Pirates of the Baltic Sea:Niklas Lindgren

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Niklas Lindgren[edit]

Ability Scores

Strength: 9 (-1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Technology: 17 (+3)
People: 12 (+1)

Age: 36
Hit Points: 21
Saving Throws: Fort +1, Reflex +2, Mind +4
Tool Proficiencies: Hacker’s Device, Repair Tools, Disarming Kit
Armor & Weapon Proficiencies: Light Armor, Helmets; Melee Weapons, Pistols, Submachine Guns, Shotguns
Language: English, Swedish, Finnish, German, +2

Origin's Traits (Regular Joe)
(+2 People, +1 Dexterity, +1 Technology); +2 proficiency skills of choice and 1 tool proficiency of choice

Class Traits (Hacker/Robomancer)

  • Hit Dice: d8
  • Starting Proficiencies:
  • Armor: Light armour, helmets
  • Weapons: Melee weapons, pistols, submachine guns, shotguns
  • Saving Throws: Mind
  • Skills: Hacking, Computing, Stealth
  • Exploits (Saving throw: DC 13; Botnet max uses: 4):
  • Overcrowded HUD (1 creature): Failure: Blinded for 3 rounds; success: nothing (Bxn)
  • Tracking: Hacks a creature’s device/augment to: (Bxn)

Gain information about creature’s vitals
Deal an extra 1d6 damage when hitting with a weapon attack
Always know its location
Track another creature if current one’s HP reduced to 0 (Bxn)

  • White Noise (max 3 creatures): Failure: Deafened for 2 rounds; success: nothing (Bxn)
  • Healing: Heals 1d8+3 HP (Axn; 2 uses per short/long rest)
  • Redistribution: Use unspent hit dice to add to damage roll (Rxn)
  • Hacker Specialty: Combat Hacker

Robotics Proficiency: Gain proficiency in Robotics and Mechanics
Robotic Companion: Canine Mech

Max HP: 21
Exploit DC: 13 (8+PB+TEC)
AC: 16

Background: Corporate Drone (IT Support; 1 term); Technician (Mech Repair; 2 terms)

Vice: I can only form romantic bonds with artificial intelligence. Humans are too complicated.

Skills Athletics -1
Intimidation -1
Acrobatics +2
Sleight of Hand +2
Stealth +4
Vehicles (Land) +2
History +2
Investigation +2
Gambling +2
Religion +2
Navigation +2
Tracking +4
Perception +4
Engineering +4
Streetwise +2
Computing +5
Medicine +3
Robotics +5
Hacking +5
Vehicles (Aircraft) +3
Mechanics +5
Bureaucracy +1
Deception +1
Performance +1
Persuasion +1
Presence +1
Sense Motive +1

Money: 56,85 ₩
Pocket Computer, 0.5
Torch (Headlamp), 0.5
Energy Drink (2), -
Holster, Ammunition (2), 1 (2)
Holster, One-Handed, 1
Backpack, Enhanced, 6
Light Helmet, 4
Concealable Ballistic Vest, 13
21st Century Pistol, 3
Knife (2), 1 (2)
Ammo, 9mm. -
Total weight: 32

Neurolink (Neural) Tier 0: Download and upload data directly from brain
Enhanced HUD (Eyes) Tier 0: Ad-free, links biolinked weapons with HUD, displays current ammo count and vital signs
Mechanical Liver (Torso) Tier 0: Can prevent alcohol drawbacks; able to sober up in 6 seconds
Enhanced Aiming Mk. I (Eyes) Tier 1: Can zoom 1.5x, +1 to hit on seen targets


Niklas Lindgren is a Swedish computer techie of average build. He was born and raised in the New City section of Mariehamn. Like many others, he graduated at the age of 18, and went to work as IT tech support for five years. After waddling through a lot of bureaucratic red tape, he decided to switch careers and go into being a repair technician instead; while pay dropped from when he was working in corporate, he managed to have more freedom (or some semblance of it) with fixing broken mech. However, some time in his third term a stray laser burned the left side of his torso badly, and he was let go from his job. Having to find a new source of income, Niklas began taking contracts from privateers who needed a little bit of help getting into some security or rewiring some machinery. For the most part he avoids coming into conflict with the major organisations on the Baltic Sea, though he had some close encounters with the Buccaneers and the Guild of the Victual Brothers.