Pinckney, Charles PL10

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Alternate Identity: None Group Affiliation: STORMWATCH TEAM ACHILLES First Appearance: STORMWATCH TEAM ACHILLES #2 Power Level: 10 (150pp)

Str: 14 (+2) Dex: 20 (+5) Con: 16 (+3) Int: 18 (+4) Wis: 18 (+4) Cha: 15 (+2) Total: 41pp

Base Attack Bonus: 9 Melee: 14 (attack finesse) Ranged: 15 Total: 18pp

Base Defense Bonus: 5 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +11 Initiative: +5 Cost: 10

SAVES Damage: +5 (toughness) Fort: +3 Ref: + 5 Will: +4

Powers: None!


Blend suit +6 [Blending +6, flaw: device; source: science; cost: 3pp]

Assault rifle [+5L, extra: far shot x5, autofire, flaw: device, flaw: uses; source: science; cost: 12pp]

binoculars [telescopic sight+3, power stunt: infra red sight, flaw: device, source: science; cost: 5pp]

total: 20pp


Attractive, Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (gun), Attack finesse, Dodge, Diplomatic immunity, Expertise, Improved critical, Point blank shot, Rapid shot, Toughness

Cost: 22pp


Bluff +7/+4 (attractive), concentration +5, Diplomacy +7/+4 (attractive), Hide +15/+8 (blending suit), Knowledge (SPB) +6, Move silently +8, Profession (soldier SAS) +9, sense motive +6, Spot +9 Total: 25pp

Grand Total: 150pp