RTT Activist
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Members of a political organization, or dedicated individuals.
Roll Int 5+
- -1 DM for every previous career.
Choose one of the following:
- Agitator: [Survival Edu 5+, Advancement Int 7+] You led protests, lobbied the government, or performed social work.
- Commune: [Survival Soc 4+, Advancement End 8+] You retreated to a private commune or colony, to demonstrate the proper way of living.
- Terrorist: [Survival Int 7+, Advancement Int 5+] You used direct action and violence to spread the message.
Personal Development
- 1) +1 Dex
- 2) +1 End
- 3) +1 Int
- 4) +1 Edu
- 5) Computers
- 6) Drive (any)
Service Skills
- 1) Advocate
- 2) Carouse
- 3) Comms
- 4) Social Science (any)
- 5) Stealth
- 6) Streetwise
Advanced Education (Minimum Education 8+)
- 1) Investigate
- 2) Leadership
- 3) Recon
- 4) Science (any)
- 5) Survival
- 6) Tactics (emergency or military)
Specialist: Agitator
- 1) Admin
- 2) Advocate
- 3) Art (any)
- 4) Diplomat
- 5) Medic
- 6) Persuade
Specialist: Communalist
- 1) Animals (any)
- 2) Art (any)
- 3) Mechanic
- 4) Seafarer (any)
- 5) Steward
- 6) Trade (any)
Specialist: Terrorist
- 1) Computers
- 2) Deception
- 3) Explosives
- 4) Gun Combat (any)
- 5) Mechanic
- 6) Remote Operations
- 0) -
- 1) - (Admin 1)
- 2) -
- 3) - (Advocate 1)
- 4) -
- 5) Angel of Mercy / Respected Social Critic (+1 Social)
- 6) -
- 0) -
- 1) Fellow
- 2) Comrade (Trade 1)
- 3) -
- 4) -
- 5) Elder (Leadership 1)
- 6) -
- 0) Lackey
- 1) Henchman (Deception 1 or Explosives 1)
- 2) Corporal
- 3) Sergeant (Deception 1 or Gun Combat 1)
- 4) Lieutenant
- 5) Leader (Leadership 1)
- 6) Supreme Leader
- 1) Injured. Make a roll on the Injury table (page 37).
- 2) Arrested. Roll Advocate 8+. If failed, you must make a roll on the Injury table. You may automatically reenlist in this career, in a different specialty, with no roll necessary.
- 3) You lose faith in the cause, and part ways with the organization.
- 4) The organization splinters messily. One of your former Contacts or Allies becomes a Rival or Enemy; if you have no Contacts or Allies, then you gain a Rival or Enemy among the splitters.
- 5) A government crack-down or social oppression forces you to leave the planet. Roll Streetwise 8+. If you succeed, increase any skill you have by one level.
- 6) To your great surprise, your cause suddenly becomes legitimate… or simply irrelevent. With nothing left to struggle for, the organization collapses, but you may keep the Benefit roll for this term.
- 2) Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you are not ejected from this career.
- 3) The Revolution finally arrives! Gain either Advocate 1, Persuade 1, Streetwise 1, or Tactics (emergency or military) 1. Throw whichever skill you choose 8+. If you succeed, you come out on the winning side; you gain one Social Standing and an extra Benefit roll, but you must retire from this career. If you fail, you suffer a -2 DM on your next Survival roll.
- 4) You receive advanced training in a specialist field. Throw Education 10+ to gain any one skill of your choice at level 1.
- 5) A wealthy donor is swayed to the cause. Gain a +1 DM on one Benefit roll.
- 6) You take a speaking tour. Gain one of Carouse 1, Diplomat 1, Languages (any) 1, or Persuade 1.
- 7) Life Event. Roll on the Life Events table (page 34).
- 8) Your cell does something particularly newsworthy. Gain a +2 DM on your next Advancement check.
- 9) You establish a network of contacts. Gain 1d3 Contacts.
- 10) The authorities pressure you to become an informer. If you refuse, take the authorities as an Enemy (they know where you live). If you cooperate, gain Deception 1. From now on, you have a +1 DM to all new Benefit rolls from this career, but you must also make two Survival rolls each term. If you fail any survival roll, you gain an additional Enemy in your former comrades.
- 11) A senior activist takes you as his disciple. Gain an Ally, and your choice of Leadership 1, or a +4 DM to your next Advancement roll, thanks to his aid.
- 12) Your zeal is noted by your fellows. You are automatically promoted.
- 1) none
- 2) none
- 3) Cr1,000
- 4) Cr5,000
- 5) Cr10,000
- 6) Cr25,000
- 7) Cr80,000
- 1) +1 Edu
- 2) +1 Int
- 3) Contact
- 4) Air/Raft
- 5) Ally
- 6) Ship Share
- 7) +1 Soc