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Hero ID: Ra

Real Name: Kevin Khafra

Gender: Male Age: 19 Height: 5'11" Ethnicity: Egyptian-American

Style: In his secret ID, dresses in casual fashion. In his hero ID, the sun-disk amulet generates an Egyptian-influenced super suit; he changes up the style often.

Archetype: Paragon (determined, flexible, honest, brave)

Stress Capacity: 6


Charismatic: Advantage when attempting to convince someone of something or otherwise influence them.

Perceptive: Advantage when attempting to gain information about surroundings or find hidden things.

Power Traits[edit]

(+1 from archetype)

Light Control 3

  • Tier 1: Generate a brilliant flash that can blind others. Anyone who can see you must make a Save test. A failed Save gives Disadvantage on their next Action if it depends upon vision in any way.
  • Tier 2: Gain Blast 1 [Ranged attack, does not need to reload] dealing 2 damage.
  • Tier 3: Gain Flight 1 [fly; takes two actions to reach top speed near the speed of sound] and Healing 1 [take a touch action to restore 1 Stress to a single target]. Light Control 2 (Blast) now deals 3 damage.

Regeneration 1

  • Recover 1 Stress at the start of your turn.

Super-speed 1

  • Any turn in which you move, you also count as having taken the Evade action (test 1d6 when hit; if successful, take no damage).

Trained [2d6]: Ranged

  • Mastery [3d6]: Sunbeam

Additional Info[edit]

Power Origin: Magical

Weakness: Overconfident. Although brave and determined, he also has a bit of an ego. Kevin’s never really experienced hardship, skating through life on looks and charm. Add to that being chosen as the avatar of a god? C'mon! Intellectually, he tries to set a good example and understands the responsibility that goes with being chosen to battle the forces of darkness. Just, y'know, can get caught up in the thrill of being a freakin' superhero!

Belief: With great power comes having a great time!

Family Trade: Magic/mythology (mostly from accessing knowledge from the sun-disk—usually subconsciously and seldom with any control).

Bio: Raised in a single-parent home in Evanston, Illinois, Kevin was decently athletic, medium charming, clever if not smart, and otherwise a typical suburban kid. He knew nothing about his heritage—his father, Darius, refused to talk about the past, saying only that they came to the States when Kevin was a baby, after the loss of his mother, Taia.

Kevin never gave it much thought till that fateful day in Cairo…

After high school, Kevin was in no rush to start college. His father agreed to fund a "lost year"—a backpacking trip through Europe—if Kevin agreed to two conditions: stick only to Europe and get serious about school after the trip. Kevin wasn’t the rebellious sort, but once across the pond, he found himself thinking more and more about Egypt. Why not take a quick detour? What could it hurt?

In Cairo at the Museum for the Cultural Heritage of Heliopolis, an older woman bumped into Kevin and made a cryptic comment about his "returning home at last." Kevin turned but she was gone. Seized by sudden urgency, he pursued glimpses of movement through the crowded streets. He was soon lost. Google Maps was no help navigating the maze of the Matariya district, and one wrong turn after another led him to a dead end. He sagged against a wall to catch his breath and the ground opened beneath him. He fell, expecting darkness to engulf him—but instead he was swallowed by light.

A massive form came into focus: a powerfully-built figure in ancient Egyptian garb and with the head of a falcon. RA, the god of the Sun, stated that Kevin was chosen as his avatar. He had been summoned to battle the forces of evil and chaos—minions of the dark god APEP, who seeks to shroud the world in darkness. Then another flash of light and Kevin was alone in the desert, a sun-disk amulet around his neck. Baffled on many levels, Kevin’s first thought was for stability, to go home—and found himself flying on a beam of light! Fear and confusion quickly became delight and excitement. He wasn’t suffering from sunstroke or exhaustion—he really was the avatar of RA! He was a superhero!

Kevin returned to Chicago, planning to learn more about his powers and his heritage (with not a word about all this to his dad). Then the Paragons’ administration put out the call. No way Kevin was going to pass up the opportunity to be a honest-to-god superhero in the Big Apple!