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  • Bow combat for Proxenus is pretty much as you'd imagine.
  • Spear combat is a little bit different. He'll generally stab and then move, relying on his phenomenal reflexes to avoid being struck in retaliation. He will rarely need to fight in a static line, so he darts backwards and forwards making slower fighters chase him. His ability to use short strike ranks and then move away before he can be hit makes him a difficult foe.
  • He's naturally an asymmetrical fighter. When fighting in a scrum he'll keep and eye out for someone fixated on the guy facing him and stab him, gunning for flank modifiers and no parry to knock them out of the fight quickly. His spear's long reach is useful in this.
  • He knows that an enemy, confronted by this sort of attack, often moves in to grapple. This is the main danger he faces, so if given a chance at an aimed shot he likes to disable legs and then stand back to deal with the immobilised enemy.


The Yelmalion Sun Dome infantry are a dour lot; tough, hard, aloof aristocrat heavy infantry who are feared in battle, cool to acquaintances and lords in thier own homes.

Well, that's the preferred model of templar.

Proxenus, however, is a bit of a smart arse.

His peers like to ponce about, pretending to be all serious, but deep down Proxenus knows they're just as petty, small minded and stupid as, well, everyone. It's all too much to take.

No, the Sartar neighbours are more fun. They don't take themselves as seriously, and when they lie to your face they've got that gleam in thier eye that tells you it's all a game, and they want you to enjoy it too. Much more Proxenus' speed.

This sort of attitude doesn't make you exactly popular around the Sun Dome, and Proxenus frankly doesn't give a rat's. This is worse, because templars are always stressing about what people think about them. This means if there's any jobs that need going north, some long face in a beard turns up on Proxenus' doorstep with a long winded oration about devotion to duty, honour and so on.

Bugger it, any excuse to go to the Tin Inn.

Proxenus is a middling farmer-soldier of the Sun Dome settlement south of Apple Lane. He doesn't really fit in with his fellow templars, being a sort of frivolous and light-hearted individual not prone to the serious demeanour expected of Yelmalio's chosen. As such, he's usually keen to escape the stuffy confines of the town and is often picked to courier messages to other Sun Domers in the area. Of course, as the Sun Dome elite prefer only Light Sons to interact with 'foreigners' he is not supposed to talk to anyone on his way. This often seems to slip his mind.

Character Details[edit]

  • Name: Proxenus
  • Race: Human
  • Cults:
    • Rune Level:
    • Initiate: Yelmalio
    • Lay Member: ----
  • Social Condition: Peasant (Landed Farmer)
  • Sex: Male
  • Previous Experience: Mercenary Medium Infantry
  • Runes: Light, truth and fire


Str: 16, Con: 10, Siz: 13, Int: 15, Pow: 14 , Dex: 19:, Cha: 12. added +1 Cha for heroquest.

  • Damage Bonus/Minus: +1d4
  • Hit Point Bonus/minus: +1 HPs
  • Experience bonus: +09%
  • Encumbrance limit: 15 Enc.

Skill Groups[edit]

  • Knowledge: +05%
    • Evaluate (5%): 10%
    • Read/Write Language (10%): 15%
    • First Aid (5): 15%
    • World Lore (5%) 35%

  • Manipulation: 15%
    • Climb (15): 30%
    • Conceal item (10): 25%
    • Dodge (dex x 2%): 43%
    • Climb (15%): 35%
    • Jump (15%): 30%
    • Throw (15%): 30%
    • Map Making (10): 25%
    • Ride (5): 40%
    • SwimI (15): 65%√
    • Set Disarm trap (5): 20%

  • Perception: +05%
    • Listen (25)%: 45%
    • Spot Hidden items(5): 60%√
    • Spot Trap (5): 10%
    • Track(10): 35%

  • Stealth: 10%
    • Camouflage (10%): 30%
    • Hide (15%): 35%
    • Move quietly (15%): 30% (-15%)
    • Pick Pocket (5): 15%

  • Communication: +00%
    • Bargain (10%): 15%
    • Orate (10%): 20%
    • Sing (5%): 05%
    • Languages:
      • Theyalan (Sartarite) (Int x 5) 80%
      • Darra Happan (Firespeech) 50%√
      • Darktongue 10%√
      • Tradetalk 40%
      • Votank 05%

Hit Points and Armour[edit]

Location Name Armour types H.P. A.P. Enc. Location
Head Closed helm with padded lining 4 5 1 19-20
Left Arm Cuirboilli vambrace and leather gauntlet 3 4 1 16-18
Right Arm Cuirboilli vambrace and leather gauntlet 3 4 1 13-15
Chest Light chain and heavy leather plastron 5 6 4 12
Abdomen Light chain and heavy leather girdle 4 6 1 09-11
Left Leg Cuirboilli greave and heavy leather boot 4 5 1 05-08
Right Leg Cuirboilli greave and heavy leather boot 4 5 1 01-04
  • Total Hit Points: 11 HP

Weapons and Shields[edit]

  • Attack Bonus/Minus: +15%
  • Parry Bonus/Minus: +10%
  • Strike Ranks: Siz:(2)+Dex:0)= 2
Weapon/Shield Name Damage S.R. A.P. Attack % Parry % Range Enc.
Fist 1d3+1d4 6 arm 50% 35% 0 --
Kick 1d6+1d4 6 leg 45% -- 0 --
Head Butt 1d4+1d4 6 head 50% -- 0 --
Grapple Special 6 special 50% 40% 0 --
2H Long Spear 1d10+1+1d4 2 15 65% 65% 2.5m 3
1H war trident 1d10+1+1d4 2 15 65% 65% 2.5m 3
2H Short Spear 1d8+1+1d4 3 15 --% --% 1.8m 2
2H Spear Butt-Stroke 1d8+1d4 4 spear 35% --% 2.0m --
RH Hand-Axe 1d6+1+1d4 6 15 40% 35% 0.4m 1
RH Sword 1d8+1+1d4 4 15 45% 40% 0.4m 1
RH Aluminum claw/sword 1d4+3+1d4 5 15 50% 50% 0.4m .5
RH Club 1d6+1+1d4 5 15 40% 35% 0.4m 1
RH Dagger 1d4+2+1d4 6 12 40% 35% 0.2m 0
2H Pike 2d6+1+1d4 2 15 40% 40% 3.5m 3
LH Large Shield 1d6+1d4 6 12(damaged) 20% 40% 0 3
RH Thrown Rock 1d4+1d2 0/5/10 -- 40% --% 20.0m 1
2H Bow 1d6+1 0/5/10 6 40% 30% 80.0m 2


  • Special Ability: Mindspeech with horses/mules

  • Power:-
    • Current Characteristic POW: 14
    • Current Available POW: 14
    • Current Stored POW: 00 Pow Crystal


  • Helios
    • INT:9
    • POW:19
    • Where Bound: owl
  • Jarenst, initiate of elmal yelmalio
    • INT:14
    • POW:21
    • Where Bound: little rock lizard (remember he will grow huge)
    • Detect Enemies1, Ignite 1

  • Battle Magic:
    • (Memorised)Fireblade (4), Healing 2, Demoralise (1), Lantern 3, Lightwall (4), Speedart (1)
    • (Not Memorised) Detect Enemies (1), Repair (2),
  • Rune Magic:
    • Cat's Eye I
    • Sunbright I
    • Extension I
  • Items
    • Darkwall Matrix in a lead orb given to kash
    • Warmth matrix tattoo.
    • Bind spirit matrix in a small insense burner
  • Gifts:
    • Mindspeech with horses
  • Geasa:
    • Never eat the meat of birds
    • Celibacy on Fireday


  • On Waterday, Sea Season, take Newtling form and worship King Elt in a standard ceremony. Proxenus must find a body of water on that day.
  • Can see under water, thanks to second eyelid.
  • You have an urge to swim a lot.
  • On the Mundane plane gains the Lizard claw feat. 1 pt of POW to activate, works like a 1pt iron claw/fist spell. This can be increased by repeating the Heroquest on the mundane plane by fighting a Thunder lizard with big claws and invoking the myth.
  • On the Hero plane this manifests as a metal claw/egg shard and the intensity of the power depends on your IC description, the foe, myth etc.

  • Hill of Gold
    • Can now cast Darkness spells
    • Bonuses for activities during dawn and dusk. Magic is easier to cast and so is moving without being seen for example.
    • Owns a Zorak Zoran Death Lords mace
    • Darkwall Matrix in a black lead orb
    • +1 Cha
  • Fire
    • Can learn fire magic
    • Can sacrifice for fire divine spells (double pow)
    • Can wear red.
    • Bonus for firespeech +10%


  • special
    • 7 half wheels gifted by sunsmiter.
  • Weapons:
    • Long Spear
    • Short Spear
    • Heavy lead mace
    • Bow
    • Hand Axe
    • Belt knife x2
  • Armour
    • Closed helm, 'Etrusco-Conrinthian', with horse-hair padded lining
    • Light chain hauberk
    • Cuirboilli vambraces and greaves
    • Leather gauntlets
    • Heavy leather boots, girdle and plastron/breastplate
    • Large 'hoplite' shield, top 1/4 snipped off.
  • Other:
    • Pack
    • Sack
    • Rope, 30m length
    • Snares
    • Blanket
    • Drinking skin x2
    • 12 pine-resin torches
    • Fish-hooks and line
    • Homespun tunic (tan) x2, breeches (tan) x2, sandals x2, loin cloth x2, woollen cloak (grey), felt slouch hat (pale grey with plaited horse-hair rope headband)
    • Wooden bowl x2, clay mug x2, horn spoon x2, bronze skillet, bronze pot
  • Scimitar
    • The scimitar is old. Very obviously of Lunar design (all the stages of the moon are on the blade) and you recognize the runes of Yanafal Tarnils (the Lunar empire war god for those who don't know).

There is an inscription in Pelorian, you think, on the blade. Included is what looks like a date 5/43 next to a name. You know enough of Lunar matters to work out that the 5 refers to the 5th wane of Lunar history. But after that it's pretty sketchy. The name is Süvari birliği doğramak. It's Iron but not of a kind you have seen before, and you've not seen much. It feels wrong in your hand. You failed a POW roll.

  • Money:
    • 95L
  • Ransom
    • 500L