Palais du Trocadéro
Palais du Trocadéro on wikipedia
The Palais du Trocadéro is located in the heart of Paris, France, on Chaillot Hill, across the Seine and facing the Eiffel Tower. A vast, Byzantine concert hall with Moorish architecture, the Palais was built in 1878 to serve as a meeting place and interior exhibit hall for that year's world's fair. One of the exhibits on display there was a "human zoo," a series of replica villages containing some 400 inhabitants - all representative of indigenous peoples from around the world and most of them there against their wills. Over the course of the fair, dozens escaped and most were never found.
Like the famed Paris Opera House, the Palais is built over an old stone quarry that was never fully filled in. The Lazarus Trust's vast library and warehouse, and an underground aquarium that feeds from the fountains out front, take up much of the upper layers, but no one has ever fully explored the quarry's cavernous depths.