Project Valkyrie Orpheus

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Selena Zhivkov, Orpheus[edit]

"I've got friends on the other side!"


Strength -1

Stamina 3

Agility 0

Dexterity 0

Fighting 0

Intellect 0

Awareness 4/10

Presence 4


Initiative +0

Danse Macabre: Damage 10, Cloud Area 1, Selective, Affects Insubstantial 2

Haunted Sonata: Affliction 8, Resisted by Will, Impaired, Disabled, Incapacitated, Ranged, Cumulative, Accurate 6, Homing 1, Reversible

Poltergeist Concerto: Move Object 8, Perception, Precise, Accurate 6, Subtle 1 (Detectable By Mental Senses)

Vampire Kiss: Weaken Stamina 12, Secondary Effcet, Accurate 4, Incurable, Subtle 1 (Detectable By Mental Senses


Dodge 5 (Agility 0) [5pp]

Parry 5 (Fighting 0) [5pp]

Toughness 15 (Stamina 3, Protection 12) [0pp]

Fortitude 10 (Stamina 3) [7pp]

Will 10 (Awareness 10) [0pp]


Acrobatics 0 (+0)

Athletics 0 (-1)

Close Combat (all) 0 (+0)

Deception 6 (+10, +15 with Attractive)

Insight 0 (+10)

Intimidation 0 (+5)

Investigation 0 (+0)

Perception 0 (+10)

Persuasion 6 (+10, +15 with Attractive)

Ranged Combat 0 (all) (+0)

Sleight of Hand 0 (+0)

Stealth 0 (+0)

Technology 0 (+0)

Treatment 0 (+0)

Vehicles 0 (+0)


All-Out Attack

Attractive 2




Luck 3

Power Attack

Seize Initiative





Zhivkov Hotline: Sense 1 (Communication Link: Sasha Zhivkov)

The Journey Home: Immortality 1

Second Sight: Senses 5: Mental Accurate 2, Acute 1, Danger Sense 1, Range 1, Radius 1

Phase Out: Protection 12

Friends on the Other Side:

Enhanced Awareness 6 Enhanced Advantages 4: Contacts, Well-Informed

Comprehend 2 (comprehend spirits)

-Enhanced Investigation 12, limited to gather information

Ghostly Tricks:

Speed 2

Movement 4: Permeate 3, Trackless

Concealment 10, all senses, Blending, Passive

-Concealment 10, all senses, Blending, Partial

Flight 1, Continuous

-Teleport 1, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Decreased Mass 1

Danse Macabre: Damage 10, Cloud Area 1, Selective, Affects Insubstantial 2

-Haunted Sonata: Affliction 8, Resisted by Will, Impaired, Disabled, Incapacitated, Ranged, Cumulative, Accurate 6, Homing 1, Reversible

-Poltergeist Concerto: Move Object 8, Perception, Precise, Accurate 6, Subtle 1 (Detectable By Mental Senses)

-Vampire Kiss: Weaken Stamina 12, Secondary Effcet, Accurate 4, Incurable, Subtle 1 (Detectable By Mental Senses)


Motivation (Promise): Selena promised his friend Veles, King of Underworld, that she'll protect the Underworld from thunder god Perun and prevent it from getting too crowded too soon.

Nemesis (Perun): Technically, thunder god Perun is Veles' nemesis, and as a god he can't directly interfere with mortal affairs, but he surely can send his own mortal agents if he identifies Selena as one for Veles.

Life At the Party: Selena is a hedonist who spend more time at parties then at studies. After all, that is what college life is all about, isn't it?


A young teenager looking even younger than her actual age due to not aging while she was in the Underworld, she has flawless skin, soft brown eyes and long platinum-blond hair just like her sister and mother.

Powers and Abilities[edit]

Ever since she came back from the Underworld, Selena has the ability to communicate with the dead and asking them for help. The dead taught her many useful tricks, such as how to slip out of people's consciousness or walk through walls.

Origin and History[edit]

Selena Zhivkov is Sasha Zhivkov's twin sister. Selena and Sasha had always shared a special mental connection, allowing them to share their thoughts regardless of distance, a phenomena their mother called "psychic entanglement". Feeling her sister's pain through this mystical connection, Selena used an ancient relic in her mother's possession to journey into the Underworld, in search for a way to defeat Death and save her sister from the illness. What she found was not exactly the grim dark angst world she expected to see. The Underworld is wet, muddy and, most importantly, ever-green. In short, it's pretty nice. Flower of all kinds never wither. Slaughtered cattle resurrect after a short while. People carry on with their lives, with much less material worries. During her short stay in the Underworld, Selena befriended Veles, King of Underworld, a nice old man who likes a cup of milk before bed just as much as Selena does. Selena really, really, liked the Underworld, but she could hear her now cured sister in her mind, calling her to go back home and share a new live with her. Before Selena left, Veles entrusted the innocent child with his deepest worries - Veles' older brother, thunder god Perun, is a controlling deity who will not be satisfied until he controls everything in the world, including and especially the Underworld. But if the sky god Perun controlled the Underworld, the cyclical order of nature will be broken, and the world will be at risk. After Selena promised to protect the Underworld from Perun, Veles gave Selena the key to the Underworld, so she could come and go as she please, providing she can find her own way around the place. After all, Underworld is vast and ever-changing, so not even Veles has a concrete idea on the actual landscape. Following the voice of her sister, Selena journeyed back into the world of the living, to protect it from a supreme god with control issues and other hideous things using the skills she learned from the deceased.