Phillipe d'Isigny

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PHILLIPE d'ISIGNY, Baron. He is handsome, charming, and melancholy. He is sadly reduced in circumstances, his ancestral lands lost in the Revolution, his inheritance squandered by his father, his own earnings spent to pay numerous debts of honor after his father's suicide. He is traveling to take up a position as secretary to the French ambassador. This duchy is an outpost of civilization. The journey has been rough, the food dreadful, and the company lacking all flair-an ignorant English woman and her immature daughter (to whom his code of honor demands that he attend), a boorish merchant, and the merchant's commoner pupil. Phillipe longs for gentle company.

PHILLIPE d'lSIGNY, Age 24, Penniless Nobleman

STR 12 CON 11 SIZ 13 INT 14 POW 13 DEX 14 APP 16 EDU 18 SAN 65 HP 12

Damage Bonus: +1d4. Weapons: Dueling Pistol 35%, damage 1d6+1 Sabre 55%, damage 1d8

Skills: Art (Oratory) 60%, Art (Schubert Lieder) 35%, Astronomy 30%, Code of Honor 90%, Credit Rating 40%, Dodge 40%, Fast Talk 40%, French 70%, German 40%, Hide 35%, History 40%, Latin 35%, Library Use 50%, Listen 45%, Occult 25%, Persuade 50%, Psychology 40%, Ride 60%, Spot Hidden 50%.

Quote: 'Some day I will restore my fortunes.'