Prior Mengst

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A Song For Navonne Prior Mengst, Male, 253 years old Elan Seer 4 Alignment: Neutral Good Social Class (former): Townsman Occupation: Hermit HP: 22 AC: 8 Fort:+2 Ref: -1 Will: +6

Str 7 (-1 age) Dex 7 (-1 age) Con 13 (-1 age) Int 20 (+1 age, +1 level) Wis 15 (+1 age) Cha 13 (+1 age, -2 racial)

Feats: Psicrystal Affinity, Improved Psicrystal Affinity, Extend Power Occupation Feat: Endurance, Psionic Body Bonus Feats: Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty Bonus exalted feats: Intuitive Attack, Nimbus of Light, Touch of Golden Ice

Skills: Concentration 7/+8, Knowledge: History 7/+12, Knowledge: Local 7/+12, Knowledge: Nobility 7/+12, Knowledge: Geography 7/+12, Knowledge: Arcana 5/+10, Knowledge: Religion 5/+10, Survival: 3/+5, Spellcraft: 1/+6

Power Points: Powers: 1st: Call to Mind, Precognition, Déjà vu, Sense Link, Conceal Thoughts 2nd: Clairvoyant Sense, Recall Agony, Id Insinuation, Levitate: Psionic

Psicrystal: Deev Personality Fragments: Bully, Liar HP: 7 AC: 18 Abilites: Alertness, improved evasion, personality, self-propulsion, share powers, sighted, telepathic link, Deliver touch powers, Telepathic speech

Prior is a prophet...for himself. When he was developing his precognitive powers, he saw that he would be need some day, decades from now. He didn't know hwat exactly, and it was hard to explain it to anyone else. He left his family, leaving all behind him, and climbed a mountain to isolate himself. He wished to refine his powers, and to not accidentily do something that would change his vision. He put aside the parts of his personality that distracted him into a crystal. The crystal being, Deev, acted as a go-between for him and the occasional vistors who sought his knowledge and wisdom. If they could manage to deal with Deev,he would consider their query.

But now is the time. He has come down from the mountain, from where he stretched forth his mind and and viewed the events of the last 200 years. THe news of his descent from the mountain spreads before him. The old man of the mountain is walking..

He no longer concerns himself with material things, and owns nothing besides a walking staff, the clothes on his back, and a tinderbox.