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Name: Pilote
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Level: 8
Gender: Male

STR 16 (+3)
DEX 18 (+4)
Con 16 (+3)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 10 (0)
CHA 10 (0)

Hit Points: 120

AC: 19
Mithral Shirt +4
Bracers of Natural Armor +1

Magical Scimitar (+1) +12
Mighty Composite Short Bow (+2 STR bonus) +11
MW Arrows x 50 (+1 to hit)

Class features
Fast Movement
Uncanny Dodge
Trap Sense
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Damage Reduction

Simple Weapons
Martial Weapons
Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Weapon Focus: Scimitar
Weapon Focus: Composite Bow

Climb +8
Craft (leatherworking) +5
Handle Animal +5
Hide +7
Intimidate +5
Intuit Direction +5
Jump +6
Listen +7
Literacy 2
Move Silently +6
Ride +6
Search +3
Spot +4
Swim +6

Ordai (Wolf Tribe Language)

Magic Items
Bracers of Natural Armor +1
Cloak of Elvenkind
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2

Born of a nomadic barbarian tribe, Pilote spent his youth wishing to see more of the world than just the great plains and rolling hills. His natural talent with the scimitar made him standout from the other warriors and he decided to use that as a means to make his way through the world.

Leaving his tribe he traveled to the 'civilized' portions of the world whereupon he immediately fell victim to those looking to take advantage of him. He spent time working as an army scout, caravan guard, and as a body guard for rich patrons.

It was as a caravan guard that his fortune took a turn for the worse. His caravan was attacked and he remained the sole survivor. Rather than putting him to death, the brigands decided to truly insult the young warrior's honor and sold him into slavery.