Peace Chief Ragor of the Nine Stanzas
Peace Chief Ragor is said to be one of the most reasonable among the Howlers. Though he despises outsiders as much as anyone, he does not encourage his clan to raid outside of the Howlers domain, itself, and trades with the towns in the area on occasion. Recently,. it is told, the Clan of the Nine Stanzas has met a great foe on the field of battle, the Bleak Legion itself. Peace Chief Ragor lost many good warriors in trying to turn back the Legion and had to retreat, suffering loss of life and a loss to his honor. It is clear that the domain of the Howlers is in trouble with this new, dark foe encroaching on its territory but of course, the Nine Stanzas is as proud as any of the Howler tribes and will not ask for help or for quarter when facing the Bleak Legion once more.