Male Halfling Druid 6
Strength 9 (-1)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 18 (+4)
Charisma 13 (+1)
Size: Small
Height: 3' 3"
Weight: 36 lb
Skin: Light
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Light Brown; Wavy; Beardless
Total Hit Points: 44
Speed: 15 feet [armor]
Armor Class: 20 = 10 +4 [hide] +3 [heavy wooden] +1 [small] +1 [dex] +1 [natural]
Touch AC: 12
Flat-footed: 17
Initiative modifier: +1 = +1 [dex]
Fortitude save: +8 = 5 [base] +1 [con] +1 [halfling] +1[resistance]
Reflex save: +5 = 2 [base] +1 [dex] +1 [halfling] +1[resistance]
Will save: +11 = 5 [base] +4 [wis] +1 [halfling] +1[resistance]
Attack (handheld): +3 = 3 [base] -1 [str] +1 [small]
Attack (unarmed): +3 = 3 [base] -1 [str] +1 [small]
Attack (missile): +5 = 3 [base] +1 [dex] +1 [small]
Grapple check: -2 = 3 [base] -1 [str] -4 [small]
Languages: Common Druidic Halfling Sylvan
Mounted Combat
Companion Spellbound PHBII
Extra Wild Shape CDiv
Concentration Con 10 = +2+8
Handle Animal Cha 10 = +2+8
Heal Wis 9 = +4+5
Knowledge(nature)Int 11 = +1+8 +2 [druid]
Listen Wis 8 = +2+4 +2 [halfling]
Ride Dex 11 = +1+8 +2 [handle animal]
Spot Wis 8 = +4+4
Survival Wis 8 = +2+4+2 [druid]
Handle Animal >= 5 ranks gives +2 on wild empathy checks.
Know Nature >= 5 ranks gives +2 on survival checks above ground.
Zero-level Druid spells: 5 per day
Create Water
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Know Direction
First-level Druid spells: 5 per day
Speak with Animals x2
Obscuring Mist
Magic Fang
Second-level Druid spells: 5 per day
Summon Swarm
Wood Shape
Lesser Restoration
Warp Wood
Chill Metal
Third-level Druid spells: 4 per day
Neutralize Poison
Remove Disease
Call Lightning
Plant Growth
+2 dexterity / -2 strength (already included)
Small Size
+2 racial bonus on climb, jump, move silently
+1 racial bonus on all saving throws
+2 morale bonus on saves vs. fear (stacks with racial bonus)
+1 to hit with thrown weapons and slings
Spontaneous Casting (summon nature's ally)
Animal Companion
Wild Empathy +10
+2 on Knowledge (nature) and Survival
Woodland Stride (level 2)
Trackless Step (level 3)
Resist Nature's Lure (level 4)
Wild Shape (level 5)
Flint and steel
Pouch x2
Waterskins x2
Healer kit
Holly and mistletoe
Spell component pouch
20 sling stones
Animal Companion: Dog (riding)
Medium-Size Animal
Hit dice 6d8+12 (50 hit points)
Initiative +3 (Dex)
Speed 40 feet
AC: +3 Dex +8 natural +4 armor = 25
Attacks: Bite +8
Damage 1d6+6 (bite);
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +6; Ref +7; Will +3
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Jump +9; Listen +7; Spot +7; Swim +7; Survival +1;
Feats: Alertness, Track, Run
Link, share spells
Evasion, Devotion
Bonus tricks: 3
War-trained: Trip as Wolf on attack
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 750
Cloak of resistance +1 1,000 gp
Amulet of natural armor +1 2,000
Chain Shirt Barding +1 1350
Hide Armor +1 1165
Heavy Darkwood Shield +1 1257
Sickle +1 2306
Sling +1 2300
800 gp left