Party Assets
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- Parties sit in between individual characters and companies (see reign for company rules)
- Parties do not have stats or skills, but they do bring the benefit of assets.
- Not only do parties have assets, but they also bring other in-game benefits - reflecting such things as party unity and cohesiveness.
- Here are the rules to create an adventuring party or group.
- Choose a party template
- Choose party assets. Usually the starting number of points that can be spent on assets (parties have assets, characters have advantages
- Choose party flaws
- An idea expounded by Fear the boot. incomplete
- Why are the characters together? What sort of group do they form?
- Possible party templates include: a group of mercenaries, a troubleshooting super team, a coterie of monsters, a gang, the a-team.
- Once the party template is chosen, parties are then generated by spending points on assets.
- The party is awarded 1 point for each player character in the party (and note that some character bring more than 1 point).
- Certain characters provide additional party points. This is due to their flaws that are detrimental for the whole party. The leprechaun, vampire, and werewolf provide an additional 1 party point each.
- If a player character is elected leader (and treated as such), then the party is awarded 2 party points.
- Finally lose 1 party point for every player with a character concept that amounts to loner.
- A party is generated the first time the Pc's adventure together and is revised and adjusted when either of the following conditions are met
- At least 50% of the party has died/retired/left the party
- A new adventure has begun
- Gaining party points during play.
- A party that has survived an adventure is awarded 1 party point per character that survived that is still a member of the party.
- A party that split up into a group smaller than half its size during the adventure, loses 2 party points
- Parties that gain the equivalent of a company stat such as might, territory should be converted into a company instead.
- Assets are (fairly permanent) advantages that the party as a collective has. Assets are ranked from 0 (no points allocated) to 3 or even 4. To increase an asset by 1 costs 1 party point. e.g. A rating of mentor 3 costs 3 party points. If the party is composed of 5 player characters, then there would still be 2 party points available to spend.
- Temporary Assets can also been granted during the adventure if the roleplaying warrants it. These are considered bonus assets. To make these permanent, party points need to be spent. The advantage of making them permanent is that the party can generally count on the asset always being available.
- Allies: Allies are individuals that are heavily affiliated with the party and can provide support, advice, financial assistance (loans), a couch to sleep on, etc.
- 0: No Allies of any note
- 1: One human ally of moderate ability
- 2: A team of human allies of moderate ability
- 3: A monster ally of moderate ability
- Allies: Allies are individuals that are heavily affiliated with the party and can provide support, advice, financial assistance (loans), a couch to sleep on, etc.
- Contacts: Allow you to source information and equipment. Unlike allies, this is a transaction usually involving money. If they are law-abiders, then they will not break the law for you (use influence instead) Major contacts are easy to reach. Minor contacts will need a CHARM based roll (or BRAINS if its a clever idea). Possible contacts include military, political, judicial, police, mob, emergency services, gangs, tabloids, newspapers, local council, federal agents, customs, embassies, university, high society, arms dealers, freemasons, etc. The country that the contacts reside in should also be chosen
- 0: No Contacts of any note
- 1: One major contact and a few minor contacts
- 2: A few major contacts and a dozen of so minor contacts
- 3: A dozen major contacts (a few with international connections) and a score of minor contacts
- Contacts: Allow you to source information and equipment. Unlike allies, this is a transaction usually involving money. If they are law-abiders, then they will not break the law for you (use influence instead) Major contacts are easy to reach. Minor contacts will need a CHARM based roll (or BRAINS if its a clever idea). Possible contacts include military, political, judicial, police, mob, emergency services, gangs, tabloids, newspapers, local council, federal agents, customs, embassies, university, high society, arms dealers, freemasons, etc. The country that the contacts reside in should also be chosen
- Followers: Employees, hirelings, groupies, underlings. It's all the same thing - someone to boss around. They receive a stipend (paid by this asset) and are loyal.
- 0: No Followers of any note
- 1: 1 untrained follower that is faithful and can do small errands
- 2: A few followers, 1 can be a specialist (such as a private eye)
- 3: A team of followers or a few specialists
- Followers: Employees, hirelings, groupies, underlings. It's all the same thing - someone to boss around. They receive a stipend (paid by this asset) and are loyal.
- Gadgets: Superscience, weird science and pulp science items. Anything from rocket packs to disintegration rays to magical samurai swords and personal robots. Also the workspace to make gadgets
- 0: No Gadgets of any note
- 1: 1 signature gadget (assigned to somebody or maybe shared) and a dmall lab
- 2: 2 signature gadgets
- 3: A team of followers or a few specialists
- Gadgets: Superscience, weird science and pulp science items. Anything from rocket packs to disintegration rays to magical samurai swords and personal robots. Also the workspace to make gadgets
- HQ: A unique sanctum, lair or fortress. If you want a lab as well, use gadgets. If you want transportation, use resources as well.
- 0: No HQ of any note. If you have a house, it is average with a basement.
- 1: You have a house. Secure and private with a secret room in the basement.
- 2: Very secure and with advantages (such as a cave with many escape routes)
- 3: Very secure and with many advantages (such as a large manor on an uncharted island).
- 4: Very secure and notorious (eg a dungeon, fortress or hidden base)
- HQ: A unique sanctum, lair or fortress. If you want a lab as well, use gadgets. If you want transportation, use resources as well.
- Influence: Used to get things through customs, stop paperwork. Law-abiders may break the law for you here.
- 0: No Influence of any note
- 1: Some local influence
- 2: Some national influence
- 3: Some international influence
- Influence: Used to get things through customs, stop paperwork. Law-abiders may break the law for you here.
- Mentor: The group has a benefactor or an employer or boss that takes a special interest in the party
- 0: No Mentor of any note
- 1: Mentor has a local influence or is often available
- 2: Mentor has a national influence or is always available
- 3: Mentor has international influence or has a national influence and is always available
- Mentor: The group has a benefactor or an employer or boss that takes a special interest in the party
- Reputation: Street credibility and renown. The value of reputation can be used as morale attack in the right circumstances. Also, provides its value in dice for charm based rolls in the right cirumstances.
- 0: No Reputation of any note
- 1: Local attention
- 2: National attention
- 3: International attention
- Reputation: Street credibility and renown. The value of reputation can be used as morale attack in the right circumstances. Also, provides its value in dice for charm based rolls in the right cirumstances.
- Resources: Party funds (this is different to individual wealth). Note that to have a secure house, HQ must be used instead. If you want a lab, use gadgets too. If you want loyalty from your servants, use followers.
- 0: No Resources of any note
- 1: Party has a few vehicles (a few cars or a small boat) and enough disposable income to pay for average national travel expenses
- 2: Party has a few cars (or even a jeep or truck), a boat (or air balloon), and enough disposable income to pay for first class international travel expenses
- 3: Party has a few cars and even a small plane, and stays in the best hotels around the world. Also have a servant or two (though you can't guarantee their loyalty)
- Resources: Party funds (this is different to individual wealth). Note that to have a secure house, HQ must be used instead. If you want a lab, use gadgets too. If you want loyalty from your servants, use followers.