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- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
Pearl Class: Halfling Level: 2 (Warrior) Experience Points: 2172 (+10%) Total Hit Points: 9 Armor Class: -2 Movement: 20'/Round
Attributes: Strength 13 +1 melee, open doors, damage with thrown weapons Intelligence 9 Wisdom 10 Dexterity 18 +3 missiles, -3 armor class, +2 individual initiative Constitution 10 Charisma 10
Valuables: Ring with Gem (700 gp) - wt 10
Weapons: Warhamer 1d6 - wt 30 loaned to knuckles 1d6 - wt 60 Sling 1d4 - wt 10 Crossbow (20) 1d6 - wt 50
Armour: Plate and Loaned to Knuckles - wt 550
Other: Backpack - wt 80 Bandages 3 x Flask of Oil Iron spikes, 12 Make-up 3 x Standard Rations (1 week) Small hammer Small mirror Soap Tinder Box (flint & steel) Torches (0) 2 x Water/Wine Skin
Total Encumbrance: 790 + 130 = 920
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands