QB the bard

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Name: QB
Class Bard
Race: Half-orc (from his mother’s side)
Alignment: Chaotic Natural

Main goal, find information about the Traveler and the mask of the traveler
Likes: causing small mayhem with illusions and tricks, plays of light, honey, gnome tricks, books.
Dislikes: Bugs


Back ground[edit]

QB grew up in a small unknown village near the shadow marches. This small village was so unimportant that the war didn’t even reach to it, none of the great factions felt it was worth their time. Life was simple back there, at least till QB grew up. Fond of tricks and pranks he soon gotten a reputation not only in his own village but also in the larger villages they went to trade.

One day a cleric from The Sovereign Host came to town to spread his god’s word and he warned QB that one day he might end up as the outcast god “the Traveler”. This caused QB to study the dark god and he soon found references to a “mask of the traveler”, it was said that the mask gives the wearer the power of illusions. Powerful illusions that could reshape everything around him.
The same week QB set off to find more information about both this god and the mask.

04 September 2011[edit]

Two years later QB is still traveling the countryside’s and is on his way to yet another town.
On his way to the town QB finds a men laying in the middle of the street. From his wounds and the tracks he seems to have been beaten to death by small warforged scouts.
Having gotten used to death by now QB quickly searches the man’s pockets for anything useful. Here he finds a letter and a train ticket. The letter is clearly from a noble, the quality of parchment and ink were only used by the best of writers.
The letter explained a job to help one of the great houses of Khorvaire. Lady Elaydren From House Cannith has signed the letter herself. QB hid the letter carefully and made his way to the train station. QB has seen much of the power of the great houses. If he can get there favor he might get excess to information that would normally be hidden from him.

As QB got on the train he wondered how much the ticket must have cost to travel so exclusively. There was only one other passenger and a guard in the train. QB never traveled by train before, but he never would have thought a warforged would be here. He had seen many warforged on his travels, most of them were still standing on forgotten battlegrounds. They were given the order that they should stop fighting but were unable to decide what to do next. This warforged seemed to be better adjusted. He seemed totally at ease on this train. With the train shooting over the tracks the hours past quickly and QB stares into the glimmering sun. but even the play of the light can’t keep QB from getting bored. The warforged is still sitting in his seat and seems unaffected by the long wait. Silently QB sneak up to the seat behind the warforged and start mumble magical words. It was hard for him to hold his laughter as the guard looked confused at the warforged head. This was because its head was turning different colors every few seconds. The guard quickly spotted QB and made his way to settle this disturbance. It was a strange meeting, instead of the fight that QB had excepted there was only a calm conversation that lead not only to a peaceful journey but actually made the guard quite his job to join us. We make quite a strange party, a halforc bard pretending to be a human warrior, a wooden warforged named mithral and a deserter of house Orien carrying the rare house dragonmark.

Arriving at the city we immediately make our way to Lady Elaydren. It was a noble lady who’s status seem to allowed her to be slightly out of touch with the reality or outside. In order for her to finance us at the Wayfounder Foundation we will have to prove ourselves. Or first task is to escort a old friend from his hiding place to her inn. QB wonders why the man’s comfort and her own are more important then the man’s health. But these are the ways of the noble houses, they do things their own way.

The man was easily found and the journey back to Lady Elaydren went smooth to, even though the old man refused to protect himself. It was funny as mithral met up with some old friends and they started a brawl in the middle of the street. It must have been warforged that he served with, they seem to really hate him. Worried that the city guards might find this disturbance a nuisance QB tried to get the enemies to walk away with some verbal warnings. One warforged fled as QB’s new party members slew his friends. It was a good thing that they where only warforged with no real value because the city guards where on the party before they could move. The city guard might have objected to the mess they made but with a noble and a priest at the party’s side the guards decided to offer us a ride instead.

After Lady Elaydren had some time to talk to her old friend they informed us that they were going to look for an ancient schematic. With the promise of 1000gp each QB felt like it was his duty to help this noble house in its time of need. It would have been nice if the schematic was stored on the field of flowers and nice smelling stuff. But as life had it, the schematic was stored in the sewers of the worse part of town. It must have been some sight to behold, trembling though the slumps where five creatures with nothing in common, a priestess of the sovering host, a artificer of house cannith, a mask fighter unmarked, a warrior of house Orion and a wooden warforged. With a gold coin as lure the party was quickly joined by a goblin to guide them to the sewers.

After a while the goblin stopped abruptly. “here is the entrance of the old sewers, I will take you no further” the goblin informed the party. Not even the lure of more gold could persuade the goblin to lead anymore. This much be a very dangerous path. How dangerous became quickly apparent. The party hadn’t moved ten feet before they were ambushed for all side. A warforged scout that thought QB was a human tried to sneak up to him in the dark. Luckily QB had darkvision and easily step out of harm’s way to let mithral deal with the little construct. QB thought he was save but then he spotted two shifters running at him. They moved so close to him that he didn’t have any room left to swing his longspear or to cast a spell. A battle broke out as the warforged traded blows, the human dropped his bow and started to beat off QB’s attacker. Dodging the attacks QB was able to put one of the shifters in an enchanted sleep while his partymembers killed the other attackers.

25 September 2011[edit]

With some encouraging words and a strong rope the last surviving shifter told us that the lord of blades had hired them to stop us from moving on. QB really enjoyed the soft running of water and the glimmering reflections of the torches as he knocked the shifter unconscious with his sap. “That shifter isn’t going to wake up any day soon” QB thought to himself as he walked on.

After some funny moments where his partymembers got zapped by a door QB was forced to give them the diary so they could open the door safely.

Reaching the end of the tunnels the party find themselves on the edge of a large cave. A small drop down leads to old broken down buildings. Brave as he is QB jumped down to explore. Brave as he was QB was quick to get back up the ledge (with some help) after the first few bugs started to crawl around him.

After allot of acid and fire the bugs gave up and scrambled away again. Reluctantly QB followed the rest of the party down to look for the vault. It has to be around here somewhere. As the party walked on with torches shining in QB’s eyes they suddenly find themselves ambushed by the ugliest rats you have ever seen. They quickly disabled Mithril (everyone seems to do that) and made their way to the artificer. QB knocks one rat to sleep (and the artificer while he’s at it) while the rest of the party take out the other rat. Having traveled allot QB is used to eating any wild animal that attacks him, but this night he keeps to his rations. The party stops for a rest at the old temple. Waking up refreshed they start to tackle the next problem. The vault itself. The vault is a large building of about 30 by 50 feet. The party walked around the vault for a while but was unable to enter it, that was until someone came up with the idea that we might enter through the roof.

Inside the party quickly disposed of the war machines and awakened two other humanoids. From what they told them they were guarding a noble from house Cannith and failed miserably. The noble was taken, the vault was empty and they were left inside the vault to be killed them moment they woke up.

The schematic the party came for was gone but they did find a old map with what seems to be a area between Darguun and the Morelands. QB also found a journal named ‘My time with the tribe in the shadow marches’. This should be some good reading.

A quickly look around told the party that everything of value was taken. So the new plan was to go back to lady Elaydren and convince her that this map was worth paying us for.

06 October 2011[edit]

Back at the broken anvil the party takes a well disserved brake with a nice meal. Lady Elaydren and het demands can wait a few hours more. After a few drinks QB excuses himself to get some fresh air. Outside he quickly looks for a abandoned alleyway. With some quick words and arcane gestures he makes a illusionary crate around him. “Now I can finally take a good look at these maps, that inn is way to unsave” QB mumbles to himself as he unfolds the paper. The map shows a area between Darguun and the Moorlands. “I have traveled all around the world, but I never felt the need to go anywhere near there” QB tells the rats that have been joining him. Putting the map away for later QB starts to read the journal named ‘my time with the tribe in the shadow marches’. Lost in the memories of his homeland QB forgets all about the time.

What seem to be hours later QB looks up again from his book. The crate he created must have disappeared when he lost his concentration. QB looks into the now empty streets, it was dusk when he left the party but now it was pitch dark. QB preferred the dark in cities. With his darkvision he had a advantage over all the humans, especially since most people thought he was human to.

Yawning he step back into the inn, it was a long night and they might as well look for some rooms for the night. But when he entered the inn he found it strangely deserted. Only the bartender and some old drunk were still in the bar. All of his fellow party members had left already. To make things worse it looked like the drunk wanted some company. QB hadn’t even reached his table before the drunk was hanging over him “in your bag, with the courtesy of Lady Elaydren, don’t open it here” the drunk whispered quietly. QB didn’t know what to think about this so he swung his fist at the drunk, and to his amazement he missed badly. Like a sick butterfly the drunk swaggered off again to his seat at the bar. QB shook his head, this wasn’t his day. Just like with the map QB returned to his alley to look at his bag. “If that drunk put something nasty in my bag I will give him a reason to drink” was all that filled QB thoughts as he searched. To his suprice he found a small pouch containing a map of the city, a letter, a ring and 1100 gp. The letter read: “My deepest apologies that we do not meet as planned. I cannot risk it under the current circumstances. Several members of House Cannith have been taken hostage by the lord of blades. There will be a meeting to negotiate the release of Lord Bob on the 11th of Eyre in the land of Darguun. Any action my house makes will endanger all the hostages. I need you to travel to Darguun to release the other hostages before the meeting in 39 days. You will of course be richly rewarded for you trouble, both in money and in favor. To guide you on your way I have hired a elven wildmen. The ring will glow when held against his. Inside the pouch you will find a payment for you past work and traveling expanses for the next journey. Please make hast.” And was signed with a large X.

At least no one could accuse Lady Elaydren of being a spy with her ‘secret signature’. Anyone who would have found this message would have know it was her. “Oh well” QB thought “at least I got paid, and more money is on its way”. That is until he arrived at the stables. It was very clear that someone had just emptied them a few moments ago. Asking around it became clear that two humans and a warforged had made their way out the east gate. Rumor was it that they had lost the favor of Lady Elaydren and house Cannith after failing to perform their task.

“this really isn’t my day “QB thinks “first I smell like a sewer, lose my party, get groped by a drunk and now I lost everyone again”. Free of any obligations again QB wandered the town for a few days.

After a incident concerning some items that had not belonged to him QB decided that he fancied a bit of wilderness again. Some people might say he was chased out of town, banished or on the run for the law. QB didn’t like to call it that, the truth was so crude sometimes. So it came to be that QB set off to Zilargo, here he might find some clues’ about this map and some fewer enemies.