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Recruiting Thread

IC thread

OOC thread - forthcoming


Mark the mercenary (Ameraaaaaa)[edit]

Swordsmanship d10
strong d8
tough d8
"apon death by murder mark will come back to life fully healed. But he will die again if he doesn't kill his murderer with 24 hours or they die not by his hand."

Alvaredo (JEL)[edit]

Swashbuckling d8 (Fencing, swinging from proverbial chandeliers, witty repartee)
Sway d10 (Influencing individuals with deception, persuasion or seduction with appeals to emotion)
Sneak d8 (hiding, moving quietly, breaking and entering)

Gift: (taken directly from the rules page) can speak words that will bring any foe to a truce; but after he has done so, rage fills him until he has destroyed something he treasures.

Some camels[edit]


We arrive somewhere near the Ziggurat