Portal Fantasy Game/Jack Schwartz

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Name: Jack Schwartz Age: 20

Template: Pure Mortal Power Level: Chest-Deep (8 refresh, 30 skill points, skill cap at Superb)

Base Refresh: 10 (+2 bonus for Pure Mortal) Final Refresh: 5


1- High Concept: Pure libertarian fanatic Self-explanatory.

2- Trouble: Defends other's liberty and property, no matter what the cost

3- Background: Rich philosopher's son

Jack Schwartz was the son of a corporal and a rich philosopher living in Texas- he inherited the unyielding fanaticism of the one, and the cunning of the other. His father, John Schwartz, was a libertarian philosopher who was extremist but didn't act on it- he argued that people had an inherent desire to choose the direction of their own life which should be respected, but went through intellectual hurdles to justify such things as a driver's license. Jane Schwartz was a fanatical American nationalist, if more comparable in her nationalism to De Gaulle then most American heroes- hence she tolerated her busand, believing that his popular philosophy was good for the 'national culture'.

Jack got the best education Texas had to offer, and it was hoped he would go into Harvard like his father. From the time he was young he had a strong conscience that made his mother proud but got him into trouble- he would often stand up to bullies by attacking them, at first only to defend his little brother but then to defend everybody.

Rising Conflict: Urban gurellia

From when he was nine, Jack was convinced of his mother's words. By thirteen, he was beginning to question the inconsistencies in her philosophy and develop what was effectively a variation of it. By fifteen, he was having a moral crisis for not acting on it. By seventeen, he made up his mind- he left a note, ran away from home, and left a Declaration of War against the United States at the local police office. In an attack designed to get him on the news (but which only suceeded thanks to the same powers of Fate that aid many pure mortals), he killed two policemen with a sword and took their guns. From there, he tried to rally a gurellia revolt to raise the United States against the government- quickly, of course, discovering that this was futile...

Personal Strength 1: Never Backs Down

Jack has sacrificed everything for his beliefs already- or at least, that's how he saw it when he did it. Whenever his principles are at stake, he will never surrender- no matter what the cost to others, and certainly not to himself. Although Jack doesn't totally realise it, he inherited this from his mother- Jane would have died to defend the United States, even if it meant being known as a traitor in an unmarked grave.

Personal Strength 2: A Cunning Mind

John dominated Harvard's philosophy department not due to the strength of his arguments, but due to the brilliance of his intrigues. Jack has adapted the same cunning to another purpose- deceit. He never uses his deceit except in defence of liberty or property- otherwise it would be a breach of his principles. But most of the time...

Personal Weakness: Fanatic's World

Jack sees everybody who breaks his strict moral code as evil, no matter what their other merits. He is enough of a pragmatist to work with 'evil' people when he believes it serves his greater cause, but because he honestly sees violations of liberty and property as 'evil' he will break off these allainces if such deeds are committed (excluding the most minor, or those he doesn't know about)- in addition, he will make no secret that his alliance is only one of convienice.


-Discipline: Superb

-Endurance: Superb

-Weapons: Great

-Stealth: Great

-Intimidation: Good

-Empathy: Good

-Guns: Fair

-Scholarship: Fair

-Fists: Average

-Athletics: Average


1- Holding it Together:

(Justification: The way Jack's mind works)

Uses Discipline instead of Conviction for his social stress track.

2- Sword Master:

(Justification: Jack had a friend, Thomas, whom he used to practice sword fighting with when they were young. Jack thought he was silly for it, but Thomas always insisted on realism- thus, they used specially weighted toy swords and often got hurt)

+1 to Weapons Skill when using Swords.

3- Impromptu Shelter:

(Justification: When Jack was a gurellia he couldn't hide in people's homes unless he knew they'd interfered with freedom or property somehow- that would a lie to a target that might not deserve it. Hence, he would be forced to make do as best he could)

Can use Stealth for Camaflague when in an urban area.

4- Desperate Last Stand:

(Justification: Jack's had a few- naturally, his adrenalin would be in overdrive. Over time, he's learned to push himself further and further...)

Can spend two Fate Points to eliminate one mild physical consequence once per scene.

5- No Pain No Gain:

(Justification: Jack has a naturally tough constitution)

Can take two additional mild physical consequences.