Phrixi Euterpos

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Phrixi Euterpos, the Siren Singing Priest[edit]


Short-Term Aspiration: Deliver a message from my foster father to a relatively distant cult.

Short-Term Aspiration: Perform a good dithyramb for a festival

Long-Term Aspiration: Convince Thebes to stop antagonizing the peaceful serpent-people.


Inhuman (Athletics, Enigmas, Persuasion, Survival)

Chosen One (Aim, Command, Integrity, Mysticism)

Heart Turner (Academics, Culture, Empathy, Medicine)


Intellect: 3

Cunning: 3

Resolve: 2

Might: 3

Dexterity: 2

Stamina: 1

Presence: 5

Manipulation: 4

Composure: 2

Favored Approach: Force


Aim: 0 (O)

Academics: 1 (Q)

Athletics: 1 (A)

Close Combat: 0

Command: 2 (O)

Culture: 2 (Q)

Empathy: 2 (Q)

Enigmas: 1 (A)

Integrity: 1 (O)

Larceny: 0

Medicine: 0 (Q)

Mysticism: 1 (O)

Persuasion: 3 (A)

Ride: 0

Survival: 1 (A)

Technology: 0

Other Traits[edit]


Origin: I am the heavens' voice! (Presence)

Quest: Let me prove I mean the best for all (Empathy)

Archetype: Listen to my voice and let me convince you (Persuasion)

Archetype: I'm a birdbrain, not stupid. (Intellect)


FEROCIOUS ROAR (Gain +1 Enhancementon rolls to intimidate or impress. Additionally, once per story,a successful Command + Presence roll imposes the Panicked Condition on your opponents.)

WHY WALK WHEN YOU CAN FLY? (Can fly, can carry one companion, plus a Puppet, per scene)

ROUSING SONG OF OLD (Gain a +1 Enhancement on Culture rolls related to folktales and music. Additionally, once per story, you may beguile a crowd with a song. Until the end of the scene or until their character stops speaking, other heroes have a +2 Enhancement to Larceny rolls. This Trope also creates a positive Atmosphere of 3, drastically improving everyone’s Social rolls.This Atmosphere immediately ends if the character speaking uses violence other than in self-defense.)


3 - Balmaus: Deep Empathy and Understanding ("We get what it's like to have a fate thrust upon you.")

2 - Kore: Professional Caution ("Priest of another god, and I do know she thinks I might be a danger.")

2 - Melia: Feeling of Kinship ("She's a noble who set out on her own. She's a cousin of mine in spirit, if not biologically.")

1 - Aziza: Confusion and Discomfort ("I don't...get soldiers. It's not my profession at all. Plus, I'm a guy, she's an Amazon, that always ruffles feathers.")


Contact: Fated Mentor - Chosen One - (Culture) Thalia Nikos, who is both the leader of the local maenad reveler-women...and self-proclaimed manager for his appearances. Surprisingly strict when setting up a venue, unsurprisingly loose pretty much everywhere else.

Faction: Theater Troupe - Heart Turner - (Persuasion) The Chorus College, a bunch of actors of...middling quality who mostly do Homeric plays - and who occasionally use Phrixi as one-bird chorus. And occasional cover for when the props fail.

Access: Anthemossa Aerie - Inhuman - The ancestral homeland of the Sirens is not actually three rocks off the cost of Paestrum, but an occultly-hidden isle near Capreae. One can only find it by ear and echo, it literally does not exist for those who cannot find it by song in some fashion...but there's a rather robust trade with humans due to both adventurous Sirens, merchants, and adventurous Siren merchants. It's still hidden mostly for privacy, because some people hear "mostly female race of half-birds with beautiful singing voices, have polygamous tendencies, and who are often attracted to human men" and get weird about it.)






Sirens, relatives-in-spirit of the Harpies, get a bad rap. Yes, the most famous story from is Odysseus, but those three were serial killers exiled from Anthemossa and none of their people realized they could outright make their songs hypnotic instead of informative of hidden desires. They didn't think to mute them, too, until the great journeyman told everyone what they were doing with the rocks. Mostly they seek to sing and dance, an inheritance from their their collective ancestor of Princess Sterope, herself a granddaughter of Dionysus, and to travel far, which comes from the god Achelous, who fathered the first of them upon her (and was as shocked as everyone else when she laid an egg - many suspect the paternal great-granddad took a dare during a blackout). But they are, indeed, mostly female - 70% women to men, at least on a chromosome level. Compounding matters is that Sirens can and do have children with humans, and some quirk of biology means that chicks with a mortal parent are 90% women as well, whether the Siren be mother or father.

Phrixi is of that rare 10% of male humanborn, born of a sailor who thought of himself as a poet and perhaps the one woman who agreed with him, or at least found his floundering cute - and that woman happened to have wings. As with most male humanborn, it was taken as an auspicious sign - and given the date he was born, the local Dionysian Mysteries took it as a sign he was a chosen emissary of the Joybringer. As he grew, and turned out to be one of the best singers in an already musical race, they became sure of it, and all but whisked him away for training as a religious celebrity musician, and way to improve Siren reputation.

While he is mostly fine with the idea, Phrixi does know his life was mostly charted out from the moment he was born. He likes and respects Thalia, but mostly because she is only a terror when prepping for a show, she mostly treats him as a friend at work otherwise. On some level, he resents the idea that he was put on this planet mostly to sing and look pretty is something he finds utterly vexing - not the least because he's schooled well enough in academia too, even if his grades are thoroughly average. He especially doesn't like that he's marketed to teen girls, which as a mid-20s man comes off as a bit creepy - especially when they send him their "plays" involving him and a few of their friends. Mostly, he wants to prove his music can make the world better - not just be marketed.