RTT AltCareers

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Character creation variants for Mongoose's Traveller.

New Skills[edit]

Gun Combat (archery): Use of bows, crossbows, and similar archaic missile weapons.

Tactics (emergency): Disaster management, firefighting, coordination of medical response, and so on.

Vacc Suit (scuba): Variation on Vacc Suit, for underwater diving equipment. Includes the ability to swim well.

Scholar Options[edit]

Another possible assignment for the Scholar career is:

  • Academic: [Survival Edu 3+, Advancement Edu 8+] You were a professor, librarian, or other academic, focused on theory and archives instead of field research.

Specialist Skills

  • 1) Admin
  • 2) Art (any)
  • 3) Computers
  • 4) Investigate
  • 5) Language (any)
  • 6) Sciences (any)


  • 0) Graduate Student
  • 1) Doctoral Student (Admin 1 or Investigate 1)
  • 2) Lecturer
  • 3) Associate Professor (Science (any) 1)
  • 4) Assistant Professor
  • 5) Professor (Art (writing) 1)
  • 6) Professor Emeritus or Dean