- Chose a ROLE (Adapt, Expert or Warrior) and at 1st level, also chose a PATH (see below; Paths are only used at First level, to determine starting Skills, Feats and Key Attributes)
- Chose a Core Ability as listed in the True20 Companion.
- Be sure to recorder all of your Skills and Feats awarded by your Race, Background, Role and Path
- In addition to your Peoples Languages (Speech) you gain 1 additional language per Intelligence bonus.
- Your Starting Wealth bonus is 8 + your Charisma modifier. You can also start with One Masterwork weapon and One other Masterwork item (armor, tools, etc) for free. Supernatural weapons are not available to begin with, unless you have Imbue Item or with the Heirloom feat (which allows you one item that is worth your Wealth Score +20). Now even if a character starts with Imbue Item, that does not mean they will be spending any time during the game making new magical items. They can start with one or two minor ones that they have made themselves.
- All character’s Alignments for the Chronicles game are ‘Light’, but remember to choice a Calling that you think best fits your characters out look (Champion of the Common Man, Protecting the North from Angmar, Exploring the World, Learning the Mysteries of Magic, etc)
Dwarfs (Khazâd) - short and stocky, strong and hardy, they endure pain, fatigue and suffering more readily then any other race of Middle Earth.
- Attribute Modifiers: +1 Str and +1 Con, but -1 Cha
- Animal Aversion: -2 to Ride and Handle Animals skill checks
- Hardness of Body: as Endurance feat, +4 to resisting Fatigue
- Hardness of Mind: +2 Willpower tests to resist Intimidations, fear, domination or Mind Control (normal or supernatural)
- Healthy: +6 to Fortitude saves to resist disease
- Low-Light Vision: Dwarfs can see better then most Men in the dark (as Feat Night Vision)
- Slow Move: 20ft base, but Stout and suffer no additional movement penalties for wearing heavy armor
- Speech: Khuzdul and Westron
Backgrounds: Chose One additional trained Skill and One Feat from the following lists…
- Dwarfs of Khazad-dûm (Moria): Skills (chose one) - Craft (Smith), Craft (Stonework), Knowledge (dungeonering), Knowledge (engineering); Feat (chose one) - Armor Training (one), Attack Focus (ax or hammer), Favored Foe (Orc), Imbue Item, Weapon Training
- Dwarfs of the Blue Mountains: Skills (chose one) - Craft (Smith), Craft (Stonework), Survival; Feat (chose one) - Armor Training (one), Diehard, Imbue Item, Rage, Weapon Training
- Dwarf of Erebor: Skills (chose one) - Craft (Smith), Craft (Stonework), Intimidate; Feat (chose one) - Armor Training (one), Attack Focus (ax or hammer), Endurance, Imbue Item, Weapon Training
- Dwarf of the Iron Hill: Skills (chose one) - Craft (Smith), Diplomacy, Handle Animal; Feat (chose one) - Armor Training (one), Favored Foe (Orc), Imbue Item, Tough, Weapon Training
Elfs (the Eldar Races) come in three basic variants. Note that Elfs as listed in Tolkien are simply better then any of the other races. As such, all have some level of Level Lag, per the True20 Bestiary and Companion.
NOLDON (also called High Elfs) the oldest and noblest of the Eldar race, they tend towards blond or gold hair and light pale skins, with large clear blue or green eyes.
- Attribute Modifiers: +1 Dex, +1 Int, +1 Wis, +2 Cha
- Noldorin Lore: Talanted - one Knowledge skill (players choice) and to Craft (Smith) skill
- Inner Light +4 all rolls to resist the powers of the Shadows (as Feat Pure-Heart)
- Greater Gifts: all Powers are at Noldon elfs’ level +3. At 1st level Noldon elfs gain Valar Shield; at 5th level they gain Second Sight; at 10th level they gain Purifying Light; and at 15th level they gain Imbue Life
- Speech: Quenya, Sindarin, and Westron
- Level Lag: 2
SINDAR (also called Grey-Elfs) most have straight pale blond hair with light skin, and large clear eyes.
- Attribute Modifiers: +1 Dex and +1 Int
- Musically Gifted: Feat Talented – Diplomacy and Perform; also all types of Performs skills can be used untrained
- Speech: Sindarin, Silvan, and Westron
- Level Lag: 1
The SILVAN (also called Wood Elfs) are the youngest of the Eldar races, and tend to slightly shorter with darker complexions and dark colored hair and eyes.
- Attribute Modifiers: +1 Dex and +1 Cha
- Woodsy: Feat Talented – Knowledge (nature) and Survival
- Speech: Silvan, Sindarin, and Westron
- Level Lag: 1
All Elfs gain the following Bonuses also…
- Ageless: all elfs are Immortal and as such never suffer any of the penalties for old age, but they gain any benefits to mental stats (see rules book)
- Lore: all Knowledge skills can be used untrained by elfs
- the Art: all Elfs receive one Arcane Power feat for free, that can be chosen from the following list – Cure, Enhance Senses, Nature Reading, Second Sight, Supernatural Weapon, True Vision, Valar Shield. This power’s level is equal to the elf’s level +3
- Beast Skill: +4 bonus to Handle Animals and Ride (and can use Ride untrained)
- Comfort: Elfs feel no discomfort in extreme hot or cold weather
- Elf-Sight: includes Feats Night Vision and Skill Focus (Notice)
- Ghost-Scorn: the ghosts of Men hold no terror for the Elfs, who are immune to their fear effects. This includes Ghost abilities such as Heart Shaping (fear), Terrifying Moans and Procession but not powers such as Drain Vitality or manifested attacks.
- Immortal Heath: Elfs are immune to all the normal disease of Men and lesser races.
- Lightfootedness: includes Feats Improved Speed and Trackless
- Swift Healing: Elfs gain +2 check to recover from damage
- Wandering Mind: most Elfs found on Middle Earth are old and have seen the passing of many ages. They are slow to feel any great passion and as such receive 1 less Conviction Point then normal.
Backgrounds: Chose One additional trained Skill…
- Elf of the Grey Heavens (Sinda) - Climb, Craft (sea-craft), Knowledge (one), Perform (one), Swim
- Elf of Lorien (Noldo) - Climb, Craft (Smith), Knowledge (one), Language
- Elf of Lorien (Silvan) - Climb, Knowledge (one), Survival
- Elf of the Mirkwood (Sinda) - Craft (Smith or Brewing), Perform (one), Sneak, Survival
- Elf of Mirkwood (Silvan) – Climb, Craft (Brewing), Knowledge (Nature), Sneak, Survival
- Elf of Rivendel (Noldo) - Craft (Smith), Knowledge (one), Language, Medicine
- Elf of Rivendel (Sinda) - Knowledge (one), Perform (one), Ride
- Elf of Wandering Companies (Noldo) – Gather Information, Knowledge (one), Language, Perform, Ride
Hobbits - rarely standing more then half that of a normal Man (hence their nick-name Halflings) they are rare outside the Shire or riverlands.
FALLOHIDE - the least numerous type of Hobbits they are often interact well with Men and other non-Hobbits. The tend to light skin and dark eyes and hair
- Attribute Modifiers: +1 Dex, +1 Wis, but -1 Str
HARFOOT - the most numerous type, who tend to be the shortest of the all, with no specific coloration
- Attribute Modifiers: +2 Dex, but -1 Str
All Hobbits gain the following bonuses…
- Speech: all Hobbits speak Westron
- Quick and small: +1 to Defense scores (even when flat-footed)
- Soft-Footed: +3 to Sneak
- Sure at the Mark: +1 to all Attack rolls with Ranged Attacks
- Tough as Old Tree-Roots: +4 tests to resist Corruption
- Slow Movement: Hobbits 20ft base speed
Backgrounds: Chose One additional trained Skill and One additional Feat from the following lists…
- Baggin (Fallohides): Skills (chose one) - Craft (one), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Notice; Feats (chose one) - Dodge, Hide in Plain Sight, Jack of All Trades, Wealthy
- Bolger (Fallohides): Skills (chose one) - Craft (one), Bluff, Diplomacy, Notice, Swim; Feats (chose one) - Dodge, Endurance, Evasion, Lightning Reflexes
- Brandybuck (Fallohides): Skills (chose one) - Craft (one), Diplomacy, Notice, Survival, Swim; Feat (chose one) - Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lucky
- Cotton (Harfoot): Skills (chose one) - Craft (one), Diplomacy, Notice; Feat (chose one) – Attack Focus (sword or shortbow), Canny Dodge, Dodge
- Proudfoot (Harfoot): Skills (chose one) - Craft (one), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Notice; Feat (chose one) - Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved Speed
- Took (Fallohide): Skill (chose one) - Craft (one), Diplomacy, Notice, Survival; Feat (chose one) - Dodge, Fascinate, Taunt
The Race of Men - the most numerous and diverse of the Free Peoples in the Third Age.
DÚNEDÀIN - descended from the Edain, they are the tallest, fairest and longest lived of the Races of Men (generally living around 200-250 years of age).
- Attribute Modifiers: +1 Int or Cha
- Speech: Westron and Sindarin
MIDDLE PEOPLE - a mix of the different Manish races, the most common in Middle Earth
- Attribute Modifiers: +1 to any one Attribute
- Speech: Westron
MEN OF DARKNESS (Easterling and Southron) - dark men of the far East and South, most are allied with the Enemy and worship the likeness of Sauron (whom they still believe is still ‘alive’)
- Attribute Modifiers: +1 to Str and Dex, but -1 to Int
- Speech: Westron and various local dialects
WILD MEN (Woses and Lossoth) - fairly rare and well hidden from the other races, they tend to be short, squat, ugly and 'barbaric' looking (dressing in simple furs and leathers, no metal working ability)
- Attribute Modifiers: +1 to Con and +1 to Wis, but -1 to Cha
- Speech: Pûkeal, broken Westron
- Woodsmen Heart – additional Starting (rank 4 each) Skills : Sneak and Survival, additional Feats: Talented (Sneak and Survival) and Track
All Men gain the following…
- Adaptable: gain one additional Feat of choice (can be taken from any General, Expert or Martial Feats)
- the Dominion of Man: add +1 to base Conviction score
- Skilled: gain one additional starting Skill of choice at 1st level.
Backgrounds: Choose One additional trained Skill and One additional Feat from the following lists (except for Wild Men who do not gain any additional background skills or feats)…
- Arnor (Dúnedàin): Skill (chose one) - Diplomacy, Knowledge (one), Ride, Survival; Feat (chose one) – Arcane Power (Cure)#, Attack Focus (any one), Skill Focus, Skill Training, Talented, Weapon Training
- Arnor (Middle Men): Skill (chose one) - Craft (one), Knowledge (one), Ride, Survival; Feat (chose one) - Armor Training (one), Jack of All Trades, Shield Training, Skill Training, Track, Weapon Training
- Beorning (Middle Men): Skill (chose one) - Notice, Sneak, Survival; Feat (chose one) – Arcane Power (Second Sight or Summon Beasts)#, Animal Empathy, Attack Focus (ax or sword), Rage, Track, Weapon Training
- Dunlending (Middle Men): Skill (chose one) - Climb, Notice, Survival; Feat (chose one) – Attack Focus (spear or bow), Endurance, Track, Weapon Training
- Easterling Tribesman (Easterling): Skill (chose one) – Bluff, Ride, Survival; Feat (chose one) – Attack Focus (sword or bow), Vehicle Combat (mounted), Weapon Training
- Southern Tribesmen (Southron): Skill (chose one) - Ride, Sneak, Survival; Feat (chose one) – Attack Focus (spear), Weapon Training
- Men of the Dale (Middle Men): Skill (chose one) - Craft (one), Notice, Survival, Swim; Feat (chose one) - Skill Focus, Skill Training, Talented, Track, Weapon Training
- Men of Gondor (Middle Men): Skill (chose one) - Bluff, Craft (any one), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (any one), Ride; Feat (chose one) - Armor Training (one), Heirloom, Jack of All Trades, Shield Training, Skill Training, Wealthy, Weapon Training
- Horseclans (Middle Men): Skills (chose one) – Handle Animals, Ride, Survival; Feats (chose one) – Beast Companion (horse), Vehicle Combat (mounted), Weapon Training
- Northmen/Rhovanion (Middle Men): Skills (chose one) – Handle Animals, Sneak, Survival, Swim; Feats (chose one) – Armor Training (one), Track, Weapon Training
- Man of Minas Anor (Dúnedàin): Skill (chose one); - Diplomacy, Perform, Ride; Feat (chose one) – Arcane Power (Valor Shield)#, Heirloom, Night Vision, Wealthy, Weapon Training
- # this power’s level is at the character’s total level, or their Adapt level +3, whichever is greater
Common Tongues of Middle Earth
- Adûnaic – language of the Black Númenoreans and Corsairs.
- Atliduk – language of the Beornings peoples.
- Black Speech (Morbeth) – tongue of Mordor and various evil peoples and races.
- Duneal – language of the Dulending and other hill-people.
- Haradaic – language of the Southron and other southern tribes of men.
- Khuzdul (Dwarfish) – tongue of the Dwarf people, fairly secret, especially the written form.
- Labba – language of the Lossoth people of the far north.
- Logathing – also called Eastling and is the tongue of the Men of the far Eastern lands.
- Orkish Tongues – language of the Orc tribes, there are four main types that are spoken and very distinct from one another: Angmar Orkish (spoken by the Orc of the lands of Angmar and serve the Witch-King), Mountain Ork (spoken by Orcs of the Misty Mountains), Wood Ork (spoken by the Orcs around and within the Mirkwood forest) and Dark Orc (spoken by the Orc tribes of Mordor).
- Pûkeal – the spoken tongue of the Wose. Its’ written form is complex picture-graphs.
- Quenya (High Elves) – language of the Noldon elfs.
- Sindarin (Grey Elves) – language of the Sindar elfs.
- Silvan (Wood Elves) – language of the Silvan elfs.
- Westron (Common Tongue) – the base tongue of the lands of Elendil Kingdom of Arnor, the Northman of Rhovanion and Gondor.
CHARACTER ROLES AND HEROIC PATHS Note that the following Heroic Path (i.e. even a Player character Innkeeper is far superior to an Ordinary one) list Key Attributes that a character should focus on if they wish to excel in their chosen role, and a list of Starting Skills and Feats. All Paths listed below assume an Intelligence of +0
ADAPTS – those who work magic and the mystical; they are fairly rare within Middle Earth, and should multi-classes at least half their levels into the role of Expert or Warrior (most especially Experts/Loremasters). The Adapts Key Attribute is also the controlling attribute for their Arcane Powers. Finally, there have been no cases of a Dwarf or a Hobbit studying the magical arts and they should not be allowed to take any levels in Adapt. Dwarfs can still ‘Imbue Items’ with runes, etc. but they do not cast spells.
Healer one of the few ‘spell-caster’ types that is not feared and often welcomed by the common folk.
- Key Attribute: Wisdom
- Starting Skills: Concentration, Knowledge (alchemy), Medicine, Sense Motives
- Starting Feats: Cure, Mind Over Body, plus two from the following list – Calm, Canny Defense, Cure Blindness/Deafness, Cure Disease, Cure Poison, Heart Shaping, Weapon Training
- Additional Suggested Powers: any power listing in starting feats that the caster did not take, plus Cloud Minds, Heart Reading, Heart Shaping, Valar Shield
Magician/Sorcerer also called Wizards and ‘shapers’ as they shape and control the very elements of Middle Earth to work their feats of magic. Sorcerers are often corrupted as their powers work toward harming and controlling others. They are the rarest of all the power users on Middle Earth.
- Key Attribute: Intelligence
- Starting Skills: Concentration, Knowledge (supernatural), Notice, Search
- Starting Feats: Elemental Shaping (any One of player’s choice), Valar Shield plus two from the following list – Canny Defense, Cloud Minds, Elemental Blast (same as Element Shaping), Elemental Weapon (same as Elemental Shaping), Familiar, Imbue Object, Move Object, Weapon Training, plus any other Shaping power.
- Additional Suggested Powers: any power listed in the starting feats that the caster did not take, plus most other powers listed in True20 not listed for Healers and Seers. Wizards and Sorcerers tend to have the widest range of powers on Middle Earth.
Seer the most common (all be it, still rare) spellcaster in Middle Earth, they use their powers to see into the future or the past or far away from where they are…
- Key Attributes: Charisma
- Starting Skills: Bluff, Gather Information, Knowledge (supernatural), Notice
- Starting Feats: Second Sight, Scrying, plus two from the following list – Combat Sense, Mind Reading, Object Reading, Nature Reading, Subtle Power, True Vision, Weapon Training
- Additional Suggested Powers: any power listed in starting feats that the caster did not take, plus Valar Shield
EXPERT – those whom excel at skills and non-martial and non-arcane ways.
Craftsmen are builders, innkeepers, and farmers that make up the bulk of the races peoples.
- Key Attribute: Intelligence, Charisma
- Good Save: Fortitude or Will
- Starting Skills: Diplomacy, Drive (wagons and carts), Gather Information, Knowledge (civics), (current events), (merchant), Notice, Sense Motives
- Starting Feats: Talented (Knowledge [merchant] and Sense Motives)
Loremaster great learners, teachers and Sages
- Key Attribute: Intelligence, Wisdom
- Good Save: Willpower
- Starting Skills: Concentration, Knowledge (any four of choice), Language, Notice, Research
- Starting Feats: Jack-of-All-Trades, Skill Mastery, Talented (one Knowledge of choice and Research)
Mariner sailors of Gondor and the elfs of the Grey Heavens or even the Corsairs of the South
- Key Attributes: Dexterity, Constitution
- Good Save: Reflexes
- Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Drive (Sailing), Climb, Jump, Notice, Sleight of Hands, Swim
- Starting Feats: Armor Training (light), Weapon Training, plus two from the following list – Acrobatic Bluff, Taunt,
Minstrel singers and traveling storytellers, they are one of the few wanders of Middle Earth
- Key Attributes: Dexterity, Charisma
- Good Saves: Will
- Starting Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (history), Perform (one of choice), Sense Motives
- Starting Feats: Armor Training (light), Fascinate (Perform), Taunt, Weapon Training
Noble found in all of the civilized lands, the leaders of Free Peoples of Middle Earth
- Key Attributes: Intelligence, Charisma
- Good Save: Any
- Starting Skills: Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (heraldry), Notice, Sense Motive, Ride
- Starting Skills: Armor Training (light), Benefit, Weapon Training, plus one of the following list – Fascinate, Inspire, Wealth
Scout woodsmen and hunters, they are not as combat focused as Rangers or other defenders of the wild lands.
- Key Attributes: Dexterity, Wisdom
- Good Save: Fortitude or Reflex
- Starting Skills: Climb, Handle Animals, Knowledge (nature), Notice, Search, Sneak, Survival, Swim
- Starting Feats: Armor Training (light), Track, Weapon Training and one from the following list – Animal Empathy, Hide In Plain Sight, Point Blank Shot, Surprise Strike
Thief/Rogue be they a professional thief or simply an ‘adventurous’ rogue
- Key Attributes: Dexterity, Intelligence
- Good Save: Reflex
- Starting Skills: Climb, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Knowledge (streetwise), Notice, Search, Sleight of Hands, Sneak
- Starting Feats: Armor Training (light), Trapfinding, Weapon Training plus one from the following list – Canny Defense, Hide In Plain Sight, Surprise Strike, Taunt
WARRIORS those whom focus on the martial arts of weapons, etc.
Barbarian savage primitive warriors
- Key Attributes: Strength, Constitution
- Starting Skills: Climb, Jump, Notice, Survival
- Starting Feats: Armor Training (light), Attack Focus (ax or sword or bow), Weapon Training; plus one from the following list – Improved Speed, Power Attack, Rage, Sunder
Clansman one of the Horse lords as they are call, Northmen of the East and Mark lands (Rohan does not exist yet, of course)
- Key Attributes: Strength, Dexterity
- Starting Skills: Handle Animals, Notice, Ride, Survival
- Starting Feats: Armor Training (light), Attack Focus (chose one), Vehicle Combat (mounted), Weapon Training
Knight noble warriors, mostly from Arnor, Gondor and Minas Tirith
- Key Attributes: Strength, Charisma
- Starting Skills: Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (heraldry), Ride
- Starting Feats: Armor Training (light, heavy), Vehicle Combat (mounted), Weapon Training
Ranger found almost exclusively in the north, especially within Arnor, they are woodsmen and warriors
- Key Attributes: Dexterity, Wisdom
- Starting Skills: Knowledge (nature), Notice, Sneak, Survival
- Starting Feats: Armor Training (light), Track, Weapon Training; plus chose one of the following – Animal Empathy, Beast Companion, Endurance, Favored Foe, Trackless, Trailblazer
Sheriff professional law-enforcers for many towns and villages of Men and Hobbits.
- Key Attributes: Strength, Charisma
- Starting Skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (civics), Notice, Sense Motives
- Starting Feats: Armor Training (light), Favored Foe (Thieves, or Bandits), Stunning Attack, Weapon Training
Soldier the most common fighting men and women, found throughout Middle Earth
- Key Attributes: Strength, Constitution
- Starting Skills: Intimidate, Knowledge (tactics), Notice, Sense Motives
- Starting Feats: Armor Training (light, heavy), Attack Focus (choose one), Weapon Training
Not all of the Powers listed in the Supernatural sections are really appropriate for Middle Earth workers of the arcane while others are Corrupting to the user. To reflect that I am breaking the powers down a bit, but I am not going to list all the powers that are ‘allowed’. They are listed in the Powers section of True20.
- Armor Check Penalty also applies to all Power Check rolls.
- Saves vs. Fatigue for casting of Powers is a Fortitude save, not a Will save.
- Human Adapts must have both hands free and speak their Arcane words in a firm, loud voice to cast their spells effectively. They can perform most spell casting at a whisper, but there is a -2 penalty to their roll. With the Sleight of Hand DC15 skill check, they can make their gestures look more mundane. If a Human Adapt is gagged and bond they can not cast spells. Elfs cast spells through song, and must sing in ancient tongues to achieve success. If an Elf is bond and gagged they can not cast their spells.
- Powers from the Bestiary that are Allowed: Cloud Minds, Corrupting Shadow, Purifying Light, Shadow Shaping, Summon Beasts, True Visions
- Powers Not Allowed (from True20 and Bestiary): Apport, Blink, Computer Link, Energy Shaping, Plane Shift, Summon Elemental, Summon Outsider, Teleport
- Rare Powers (players should not start with any of these powers): Elemental Blast (mostly Fire), Flesh Shaping, Imbue Life, Phase, Self Shaping, Wind Walking
- Corrupting Powers (these powers are always corrupting when used. Note that even allowed powers can be corrupting if used in an evil and harmful way): Dominate, Drain Vitality, Harm, Imbue Unlife, Pain, Shadow Shaping
- Dangerous Powers (these can be corrupting very easy, but there are cases where they are not): Flesh Shaping, Heart Shaping, Mind Shaping
I am using the expanded Ancient Weapons and Armor listed in the True20 Companion book. Obviously some equipment and weapons are NOT appropriate for a game set in Middle Earth, but that should go without saying. I am not sure if it is implied or not, but Shields add to the users Dodge and Parry Defense.
Note that I also like part of the expanded Masterwork chart found in True20 World of Adventure’s: Land of the Crane, and the revised armor chart as follows.
Armor (type) Tough bonus, Cost, Weight
- Leather (light) tough +1, Cost 12, Wt 15lbs
- Studded leather (light) tough +2, cost 13, Wt 20lbs
- Hide (medium) tough +2, cost 11, Wt 25lbs
- Scale mail (medium) tough +3, cost 15, Wt 40lbs
- Chain mail (medium) tough +3, cost 18, Wt 35lbs
- Breastplate (medium) tough +3, cost 19, Wt 30lbs
- Splint mail (heavy) tough +4, cost 20, Wt 45lbs
- Banded mail (heavy) tough +4, cost 21, Wt 40lbs
- Plate and mail (heavy) tough +5, cost 22, Wt 50lbs
Armor Craftsmanship level – Cost modification, ACP modification
- Masterwork – cost +3, ACP 1 less
- Mastercraft – cost +6, ACP 2 less
- Superior craft – cost +9, ACP 3 less
Something like Fordo’s Mithral Mail Shirt would be +8 DR, -0 ACP, weighs maybe 3 lbs, and cost over 40 at least
Elf and Dwarf-made items are almost always Masterwork and generally not for sale. Some examples…
- Elfbow [as a shortbow, but masterwork and +30ft range increments]
- Elf-Rope, 50ft (1lb) with double the weight limit of normal rope
- Elf-Cloaks (2lbs) [add +2 to Fort saves vs. environmental hazards and +4 to Sneak]
- Dwarf Heavy Armor [any metal Armor, is masterwork, adds +1 Tough, +20% to base weight] Cost +4
- Dwarf Toys (1-4 lbs) [basic clock-work toys that entertain children everywhere] Cost 8 to 20
Supernatural Weapons and Items – with the Imbue Item feat, craftsman can empower items. Some common enhancements and their cost might be (these assume the increased cost for Supernatural already)…
- Accurate (weapon, +1 attack bonus) cost +4
- Sharpness (weapon, +1 damage bonus) cost +4
- Penetrating (weapon, ignores 1 pt. of Toughness bonus from armor, etc) cost +3
- Bane (weapon, +1 damage to a certain foe like Orc, Troll, Undead or Dragon, etc) cost +2
- Warning (supernatural weapon or item that warns the barer when certain enemies are about; example – Orc, Troll, Undead or Dragons) cost +2
NOTE that these are only some suggestions. I encourage people to come up with their own ideas.