Professor Parker, Peter
Professor Parker (PL 16)
Init +5; Defense 19 (14 flat-footed); Spd 15 ft; Atk +3 melee (+4S/5’ reach/crit 20, punch); Atk +3 ranged (none); Dmg -1 (Evasion +7), Fort -1, Ref +7, Will +7; HP 8; Str 8, Dex 9, Con 8, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 20
Skills: Acrobatics +10, Balance +10, Bluff +10, Computers +12, Diplomacy +14, Knowledge [Culture (New York), Current Events, Geography, History, Occult, Religion, Science, Trivia] +24, Profession (Teacher) +14, Science [Archaeology, Biology, *Chemistry, *Engineering, Geology, Mathematics, *Physics, Psychology] +24/+26*, Repair +17, Sense Motive +10, Taunt +10
Feats: Assessment, Connected (Lost Heroes), Heroic Surge, Indomitable Will, Inspire, Iron Will, Leadership, Minions (Spider-Bots), Skill Focus (Profession: Teacher), Sidekicks/Allies (May, Hobgoblin, Spider-man), Surprise Strike, Talented (Knowledge, Science), Technical Analysis, Vehicles
- Gadgets +16 [Source: Super-Science; Cost: 1pp; Total: 10pp],
- Scientific Genius +5 [Extras: Clever Inventor x3; Power Stunts: Frenetic Worker; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 4pp; Total: 22pp],
- Spontaneous Inventor +10 [Extras: Talented Inventor, Versatility; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 3pp; Total: 30pp],
- Super Dexterity +6 [Extra: Clinging, Super Strength; Power Stunts: Dodge, Evasion, Lightning Reflexes; Source: Mutation; Cost 8; Total 54]
- Spider-On-The-Wall VR Helmet - Tracking +10 [Clairvoyance, Datalink, Super-Senses; Power Stunts: Radio Broadcast, Radio Hearing; Flaws: Device, Immersive, Inference-Lead, Limited-Suit Only]
Gadgets? – Caught on his own… Peter is a wily rascal… he’s liable to have a stripped down webshooter or some other gadget on hand in case of an emergency. This eighty-something old fart can still whoop up on some young toughs if need arise.
Scientific Genius Inventions -50 pp worth of inventions (20 pp field ready at any given time, max rank 5 each)
Spontaneous Inventor Device - 100 pp singular device (max rank 10 and max cost per rank 10)
Spider-Bots? – Parker builds and maintains a veritable legion of soda bottle sized spider-bots. They have various abilities and power levels (none above PL 3 though) and can be used as minions.
Vehicles – Peter has modified a number of mundane vehicles to fit the “spider” motif. He also remodeled the Golden Goblin’s old glider for Hobgoblin.
Driven (Moderate) – Malcolm’s drive to save the city was at first abhorred by Parker, but seeing the kid in action has awakened a long dead spark of hope and heroism in the old man’s heart.
Antagonist (Moderate) – Norman Osborn, period.
Unlucky (Major) – This guy never needed Black Cat for bad luck.
Disabled-Slow – Parker has a prosthetic leg and a damaged spinal column.