Princess Badia
Princess Badia is an NPC in the Wealth Of The World game. She's Prince Taktu's beloved wife, originally from Persia. In the corrupt city of Kambu, she's quite popular and beloved of the peoples for her beauty, charity, and wisedom.
She looks something like this lady here: [1]
She was an indiffent Zorastraist but converted to Buddism, and also supports Nyssa, Priestess of Isis, and her Women's Temple.
Badi has several children of her own, and oversees the raising of her husbands several bastards as well.
In her younger days she was quite a renowned chariot racer , horsewoman, and archer. Today she still dances and sings, and is a great joy to be around.
Pretty scary Lady, actually.
Sex: Female
Class: Aristocrat Level Nine
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark
Skin: Fair
Age: 45 or so.
Height: Five foot six
Weight: 130
Distinct Features: Beautiful, shapely, athletic
Wears: Elegant embrodered silk skirts and tops, with a wool cape in cold weather. Sometimes she wears pants for horse riding.
Carries: Dagger, Purse, Mirror, sissors, chalk, needle, thread
Loves: Her husband and family
Hates: Kossos, Black Baldwin, Shiyan
Has: High station and respect
Wants: Happy future for her children
Fears: Her children are really, really idiots.
Allies: Nyssa
Enemies: Kossos
Responsible: Prince Taktu, City of Kambu.
RobertEdwards 09:51, 6 September 2006 (PDT)