Perla Danver
Played by squidheadjax
Original post here: [1].
As a soldier: [2]
Brighter days: [3]
Female Human (Illuskan, variant) Paladin 1
Background: Soldier
Alignment: LG
5’11”, 150 lb, Blue Eyes, Red Hair
Red hair frames this paladin’s ice-blue eyes, flowing in stringy crimson locks down her armor, almost like trails of blood. Her gaze is kind, but haunted. She moves with a grace born of certainty rather than daintiness, bearing the weight of her heavy armor in stride.
Perla is habitually polite, friendly, yet somewhat stern with people - habit from her time in the Neverwinter city watch - but quick to offer aid and comfort to anybody suffering. She values orderliness, but only in service to righteousness, and manages to be studiously oblivious to dishonorable or illegal actions as long as they are truly taken to serve a greater good. Her kindness should not be confused for softness, as her resolve to protect the suffering is absolute, and she secretly revels in giving ignoble but not irredeemable foes a proper dressing-down instead of a beating.
Background and Roleplaying[edit]
Perla Danver grew up in Neverwinter, the middle child in a merchant family with many siblings. Though she learned to be outspoken by necessity, she was slower than most of them at sums and figures, and quicker to get in fights; there was never much chance of her joining the family business. Leveraging what she did best, Perla joined the city watch when she came of age and later was involved in one of the frequent skirmishes with Luskan's orcish allies. Only a handful from her detachment survived, having been led into an ambush by the orcs. Afterward, Perla was haunted by her inability to save her comrades, only able to find solace in the temple of Ilmater, the bleeding god. After what she believed to be a vision from Ilmater himself, she left the Watch to become a novice among the Holy Warriors of Suffering, to devote her own wounded heart to others.
Having now completed her training, Perla has been sent back out into the world, to seek out those who need her protection, those who need their hearts opened to the suffering they cause, and those who need her steel. While she will face any terror bravely, especially to defend others, her experiences still haunt her and her dreams. She's not interested in the potential wealth from the Phandalin expedition, but the prospect of helping to restore an ailing community and nurture it to flourish again is more than enough attraction for her.
Traits: I’m haunted by memories of war; I can’t get the images of violence out of my mind / I can stare down a hell hound without flinching
Ideals: Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others
Bonds: I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves
Flaw: My compassion sometimes leads me to blindly aid those who only appear weak or vulnerable.
Str 16; Dex 10; Con 14; Int 8; Wis 12; Cha 14
Bonus +2
Saves Wisdom +3, Charisma +4
Skills Athletics +5, Intimidation +4, Insight +3, Persuasion +4, Animal Handling +3
Tools Cards, vehicles (land)
Weapons Simple & Martial
Armor All armor, shields
Languages: Common, Orcish
Military Rank: Soldiers from old organization (Neverwinter’s guard) still recognize authority and influence, and defer if of lesser rank (most non-officers, in her case). Can invoke her rank to exert influence or loan out simple equipment and mounts. Generally allowed into friendly military encampments and fortresses.
Divine Sense: 1+Cha times per long rest, can take an action to know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet without total cover, and the presence of any consecrated or desecrated object
Lay on Hands: Able to restore level x 5 HP per long rest to non-construct, non-undead creatures, or cure conditions for 5 HP each
Feat: Shield Master - obtain the following options when using a shield
Bonus action to try to shove a creature 5 feet with your shield, if you attack in a round
If not incapacitated, can add shield’s AC bonus to Dex save against single-target spell or other single-target effect
If an effect allows a Dex save for half damage, can use reaction to take no damage if successful
Spellcasting: - None yet at Paladin 1
Cantrips - x known
Spells - x known, y level max
Level 1:
Spell - description
Spells per day: X Level Y, Z Level W
Spellcasting Focus: Holy Symbol
AC 18 (Chain mail + shield), disadvantage on stealth
HP 12 (1d10+2)
Longsword +5 1d8+3 (S)
Javelins +5 1d6+3 (P, Thrown 30/120)
Spell Save DC n/a
Insignia of rank
Jagged dagger claimed from a fallen orc
Deck of cards
Common clothes
Priest’s Pack: Backpack, Blanket, 10 candles, Tinderbox, Alms box, 2 blocks of incense, censer, vestments, 2 days of rations, waterskin, 10 gp.