Papa Kochon
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- Court: Unseelie
- Seelie Legacy: Bumpkin
- Unseelie Legacy: Fatalist
- Seeming: Grump
- Kith: Boggan
- Physical
- Str: 2
- Dex: 3
- Sta: 3
- Social
- Cha: 3
- Man: 2
- App: 2
- Mental
- Per: 4 – Detail Oriented
- Int: 3
- Wits: 3
- Talents
- Alertness: 2
- Athletics: 2
- Brawl: 2
- Dodge: 1
- Empathy: 2
- Intimidation: X
- Kenning: 1
- Persuasion: 1
- Streetwise: 1
- Subterfuge: X
- Skills
- Crafts: 3
- Drive: 3
- Etiquette: 1
- Firearms: 2
- Leadership: 1
- Melee: 2
- Performance: X
- Security: X
- Stealth: 1
- Survival: 3
- Knowledges
- Computer: X
- Enigmas: 1
- Gremayre: X
- Investigation: 1
- Law: 1
- Linguistics: 2
- Lore: X
- Medicine: X
- Politics: X
- Science: X
- Arts
- Wayfare: 3
- Realms
- Actor: 1
- Fae: 1
- Nature: X
- Prop: 3
- Scene: X
- Time: X
- Backgrounds
- Dreamers: 2
- Remembrance: 1
- Resources: 3
Other Traits[edit]
- Glamour: 3
- Willpower: 5
- Banality: 5
- Merits
- Flaws
- Addiction: 1-pt
- Echoes: 2-pt
Craftwork – Because of their affinity for work, boggans can never botch Crafts rolls.
Social Dynamics – A successful Perception + Empathy (or Subterfuge) roll allows a boggan to puzzle out a group's social dynamics.
Call of the Needy – When confronted by someone in legitimate need, a boggan must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) to avoid assisting that person in some way.