RTT Clergy

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Members of a religious organization.


Soc 4+

  • -1 DM for every previous career.


Choose one of the following:

  • Missionary: [Survival Edu 7+, Advancement Int 5+] You travelled widely to promote your belief.
  • Monk: [Survival End 4+, Advancement Edu 8+] You swore vows of temperance and isolation to pursue inner truth.
  • Priest: [Survival Soc 4+, Advancement Edu 8+] You administered to the faithful in an organized church or temple.


Personal Development

  • 1) +1 End
  • 2) +1 Int
  • 3) +1 Edu
  • 4) Carouse
  • 5) Stealth
  • 6) +1 Soc

Service Skills

  • 1) Art (any)
  • 2) Carouse
  • 3) Diplomat
  • 4) Persuade
  • 5) Social Science (history or philosophy)
  • 6) Steward

Advanced Education (Minimum Education 10+)

  • 1) Computers
  • 2) Engineer (life support or power)
  • 3) Language (any)
  • 4) Mechanic
  • 5) Medic
  • 6) Science (any)

Specialist: Missionary

  • 1) Carouse
  • 2) Comms
  • 3) Deception
  • 4) Diplomat
  • 5) Persuade
  • 6) Streetwise

Specialist: Monk

  • 1) Animals (any)
  • 2) Art (any)
  • 3) Athletics (any)
  • 4) Melee (any)
  • 5) Survival
  • 6) Trade (any)

Specialist: Priest

  • 1) Admin
  • 2) Advocate
  • 3) Leadership
  • 4) Medic
  • 5) Social Science (any)
  • 6) Steward



  • 0) -
  • 1) -
  • 2) Speaker (Persuade 1)
  • 3) -
  • 4) -
  • 5) Famous (Deception 1)
  • 6) -


  • 0) Novice
  • 1) -
  • 2) -
  • 3) Elder (Athletics (endurance) 1)
  • 4) -
  • 5) -
  • 6) Abbot (Leadership 1)


  • 0) Acolyte
  • 1) Initate
  • 2) Assistant Priest (Admin 1)
  • 3) Priest (Advocate 1)
  • 4) Instructor (Social Science (philosophy) 1)
  • 5) Theologian
  • 6) High Priest (Social Standing 10 or +1 Social Standing, whichever is higher)


  • 1) Injured. Roll on the Injury table (page 37).
  • 2) You suffer a crisis of faith, and leave the religion.
  • 3) You are excommunicated, or otherwise break messily with the hierarchy. One of your Contacts or Allies becomes an Enemy; if you have no Contacts or Allies, you gain an Enemy in your former brethren.
  • 4) Social oppression forces you to flee the planet. Roll Science (philosophy) 8+. If you succeed, you gain a Contact among your fellows in exile, or a believer who left behind. If you fail, reduce your Social Standing by 1.
  • 5) A mission, project, or pilgrimage goes wrong, stranding you far from home. Gain one level in Persuade, Streetwise, Survival, or Trade (any).
  • 6) You feel the call to another vocation. You may either keep the Benefit roll for this term, or get a +2 DM on the Qualification roll for your next career due to your zeal.


  • 2) Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you are not ejected from this career.
  • 3) A cult attempts to recruit you. If you refuse, gain them as a Rival. If you accept, roll Persuade 8+ or Science (philosophy) 8+. If you succeed, gain an Ally in the cult, and increase any one attribute by 1 through your fanaticism. If you fail, roll on the Mishap table, and gain an Enemy in your former associates or enemies of the cult.
  • 4) You make an unexpected connection outside your normal circles. Gain a Contact.
  • 5) You take up arms to defend the faithful (or smite the unbelievers). Gain one of Explosives 1, Gun Combat (any) 1, Leadership 1, or Melee (any) 1.
  • 6) You take a pilgrimage. Gain one of Drive (any) 1, Navigation 1, Seafarer (any) 1, or Survival 1.
  • 7) Life Event. Roll on the Life Events table (page 34).
  • 8) You have the opportunity to abuse your position for personal profit. If you do so, you receive 1d3 additional rolls on the Cash table, over and above the usual limit of three. If you refuse, you get a +2 DM to your next Advancement check.
  • 9) A church elder takes an interest in your spiritual development. Gain a +2 DM to your next Advancement check and an Ally.
  • 10) You dedicate yourself to a major artwork or construction project. Gain one level in your choice of Art (any) or Trade (any), and a +1 DM to any one Benefit roll. However, you acquire a Debt equal to one roll on the Cash table with a +1 DM.
  • 11) Your eyes are open to strange and wondrous things. Go to the Life Events table (page 34) and have an Unusual Event.
  • 12) You are an exemplar of the faith. You are automatically promoted.



  • 1) none
  • 2) Cr1,000
  • 3) Cr5,000
  • 4) Cr10,000
  • 5) Cr15,000
  • 6) Cr40,000
  • 7) Cr100,000


  • 1) +1 Int
  • 2) Contact
  • 3) +1 Edu
  • 4) Ally
  • 5) Paraphernalia or Relic (respected by the faith and/or of historic value)
  • 6) +1 Soc
  • 7) Ship Share