Pink Pistol

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The Pink Pistol, or Alan Gant as he is known to his parents, is the son of two low-rent Science Heroes from Mississippi. From an early age he decided that he wanted to follow in his parents' footsteps, and rather liking the idea of having a legacy, they did nothing to discourage him. On his 14th birthday he was gifted with a powerful gun which fired bolts of stunning energy and a suit of armour to keep him safe in the face of danger. His first act of 'heroism' the day afterwards was to go and shoot up a bunch of jocks that had beaten up his ex-boyfriend a month or so before, then the other kids who had just teased the two of them, then the teachers who had allowed it to happen without lifting a finger to help, then the police who had failed to put more than a token effort into solving the beating, and might well have continued if his parents hadn't managed to track him down and drag him home before he got into serious trouble.

Over the next couple of years Alan's methods became more subtle, but his goals remained the same: find those who would discriminate against himself and others on grounds of their sexuality, and teach them a well-earned lesson. The better to protect himself from the backlash of the conventional authorities he has studied the arts of disguise heavily and has mastered them with surprising ease. Unbeknownst to either the boy or his parents his training managed to tap into latent mutations within the family DNA, allowing Alan to alter his form to practically anything he wishes, as long as the form is human. Of course, neither he nor his parents have any idea that he is anything more than an exceptionally talented young disguise artist, but it's bound to come out sooner or later. These things always do.

Alan's parents (known, incidentally, as The Lab Rats) enrolled their well-intentioned but wayward son at the Claremont academy in the hope that he would there either learn some self-restraint, or possibly get laid. As far as they can tell, he's so wound up that he definitely needs one or the other.

Name: Alan Gant

Alias: The Pink Pistol

Occupation: Student Superhero

Age: 17


STR: 12 (+1)

DEX: 20 (+5)

CON: 14 (+2)

INT: 16 (+3)

WIS: 12 (+1)

CHA: 16 (+3)


Damage: +2

Fortitude: +2

Reflex: +5

Will: +1


Initiative: +5


Base Defence: 7

Normal Defence: 22

Flat-Footed: 17

Mental Defence: 18

Base Attack: 7

Melee: +8

Ranged: +12

Mental: +8


(Not counting stat or synergy bonuses, for simplicity's sake.)

Acrobatics: 5

Bluff: 11

Diplomacy: 5

Disguise: 11

Innuendo: 4

Knowledge - Current Affairs: 5

Sense Motive: 5

Taunt: 4


Point Blank Shot

Precise Shot

Rapid Shot


(Pretty much all of Alan's training has been in preparing for combat with the assorted wrong-doers that his new career will inevitably throw him into contact with - specifically in means to better disable them while avoiding harm himself.)


Stun: 8

Flaw: Device

Source: Super-Science

(Alan's primary mode of attack is the stun gun his parents gifted him on his 14th birthday. As his name would suggest it is indeed pink. Well, closer to lilac, but that doesn't sound as good.)

Armour: 8

Source: Super-Science

(Alan's armour comes in the form of a nifty white suit made of a special material which absorbs and deflects most forms of incoming energy. It is also pretty much impossible to get dirty.)

Super-Skill - Disguise: 8

Source: Training

(Realising that sometimes just walking up to people and shooting them wouldn't really work, Alan decided to find an alternate method of getting close enough to people to mete out much-deserved justice. And what better way to do that than pretending to be someone else?)

Shapeshift: 8

Flaw: Human Only

Flaw: Attached to Disguise skill

Extra: Continuous

(It's amazing what training hard will get you. In this case, it's unlocked certain latent shapeshifting abilities which kind of died out a while back in his family line. Entirely unconsciously, when he applies the makeup, puts on the wigs, spends time adjusting his posture and his voice, Alan actually changes the whole shape of his body to better match that of the person he is imitating.)


Quirk: Alan has faced all kinds of discrimination on account of his sexuality. Suffice to say that he has taken this very, very badly. When faced with anything that he perceives as being somehow homophobic, unless some very serious backtracking is done or he makes a real effort to control himself, Alan flies into a rage. This generally starts out with someone being stunned, and ends up in a blazing row.