Pirates - On til Morn!/Fons

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Alfons Van Heeren[edit]

Alfons 'Fons' Van Heeren has been a mariner his entire life. Born the second son of an aristocratic family in Veere (County Zeeland, Netherlands) he quickly took to both sword and sail. Fons's father, Gillis, was a captain in the Royal Navy and encouraged his sons' military and nautical interests. His elder brother followed their father's path in the navy but Fons wanted to see the world and so he found employment with the East India Company. While employed he saw many places and many strange things that kept renewing his love for adventure.

He had some difficulty as he refused to allow the rough and ready nature of the EIC to soften his hard, aristocratic tendencies. Fons is a consummate gentleman and holds himself to a very high standard. He accepts that other men do not have his own standards or discipline but he doesn't let that excuse their poor manners or low bearing. He isn't cruel or aggressive about it but his disdain is evident even when he tries to hide it. Part of this sense of [I]noblesse oblige[/I] leads him to oppose chattel slavery. Those sentenced to hard labor for crimes and those who are indentured have chosen their fate and he leaves them to it, but he believes that freedom is necessary to allow patriotism. No man loves the country who is in bondage to it.

Fons has recently left the Company so that he can see the New World. Despite the Company having governed New Netherlands prior to British Capture he never made it to the Caribbean possessions.


  • Agility d8
  • Smarts d6
  • Spirit d8
  • Strength d4
  • Vigor d4


  • Boating d8
  • Climbing d4
  • Fighting d8
  • Intimidation d8
  • Knowledge (Navigation) d4
  • Notice d4
  • Persuasion d8
  • Shooting d6
  • Swimming d4


  • Code of Honor
  • Loyal
  • Quirk (elitist)
  • Heroic


  • Command
  • Charismatic
  • Noble
  • First Strike
  • Pilot

Derived Traits[edit]

  • Charisma: +2
  • Pace: 6
  • Parry: 6
  • Toughness: 4

Languages: Dutch, English, French


  • Dutch - 7
  • English - 10
  • French - 8
  • Spanish - 9


Money: 291 PoE (Owed 272 from company chest)

  • Spyglass, Compass , Map of the Main, Writing equipment (20), cutlery (20), leather satchel, book (diary), scroll case, deck of cards (5)*, whetstone
  • Bullseye lantern, 5 pints oil
  • Formal clothing, Normal clothing (2 sets)
  • Bottle of wine
  • Rapier, pistol (20 shot&powder), dagger
  • 6-Finger Jack's Crucifix (+1 soak)


XP: 10

  • 5: Add Knowledge (Navigation) d4
  • 10: Add Pilot