Pathfinder Mercenary Contracts:Arisia

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Human Cleric Merciful Healer of Mirwa 1
NG Medium Humanoid (human)

Init +0; Senses Perception +4


AC 11, touch 10, flat-footed 10 (+1 Padded Armor, +0 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +6
Defensive Abilities


Speed 20 ft.
Melee Staff -1 (1d6-1/20x2)


Str 8, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 9 FCMD 9
Feats Extra Channel, Skill Focus (heal), Additional Traits
Traits Caretaker, Sacred Touch, Magical Talent (Prestidigitation), Inner Beauty
Skills Diplomacy(CHR) 1(+5), Heal(Wis) 1(+12), Knowledge:Religion(INT) 1(+6), Profession:Cooking(WIS) 1(+8), Profession:Herbalist(WIS) 1(+8), Sense Motive(WIS) 1(+8)
Languages Common, Celestial, Sylvan
SQ Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill Point, Aura
Gear Healer's Kit(1), Surgeon's Tools(5), Mess Kit(1), Cooking Kit(16), Quarterstaff(4), Padded Armor(10), Spell Component Pouch(2), Backpack(2), Belt Pouch(0.5), 1 dose Bodybalm, Flint and Steel, Bedroll(5), Wooden Holy Symbol, 5 days Trail Rations(5), Antidote Kit(3), Traveler's Outfit(5), Scholar's Outfit(6)
Encumbrance: 65.5 Load: Heavy Speed: 20'/x3 Max Dex: +2 Penalty: -6

Special Abilities

Channel Positive Energy: 5+CHR/day Channels: 6/6
Channel Effect: 1d6
Domain: Healing
Rebuke Death: 3+WIS/day Rebukes: 7/7 Heal 1d4 + level/2 to target at 0 or fewer HP
Inner Beauty: 1/day +4 to Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, or Perform, used after roll
Sacred Touch: Stabilize dying target as a Standard Action
Magical Talent: May cast Prestidigitation 1/day
Combat Medic: Does not provoke AoO when using heal skill to stabilize or when casting healing spells
Favored Class (Cleric): (1) +1 skill point


Level DC Spells/Day Spells Prepared
0 14 3 Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation*
1 15 2+D Cure Light Wounds, Forbid Action, Bless


Pathfinder Mercenary Contracts Arisia.jpg

Arisia smiled. The children at the shrine were happily weeding the garden, stopping occasionally to marvel at a particularly interesting bug, or to pester one another, sometimes with the aforementioned bug.

It wasn't so long ago that I was playing in the garden just like them, she thought.

She had been crying when the mercenaries had brought her to the shrine of Mirwa. Large, gruff, scary men and women, they had driven back the enemy that had overrun her village. They had gathered up the orphans and brought them to where they would be cared for.

Compared to them, Shrinemother Arasora had appeared as a shaft of warm sunlight amid storm clouds. She had welcomed Arisia and the other girls, and made them feel at home. Her days became ones filled with simple chores and joyful play. The pain of losing her family faded.

Some of her fellow foundlings went off with distant relatives that came for them. Others were adopted in to local families. One family had wished to adopt Arisia, but she wanted to stay with Shrinemother Arasora and become a priestess of Mirwa.

Contemplation of Mirwa's virtues became part of her daily routine. Not as a separate activity, but part of everything she did. She learned to see Mirwa's gentle influence in all things.

When one of the younger orphans broke her leg, she found she found that she could soothe the pain and heal the injury, Mirwa's warmth flowing through her and into the little girl.

Her training began in earnest then. Anatomy. Medicine. Diseases. Poisons. Types of wounds. Types of cures. Types of treatments. All knowledge she could use to heal the afflicted without having to rely on Mirwa's blessings.

A few months ago, her training had been completed, and she was recognized as a Shrinesister of Mirwa. She tugged at her white vestments with blue decorations, and adjusted the white cap perched on her head, still unused to them.

Shrinemother Arasora was negotiating with a mercenary captain. Priestesses of Mirwa were highly sought by certain mercenary companies. Not only were their healing powers valuable, but the presence of a Shrinesister marked a mercenary company as one that did not indulge in looting or rape, bolstering the company's reputation.

Now that Arisia was a Shrinesister, she had to go out into the world, and spread Mirwa's gentle love to as many people as she could. Someday, she would return to a shrine as a Shrinemother. But that day was far off.

Shrinemother Arasora and the mercenary captain emerged from she shrine, talking amiably. It seemed that the negotiations were successful.

Arisia took one last fond look over the shrine. She smiled.


Gentle, kind, and a bit whimsical, she focuses on healing and leaves the fighting to others unless she has no choice. She doesn't preach so much as encourage people when they're doing good.