Prince Graf Goritz
Prince Graf Goritz[edit]
Dwarf (Earth Elemental Bloodline) Cloistered Cleric 1/Fighter 3
STR 13 - 05 DEX 14 - 06 CON 15 - 05 INT 12 - 04 WIS 16 (+1 for 4th) - 08 CHA 13 - 08
Vitality: 29 Wounds: 15 BAB: +3 FORT: +7 REF: +3 WILL: +6
Skills: (CC/Fig/Abil/Misc|Tot)
Climb (Str) 0+0+1+2 = +3, Craft (Alchemy) (Int) 4+1+1+4 = +10, Craft (Gonnes) (Int) 4+3+1+4 = +12(+14 with tools; +16 if metal and stone), Diplomacy (Cha) 4+2+1+4 = +11, Knowledge (Local) (Int) 4+1+3+1 = +8, Knowledge (Arcana) (Int) 2+1+3+2 = +8, Knowledge (Noblity) (Int) 4+1+3+1 = +9, Knowledge (Engineer) (Int) 3+2+3+2 = +10, Knowledge (Religon) (Int) 3+1+3+1 = +8, Ride (Dex) 0+4+2+0 = +6, Sense Motive (Wis) 2+2+3+2 = +9, Spellcraft (Int) 2+0+1+0 = +3
Trait: Absent-Minded (+1 to knowledges, -1 to spot and listen)
Feats: Oreads kiss and Ancestral Knowledge (Class Occupation), Clan Prestige and Leadership (Bonus), Education - 1st, Rapid Reload (Powdered Weapons) - Fighter 1st, Point Blank Shot - Fighter 2nd, Weapon Focus (Powdered Weapons) - Fighter 3rd, Power Attack - Bloodline, Negotiator - 3rd, Weapon Groups (Basic Weapons, Powder, Axes, Heavy Blades, Picks and Hammers, Spears and Lances)
Other Abilities: Darkvision 20ft, Stonecunning: +2 to search on stonework, Weapon Familiarity, Stability: +4 to ability checks to resist bull rush or trip, +2 racial to save vs. poison, +3 to save vs. spells and s-l effects, +1 racial to attack rolls vs. orcs and goblins, +4 dodge ac vs giants, +2 racial to appraise metal or stone items, Lore(Ex): 1/2 CC level, bardic knowledge, Turning(su): 4/day
Spellcasting:(Domains: Knowledge, Artifice, Creation)
Base: 3/1+1/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-
Bonus: -/1/1/1/-/-/-/-/-/-
A mountain dwarf, son of the local Lord (Kingskin - a cousin). A lord by blood and maybe a mastercrafter, but definitely with a scholarly bent, second in line to your fathers hold. A fighter 3/wizard 1.
Parents: Father/mother royal dwarves. Father a warrior/noble, mother a noble/adept.
Class: Nobility- Clanlord heir.
Renown: +9(+13)
Equipment: Purse of 110gp/month. Townhouse in Dwarven town. Rooms at Dwarf Hall. Masterwork armour and arms, one item of adamant.. Own crafthall attached to townhouse or DwarfHall in Crac Navonne. Two mountain ponies, one war trained. Masterwork craft tools. $ sets of good quality travellers clothes, 1 set royal robes excellent quality. An ‘apprentice’ who travels with you, military saddle.
Arms of your clan: Masterwork War Axe, Scimitar, A brace of pistols (4).
Special Equipment: +1 Dragoneir "Dreamborn", Masterwork Breastplate
Alchemical Equipment: 2 tanglefoot bags, 2 thunder stones, 2 smokesticks, 2 flasks of alchemists fire, 6 flask acid.
Other Equipment: 10 GP worth of miscellanous Adventuring Gear (Backpack, Rope and the like) and 50 GP pocket change
Followers: Personal Guard: Choose 8 to your taste. These guys don’t generally follow you around. (They are stationed wherever you reside). They will be well equipped in basic (by dwarven standards) gear - masterwork stuff. Grenadiers 1st warrior [ Brutal Throw, WF: Powder Weapons] Dragoons 1st Warrior [ Crossbow(Dragoniere) Sniper, WF: Powder Weapons] Artillerists 1st Expert [ EWF: Artillery, Quick-load] All will have ponies to ride, but only the Dragoons horses are war trained.
But these guys do… Hergen: 2nd Ftr: Dragoon. Brauste: 1st /1st Ftr/Cle Dragoon. Follower of the gunpowder god. Arnn: 2nd Ftr: Grenadier. Strenn: 1st/1st Ftr/Cle Grenadier. Follower.