Pip: Ship's Cook
T is for Time
- It bends to my will
- It does what I say
- For good or for ill
MY NAME IS . . . Pepper John
AND I AM A . . . Culinary Assassin
WHAT'S BEEN KEEPING YOU AWAKE? Weird newspaper showed up at my dorm with my picture splashed across the front claiming I had done the unthinkable . . . a week from now.
WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO YOU? It was just the one little tentacle at first, growing out of my shoulder, but Professor Barkley saw it and tried to restrain me, screaming . . . well the things he yelled were hurtful even it he was doing it in a falsetto that would've turned Freddie Mercury's head. Before I knew it, he was covered in slippery blinding ink - I guess my tentacles spray the stuff when I'm scared - and whacked his head and went down like a bag of lawn gnomes at a dirt convention.
Anyway, no one but us was at the pier that early, and by the time prof came around and started screaming his story to anyone who would listen, I had ungrown the tentacle. When the cops finally turned out, his raving bought him one of those buckle-in-back hug-yourself canvas jackets and an all expenses paid trip to West Oak Assylum.
WHAT'S ON THE SURFACE? Second year college girl with t-shirts in seven different colors that read Snack Sized, strawberry blonde hair, and a bodywide star map of freckles.
I'm pretty much always kicking about in comfortable clothes and shoes. Recently, I have taken to carrying a dual filter gas mask wherever I go as well, because reasons.
I'm studying marine biology and absolutely obsessed with cephalopods, the tangled little cuties.
WHAT LIES BENEATH? I grow tentacles now. They are long, strong, and spray ink on command. I am as easily blinded by my own ink as anyone I'm targeting with it, and I never want to find out what it might taste like by the throatful, hence the gas mask.
I can ungrow tentacles as fast as I grow them - for some reason they never seem to damage my clothes, even when they sprout right through them - but the ink doesn't just go awsy once it's spilt.
WHAT IS YOUR PATH? The path I walk seems to be a neverending spiral leading me ever inward, ever deeper and darker, but at the same time forces me ever outward, ever upward, and into the light.
All I know is I have to keep walking . . .
WHAT CRIME WILL YOU BE ACCUSED OF COMMITTING? According to the paper, I'm going to sell portable strobe lamps to the Little Sisters of Labyrinth Lane. Who among the Awake would ever do that? Hell, who among Nightmares? Those teddy bear dragging, knife wielding little shits would take over the Mad City altogether with tools like that. They'd be nigh unstoppable.
Vanishing Act: There is not a surface too smooth or steep for me to climb or cling to and no crevice too small or narrow that I cannot slip through. Just like the cephalopods my newfound form apparently mimics.
Tangly Tentacles: I can cause tentacles to grow out of my flesh, tentacles that can grip anything, reach anything, haul me up anything, grapple anything.
Bonus, each and every sucker pad is capable of oozing literal quarts of ink.
(1-2 Madness Dice) I grow one or two tentacles the length of an arm with the strength of a fit athlete. I can completely drecnch another human being in ink.
(3-4 Madness Dice) I grow three to four tentacles thrice the length of an arm with the strength of gorillas. I can flood a small alley with ink.
(5-6 Madness Dice) I grow five to six tentacles the length of tall trees with the strength of giant yellow construction machines. I can release enough ink to make several city blocks impassable.