Places Seen and Heard of
Named Places[edit]
History's Shadow - the antique store owned by Donovan. Used as a staging ground, hang out and storage place by the group. Has a good Occult Library in it.
The Crossroads - bar/music club
Clocks Tower mansion - setting for Episode 3.
Erika's house
Nelson's house
Allison's house
Nelson's Car
Unnamed Places[edit]
Logging community
Computer factory (owned by Nelson's dad?)
High school (Fighting Lumberjacks.) Also get to see the gym for Valentine's Day.
Smallish state-sponsored university (University of Montana at Shadow Creek; UMSC)
Lake to the north of town.
Few cleared strips for runways, skydivers.
Wooded, creek.
A mall.
Chinese Apothecary - Nelson buys giraffe tongue from there.
Zurble Gear stores - beginnings of the Zurble mountain climbing gear empire
Publishing house of Mountains and Molehills, Zurble magazine
Theater house where the musical "Alice!" is being put on.
Park where Spike is met for the drop-off.
A combo restaurant/bowling alley/arcade
Wendy's house
Veronique's house