Planet Boston

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(Note: This Planet was created using the Planetary Template found in LUG Star Trek: The Next Generation RPG)

Discovered in 1952 A.D. and officially founded in the year 1 AC (After Colonization, 1970 A.D.), Boston was the first human colony founded by humans from Earth. The planet was cleansed of Valacantha during the Terran-Valancantha war. If there are any Valacantha left on planet Boston, they are in remote areas or are found underground. Subsequent immigration from the U.S.A. and other Terran Nations have ballooned the population from 10,000 to one Million, at least until communication with Sol was cut off.

Planetary Details[edit]

  • Class: Garden World
  • System Data: Massachusetts System
  • Gravity: 1.2 Gs
  • Atmosphere: Oxygen-Nitrogen
  • Hydrosphere: 78% Surface Water
  • Climate: Temperate, Earth-like.
  • Sapient Species: 75% humans, 10% Draconids, 2% Scro, 2% Eldar, 16% others
  • Tech Level:
  • Government: Federal Republic
  • Culture: Capitalistic culture that focuses on Scientific Progress and Free Enterprise.
  • Affiliation: The Republic, the capital of the Republic is found here.
  • Resources: Boston is a metal rich world.
  • Places of Note: The White House, where the President of the Republic resides and does business; is located in Washington. The Allegheny Mountains are breathtaking, and the longest river on the world is the Mississippi.
  • Ship Facilities: Northrop-Gumman Industries maintains two shipyards in the system: Chesapeake and Columbus. The Washington Dockyard is where Republican capital ships go to dock for routine maintenance.
  • Other Details: The Bostonians have a normal culture here, somewhat like America during the 1960s.

Notable Infrastructure[edit]

The White House[edit]

The Capitol Building[edit]

The Republican Stock Market[edit]



See Also[edit]