Quicks Will Transcript

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Any last words?
If you are see'n this, I reckon am already dead. It's good know'in that you care. Ole Quick, takin' her easy for one last venture. Shoosh. I best tell you my final wish. Welp, I ain’t got much left, jus Delilah. There’s plenty folk who got claim on her, but she belongs to me, and I’m givin her to my boy, Dohn luh mah? {Ch. Do you understood} Valentine I done you wrong, mostly, anyway. Course--I didn't like doin it no way. But then, your mom had a thing to say bout it, way back when.. Tian Xiao De {Heaven knows what}. I reckon you can... I reckon you can do with her what you gorram want . I’d like you to pass it on, down through the generations, westward the wagons, across the sands a time until.... aw, look at me, I'm ramblin' again.

Val, I hope you make sumptin of yourself.

Catch ya later. Yi Lu Shwen Fohn. {Good Journey}

Qing zailai yi bei Ng Ka Pei? {"Can I have one more glass of Ng-Ka-Pei,(Medicinal Wine) please?" }

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